「Goodbye, Farewell, Hello」

The Corpses of the Alteans lined one side of the main corridor, while Galra soldiers lined the other. They had makeshift cloth laid over them, concealing their skeletal remains. It had been about thirty minutes since they began cleaning up the interior of the castle. With the help of the interior drones, repairs were underway.

So far they'd be able to take off, but they were virtually blind without the sensors and exterior visuals.

Nemoi stood over a single peculiar skeleton which wore a decorated piece of armor. It was clearly Altean in design, and its skull seemed to be permanently smiling sorrowfully up to him. "Locking me in the command center while you vented the atmosphere outside wasn't very nice, you know..." He muttered as he stared at the burn marks on the chest plate.

It was clear his father died from being gunned down. He had originally found his corpse right side the door, propped up beside a long dead tree.

Nemoi placed a hand on his father's pearly head and closed his eyes partially. "We could have both survived, and yet you sacrificed yourself. What was the point of running if I was the only one to survive? Hm?" His eyes narrowed on the empty sockets of the man's skull. "Now I have to face our princess after deserting our King, the fall of Altea. While she may forgive me, I find it hard to forgive myself."

His hand moved along the smooth surface of his father's head, down to the jaw, letting it unhinge and fall to the ground. Taking in a deep breath he closed his eyes. Concentrated on the things around him. He could feel the Quintessence which flowed in the air, through the castle itself. The artificial structure was filled with it, as were all the corpses.

"Everything has a use.. I suppose this is farewell father. I look forward to seeing you again, should Alteans all be restored..." Nemoi closed his eyes as he remembered the ending of the final season he had seen on Netflix in his past life. It seemed he didn't remember much other than his previous name, which in itself was a blur.

Glancing to the side, he narrowed on the ceiling above himself.

Pidge who was dissecting a robot paused as she glanced up to see white streams of energy traveling overhead from the corpses. One by one, she watched as the cloth which covered the bodies deflated.

"The bodies are... Disappearing?" Standing up, she walked over towards where the Galra had been laid to rest and lifted the cloth, watching as the skeletal remains fell to ashes.

She turned her head towards the man who was doing this. Her eyes widened as she saw the ball of energy forming in his hand. It was much larger than that of the spider's by many times. However, it was only as large as his head. These things were dead, but they still had life energy in them.

Most would see this as desecration of the corpses, or an easy way to incinerate the dead. She could only imagine this being used to destroy entire planets. She could only imagine the Galra using this on the entirety of Earth.

Pidge bit her lower lip as she watched him absorb the Quintessence Energy, feeding his own power. She knew that it was used to bring a longer lifespan, it could be used for other things too. In a sense, with this inexhaustible resource, Earth could rise up or destroy itself in trying.

Nemoi looked over at her, a small smile cursing his lips as the notification appeared in his view.

「5,000+ QP」

「You have 6,515 Quintessence Energy Points. Would you like to open the QShop?」

Nemoi nodded to himself and looked down towards the pile of ashes which used to be his father. He hadn't only turned the remains into ash, but also all of the Altean and Galra armor as well. However their weapons had been put into a pile within the command center. It would be best if they had been handed over to the Galaxy Garrison so they would be able to reverse engineer them.

「Virtual QShop Screen | System Alpha Version 1.3.0a | Altean Edition」

「You have 6,515 QP.」「: 0」「Vouchers: 0」

「System Upgrade」1,500 QP

「Additional Occupation Slot」2,000 QP

「Random Weapon Blueprint」1,000 QP

「Random Tool Blueprint」1,000 QP

「Random Skill Imprint」1,000 QP

「Instant Ability Upgrade +1 Lv.」2,500 QP

「Instant Occupation Upgrade +1 Lv.」3,000 QP

「Spawn Blackfox」30,000 QP

「Upgrade your System in order to unlock more choices and functions.」

"What is a Blackfox blueprint?" Nemoi whispered to himself in thought, not knowing what it was. At least not right away. Though seeing its price, he could tell it was something better than anything present. His eyes glanced over towards the ashes which now decorated the halls, then looked over towards Pidge who was reverse engineering the ten thousand year old Galra sentries.

"Hm..." He would begin to collect the cloth and the ashes together. Once he did, he used a broom to sweep it outside and onto the bank around the underground lake.

He focused on his system while he was cleaning up, getting this castle looking as if it was back in pristine condition. 'What is this Blackfox that is in the shop?' He tried to get a response, and after a brief silence, there it was.

「Answer to Inquiry: The Blackfox is a giant graphite toned robot styled after that of a Fox, made from the same interdimensional material as the Voltron Lions. It specializes in stealth and recon. Purchasing a System Upgrade, will make the Blackfox disappear from the shop until the host levels their Agent of the Throne to 10.」

Seeing the description, he nodded to himself. So this meant that if he wanted to be working directly beside the Lions and their Paladins, he would have to wait until he had enough Quintessence. He didn't mind all that much, there was still plenty he could do. However seeing the Occupation Upgrade price, it was clear that it would take time to do that as well, he only had enough to upgrade twice. That is, if the upgrade price didn't increase after first time use as a balancing mechanism.

However he was rather interested in what his occupations were. He knew what a noble was, and he knew what an Alchemist could do. His thoughts however surrounded that of the "Agent of the Throne."

「System detects another Query. The Agent of the Throne occupation signifies the host's ties to the Altean Royal House and natural fealty to Princess Allura. This occupation grants the user the automatic support of other Alteans, and technopathic access to all Altean technology.」

Thinking further into his thoughts he would find himself leaning against the door frame of the command center. He could hear Keith and Lances bickering. Mostly Keith trying to ignore Lance while looking through the Altean Castle's memory banks.

'What other Occupations are there that I could get a hold of?'

「Occupations are automatically granted, many of them have perks. For instance, adding another slot would even allow the host to become a Paladin if they are chosen by one of the lions. However after upgrading the system, Occupations can be purchased directly and even removed from your status.」

Nodding to himself, he seemed to have hit the jackpot. Though he was curious of why he didn't have a system when he first was reborn in this reality. That question was beginning to burn into the back of his mind, and the system wasn't answering the question like it had its last ones.

Maybe it didn't have the capacity to answer? Or did he have to upgrade it?

Nemoi grumbled inaudibly to himself as he looked to the ceiling once more.

Since his attention was now on the ceiling, he barely noticed as Pidge walked up to him and prodded him in the abdomen. Startled, he immediately looked down at her and blinked several times. It looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head, but he remained silent until she spoke.

"Are you okay? I know I'm not the best at this, but we're working together on this. You promised to stand by my side, to help me. So..." She glanced away from him for a moment as she watched Lance and Keith seemingly fooling around in the background. "Lean on me, would ya?"

Nemoi's face turned a slight red, blushing for a few seconds before his face cleared back up. However he chose to respond, as if he took it in a literal sense, an attempt at a joke. "Last time I did that, I almost crushed you..."

Pidge smiled blankly seeing what he was trying to do and gave a sarcastic laugh, punching his shoulder playfully. "That's not what I meant, you tall butt goober."

"I mean, I can become fun-sized too." Nemoi shrugged and grinned down at her. He could use his mimicking ability to change his height and overall appearance to look more human.

Pidge blinked a few times hearing him say he could be 'fun-sized' which made her blush. The way he had called her short was rather strange, but not abnormal. Maybe it was his way of calling her cute?

Lance looked over Keith's shoulder towards Pidge who was in the doorway, blushing up at the alien. He raised a brow slightly, "Didn't know he went that way. Maybe that's why he rejected going into town to pick up girls," he laughed quietly to himself.

Keith arched a brow and glanced over his shoulder, looking at the feminine 'boy' who was standing before the elf eared Alien. "Hm, do you think... Nevermind."

Lance raised a brow seeing Keith's conflict of thought as he walked away from the terminal and made his way towards the two of them.

"Can I talk to you..." Keith squinted slightly, "What is your name?"

Nemoi stared at the man for a few moments before shrugging slightly. "Nemoi, Nemoi Vargon."

Keith nodded hearing the man's name.

Pidge looked over at him, but didn't leave Nemoi alone with the stranger that it seemed only Lance currently knew personally. He seemed like someone who acted before he thought things through, someone who ran on instinct.

Keith reached behind him, to on sheath what sounded like a knife.

Pidge used a slight of hand, placing her hand on the grip of the pistol she had been given to Nemoi.

"I want you to see something, tell me if you know anything about it." He pulled the blade he had inherited from his mother and held it out for the man to see.

Nemoi stared at it for a few moments, he instantly knew what it was, and looked up at him for a few moments. "That blade belongs to a secret resistance group run by Galra who were disillusioned with Emepror Zarkon's rule. Since you have that weapon, I'm going to assume you have Galra blood running through your veins. Which means you would be able to join them and bring them into an alliance to bring down the Empire."

Pidge blinked a few times and looked at Keith when the assumption was made.

Keith stared blankly hearing the instant response. "Join them...? What exactly are the Galra exactly? From your records, they're purple humanoids, I'm not even purple."

Nodding slightly at his question, Nemoi was rather curious as well. "It is weird that you're not purple, but that proves your genetics are considered dominant to the Galra."

"Since you know about this... Do you know what's causing the strange energy that I'm feeling nearby?" He asked curiously, speaking of the energy belonging to the blue lion which was in the mountain range near their general location.

"That's the Blue Lion of Voltron."

Pidge froze hearing him speak of a Lion being of Voltron and raised a brow. "You weren't going to share this with us?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"You never asked," Nemoi said with a truthful tone, a sharp exhale leaving his lips. "You were going to find out on your own anyways in a week once the sensors were restored." His eyes glanced over towards Lance. "The Lion chose him as the Pilot, but if he activates the Lion, the Galra will come and no one will be here when Shiro returns."

The moment he said Shiro's name, Lance Pidge and Keith all locked their eyes on Nemoi. He had their full attention, Lance even made his way over since he heard his personal hero's name.