
Sitting on top of the rebuilt shack with her gear, Pidge seemed like she was listening to the alien chatter and broadcasts within the solar system. There was still talk of Voltron, but the chatter was becoming even more relevant and hysterical.

Katie Holt was dressed in a black jumpsuit, with a white and green belt. She even had a pair of combat boots. It appeared as if she was wearing an incomplete set of paladin armor. On her hip was a piece of technology that looked similar to that of a Tomodachi pet with a hexagon shaped button that lit up a bright neon green. There were also other neon green lights on the item, but only the one was a button.

According to Nemoi, this was the day in which Shiro was going to come crashing down from the sky. At first she didn't seem to believe it. That was until something was caught in the corner of her eye.

The loud boom which could be heard as the vessel broke through the atmosphere finally caught her attention. Turning her head to look over, she saw the bright red orange flame engulfed Galra shuttle come hurtling towards their general location.

"Woah..." Pidge exclaimed as she watched it. It came so close to the shack during its descent, she could feel the heat. A gust of wind rushed passed her. She closed her eyes as her shortened hair whipped around.

This was like watching all those science fiction movies when she was a kid. She always watched them with her brother and father. That was before they had been taken away. She opened her eyes as the ship finally crashed less than a mile away. The ground shook and cracked slightly. It was as if it was going to give into the stress from the sudden impact. It had landed right on top of where the Castle of Chimeras was hidden.

That was no coincidence, at least that was what she was thinking as she climbed down.

Suddenly the device which was on her hip started to chime a willy-nilly toon, flashing with green lights. It was circular in appearance, flat on one side. As she pressed the single hexagon shaped button on top of the device, it beeped three times.

"This is Nemoi Vargon. Shiro has landed, it's imperative we recover him from the shuttle immediately. We have a matter of hours before his location is traced. And once his location is traced, we'll have only a few minutes to make our escape off world." He informed Katie and the rest of the Paladins present on Earth.

One could only Assume Lance was sleeping or prowling the town. Keith was in his little shack off in the middle of nowhere. On the other hand, it seemed Hunk and Pidge were the only ones to stay near the castle in the first place.

In a matter of minutes, Nemoi made his appearance climbing out of the hatch within the shack and walking out onto the desert. Walking up behind Katie, they both admired the flames left behind from the crash.

"Think he's alright?" She seemed worried, though she knew that he was going to be alive.

"He should be fine, with a little bit of amnesia though," Nemoi yawned slightly. He was dressed in his dark Guns of Gamara themed Paladin armor. His face completely concealed. He didn't seem to be carrying any weapons on him this time, other than the shotos which had been incorporated into the arms of his armor.

The two of them began to move towards the craft. There were vehicles closing in on their location, but it appeared that Nemoi was completely ignoring their presence.

"Shouldn't we move a bit faster?" Katie asked as she walked beside him, still matching his pace.

"If that's Admiral Sanda, I'll be rather unamused." Nemoi said as he glanced over at her through his armor's visor. While it was tinted to the point that others could not see in, he had no problem seeing out. "However, they'll still want to acquire the Galra craft. We're only here to acquire Shiro." He'd say rather casually.

Katie raised a brow and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. The closer they got to the crash, the other it was. Though she could tell the desert breeze was quickly cooling it down. "Are you hot in that thing?"

"Nope, not at all. This suit of armor is completely insulated against Temperature." Nemoi snickered as he turned to look at her with a tilt of the head. "The jumpsuit should do the same, but you lack a..." He looked at her brown hair as it moved with the hot air brushing passed them. "Helmet."

Katie just stared at him for a few seconds after he had paused, before shrugging slightly. "Guess you're going in alone then, huh?" She crossed her arms as she leaned back on one leg; jerking her head slightly to get a move on.

Rolling his eyes slightly hearing her, Nemoi chuckled and waltzed up to the shuttle door. Then as he placed a hand against the door, the clear sound of sizzling could be heard.

In that instant he was frozen there for a few seconds until he took a few steps back. The blades from the shotos extending from his forearms before he slashed the door open. Causing it to collapse and reveal the interior.

Wires and sparks. It was clear there was some damage, but the vessel was still partially operational. There was no real damage to the fuel line, so there was no immediate danger. Walking into the ship, he closed in on the pilots chair and found a semi-conscious Shiro.

"We have to warn them... They're coming. They destroy worlds! The Galra, they're coming!"

"I know, we're getting ready for them..."

Hearing the man speak, Shiro turned his head slightly, trying to keep his eyes open amidst the heat. A dark figure, neon green V shape on the visor. "Wait... Wha...Vol...Voltron? Are you..."

"Save it, Shiro. We already have one location secured. Once you've been recovered, we can continue operations." He stated as he helped the man to his feet. The first thing Nemoi noticed was the white hair from the stress of torture. From what he could recall from his past life, this was the original Shiro. This wasn't a clone.

However because Nemoi had left the Chimeras, it was clear that he was suppose to be detected. This was not to be the case, his system protected him. The armor without his knowledge was had the effect to conceal his energy.

Once they were clear of the Galra Shuttle, he sat Shiro down beside Katie who sat down beside him with her knees close to her chest.

Shiro glanced over at Katie for a moment, he was covered in sweat. He felt as if he was hallucinating. Was he sitting beside Matthew? No, that didn't seem to be the case, this person was much too small. "Hmm..." He groaned and looked up at the being who stood over him. "Who... Who are you?"

"You may call me Lord Nemoi Vargon, or Nemoi for short. War is no place for formalities," Nemoi informed the rather unstable man.

Shiro cringed, yet managed to smile hearing those words. That's when he would collapse unconscious, Katie attempting to catch him with one of her arms on instinct. She however was brought down with him due to his size and added weight of the synthetic limb.

Before his head hit the ground however, Nemoi grabbed him by the collar with one hand and halted his descend. Saving Katie from being partially hurt by the superior weight of the larger man.

Letting out a sigh of relief as she wasn't crushed, Katie stood up and dusted the sand off her jumpsuit. Looking over at Nemoi as he was picking Shiro up with abnormal inhuman strength, she pursed her lips slightly. "Scrawny dude with brawns," she remarked as she rested her arms behind her head.

"I prefer brains," Nemoi snickered as they made their way back underground to the Chimeras Castle. Once they were within the safety of the castle, they made their way into the infirmary and rested Shiro down on one of the beds.

As soon as his head hit the pillow, Shiro's eyes opened once again and he shot up. Snapping his head side to side, he then focused on the man in the alien-like armor. He seemed to have not retained the introduction from earlier and if it had not been for Katie stepping in front of him, he might have charged him.

Shiro just sat there, staring as Katie took off her glasses. "Welcome Home, Shiro." She gave him a partial smile.

"They're coming! World destroyers! They're the Galra!" Shiro was shouting again, but quickly calmed down. He wasn't being forced back down on to the bed, they were just calmly looking at him.

"We already know. We're working against it." Katie said as she gestured towards the man in the suit who stood behind her. "This is Nemoi, he tried to introduce himself to you earlier."

Shiro placed a hand on the side of his head, nodding slightly. His eyes shifted about the extraterrestrial room. It didn't look like anything from Earth. "Nemoi... He's not from Earth, is he?" He looked passed Katie, directly at the man.

"No, no he's not." Nemoi removed his helmet and revealed his true self to the man, also having referred to himself in third person. The first thing Shiro took in was the silver-white hair, pale blue eyes and the elf-like ears. He looked nothing like a Galra, but he didn't look human.

Katie crossed her arms over her chest and stepped out from between them.

"I'm an Altean, one of few remaining." Nemoi knew of Lotor's colony. It was on his hit list, but he wasn't going to reveal he knew about it just yet. He needed to get the Princess first. If he could get to them prior to them being brainwashed against Voltron, and turn them against Lotor, he could build a New Altea. On top of that, topple the Galra regime over the universe. "They, the Galra, destroyed my world and slaughtered my people."

Shiro understood his presence, but he could tell that when Nemoi was speaking to him, he wasn't looking at him. Following Nemoi's gaze, he looked at the false arm which had been implanted on him.

"That will be useful in your fight against the Galra," Nemoi stated with a light sigh before turning away from him and walking towards the door. "Let's get moving. We have a few hours until the sun rises."

Suddenly both Keith and Lance came rushing into the room. Competitive as ever, they got stuck coming in through the door. Fighting who could pass first, it seemed Nemoi didn't care and grabbed the both. Tossing them aside, letting them skid on the floor.

"I foresee many trust exercises," Nemoi grinned at the two of them, both of them shivering. He could only imagine Keith and Lance letting each other fall during the trust fall for the sake of giggles. He knew they wouldn't let him down in the end however.

Katie on the other hand pulled up a chair and sat beside the infirmary bed. "Nemoi says my father and brother are still alive. Matthew and Samuel Holt. Do you remember what happened to them? Where are they?" Her eyes were pleading, but it was as Nemoi said.

"Sorry... There are patches in my memory that are missing... I wish I could tell you." Was all Shiro could say in this respect. He was just completely focused on getting Voltron before the Galra could find it, the only weapon that can defeat them.