「Send Back Sendak」

「Congratulations, you have obtained 32,500 QT. Would you like to purchase the Blackfox?」

Nodding as this notification appeared, his inventory made a ding sound. It was a very chipper sound, pleasant to the ears. He looked back at the eight ruined trees he had left in his wake. It looked as if there had been a controlled forest fire here, eliminating only the 'infected' plantlife.

With the steady approach of Sendak and his vessel, there were many choices for Nemoi. He could allow Voltron to deal with them as they originally had. Or he could join them in their infiltration to acquire the Red Lion, which ultimately gave him the choice to assassinate the Galra bridge crew. Thus that would not only eliminate the threat of Sendak, but it would definitely spiral the timeline down an unpredictable path. Though there was also the possibility that the timeline would try to repair itself, by replacing Sendak with another Galra commander.

Thoughts rushed through the back of his mind as he was walking back towards the Castle of Lions. His eyes was focused on the sky. He could see the one Lion returning to the castle, as well as the shuttle that they had taken.

The Green Lion was what had his attention. It was clear that they were returning safely. There was no lag, no damage. It was known to him that they hadn't run into any trouble. He knew that they had gone to the planet which held hospitable life forms reminiscent of the megasloth.

Personally he loved the Sloth as a creature, and it was a relatable sin. Humans and all life was inherently lazy to the point that if they didn't have to work, it was likely they wouldn't. The only time the sin becomes a problem is if they do not act when they should. That is what allows entire worlds, communities and civilizations to crumble.

He had watched this happen as King Alfor refused to send out the Voltron Lions against Zarkon. It was an idiotic mistake, but it was one that allowed humanity to join in on the fry.

With a slight frown across his lips, he scaled the formation and made it to the top just as the lions were coming in for a landing. He quickly walked up to Pidge and Shiro as they departed from the Green Lion in the courtyard of the Castle.

"Welcome back," Nemoi said with a small smile across his lips as Katie turned and looked over at him. Smiling seeing Nemoi back by the time they had returned, she walked over and clasped her hand with his as he held it out.

"Hey Nemoi, enjoy your walk?"

Shiro looked over at them, the Alien and the daughter of his commanding officer, Samuel Holt. Her father was indeed a special kind of man. To see his daughter so close to an alien however, seemed odd. Especially since he could see the difference in the way they look at each other.

Katie saw a steadfast follower who would go with her wherever she went, no matter if she chose to reacquaint his feelings or not, she had him on a string. However when he looked at Nemoi, he was lovestruck, attached and above all, all too interested in her to the point that he'd dot on her.

He saw this as dangerous, but also at the same time it was a good thing. There was someone to have her back, someone that would help her get her parents back, and someone for her to relate to.

However when he looked passed him, his eyes narrowed on the Chimeras Castle which was now visible. It was seated in the forest, as if it had always been there. Adam was there, a small smile forming over his lips.

"Lets get inside. The Galra are almost here," Nemoi managed to usher them inside to the command center of the Lion's Castle.

As they entered the room, Shiro and Katie stood side by side while Nemoi would lean against the wall beside the door. It was around this time that the Blue Lion had come out of the wormhole and were making their way over to the Castle.

Keith was leaning against the wall beside Nemoi, briefly looking over at him before looking forward. "Personally I didn't think you would come back?"

Raising a brow, Nemoi calmly looked over at the red paladin and chuckled a bit. "Oh, and why is that?"

"You were completely out of it when we arrived. When you said you were going to go out for a walk, I assumed you were going to run away from yourself." Keith said as he had his arms crossed over his chest. His dark eyes piercing through the man. "Glad to see you came back though." He looked forward and rested his eyes on the Princess and Coran. "We'll need all the support we can get."

Rolling his eyes, Nemoi snorted. "Yeah, no kidding." He didn't seem at all bothered by Keith's opinion or assumption that he wasn't going to come back. If anything he didn't even address it and only followed after his last statement. "Especially with Lance."

Keith snickered at that, raising a brow slightly as he looked over at the door as it slid open. In came Hunk and Lance who seemed battle worn, tired and sore.

"Ooo, looks like you two had a rough time." Nemoi snickered a bit as he scratched beneath his chin with the back of his nails. They were flat, cold and felt soft to the touch.

Nemoi watched as they all gathered in front of Allura. He wasn't entirely interested in what was going on, because he had other plans going on in his head. If he went with them, there were many possibilities of what could do down.

That's when the Holographic display which surrounded them from overhead twitched. Everyone went silent for a moment until the Galra Commander known as Sendak announced his presence.

"Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me, or I'll destroy your planet."

With that, without waiting for an official response, the transmission cut.

Shiro immediately spoke the forbidden words, telling us not to panic.

The first thing Hunk did however was speak up against this. "Not Panic? The scary purple alien thing is driving a battleship right for us!" It was rather entertaining to watch.

Pidge, Katie, was not phased by this at all. She wore a small frown, her eyes just observing his usual antics. She wasn't really panicking, she had a lion, she her confidence was nearly full.

As they began to make their plans, they spoke of using Pidge and the Green Lion since the Galra weren't currently expecting it. It was a good plan, it was a plan that would work. On top of that, the only reason for this was because Allura found that the Red Lion was on board Sendak's ship.

"I'll join you three on the Green Lion," Nemoi stated, his eyes cutting off Allura's voice before she could object. She just stared at him as just his gaze told her not to oppose his choice. He knew she didn't want one of the last few Alteans to die, but it wasn't her choice. It was his own.

Allura reluctantly nodded, Shiro just looked over at him again.

"Aren't you supposed to fall in line behind the Princess of Altea, your home?" Shiro questioned him, believing that he had been committing insubordination towards Princess Allura.

"Altea is gone, Shiro. She is a Princess of this Castle, there is nothing else left." His eyes spoke everything. Allura may be the Princess of Altea, but Altea was gone. He may be Altean, but he had been sleeping for Ten Thousand Years. "Even then, A Sovereign can point, but it is a soldier who knows where they're supposed to be."

For the past week, he lived without a Master. And from then on, he never wanted to have another Master again. Nothing and no one will be above him, nor below him.

Allura's eyes lowered hearing this. It was clear he sounded bitter towards the idea of being benched. They both lost their fathers, friends and family to the war with the Galra. Both of them wanted to put an end to the suffering.

This may as well be the only way.

Allura nodded, "He's right. I am the Princess of this Castle, the Castle of Lions. He is not a Paladin, but he is an Altean. He is a living, breathing person. He can choose what he wants to do. If he wants to render aid, so be it."

Nemoi bowed his head toward the Princess, looked at Lance who was giving him the stink eye, before smirking slightly.

Though Katie approved that Nemoi had chosen to help, she didn't necessarily like how he spoke to the Princess. While it wasn't entirely disrespectful or false, it was still rude, having pointed out her lack of Authority.

This was not apparent on her face as she had conflicting thoughts on it. However when he turned his attention to her, with a gentle and welcoming smile, she returned the smile with an awkward one of her own.

Nemoi took a mental note of the awkward smile, it wasn't one of her usual. He turned and left the command room and headed towards the Green Lion. He had already retrieved the helmet from his Castle, it was in his inventory with the Blackfox.


Mere moments later, Allura was introducing the group to their bayards. The traditional weapon of the Paladins. Though it was more so a key for the special abilities of Voltron while they were all connected together.

The plan was soon in action. Lance and Hunk went up to 'surrender' their lions to the Galra in an attempt to distract them while the Green lion approached unhindered. It was a sitch.

The squad entered through the bottom of the ship, cutting in through the hull with their newly acquired weapon, the Bayard. Nemoi was rather sad that he had missed the whole zapping of Lance, but was still snickering about it under his darkened helmet.

They'd soon found themselves inside what appeared to be a large, wide open, area within the ship's interior. There were vertical energy nodes, beaming with purple lethal energies.

"We're in," Pidge reported over her communications. This was the cue for the ones outside to give up the act and resist. This was around the time the tractor beam was activating, so they only had a matter of time.

As they moved deeper into the ship, the group of four found themselves in a corridor which split into a threeway. Looking in all directions, it appeared that Shiro knew the layout, he had been here before. As soon as he revealed that, he caught Katie's attention.

When Shiro decided to go with Katie who wanted to check on the prisoners and free them in hopes of finding something on her father and brother. Nemoi chose to go in another direction, towards the lights which were coming down the hall.

Keith, Katie and Shiro couldn't do anything as their friend charged in the direction of hostiles. They simply booked it, running in the respective directions of their goals.

Nemoi activated the stealth suite on his suit, vanishing from sight as the sentries and Galra officers came around the corner.

At that moment they paused and looked around. "Did you hear that?" They could hear the sound of his footsteps, yet saw nothing. Suddenly their eyes locked onto two white lines heading towards them. "What is..."

The Galra officer's head left is shoulders with a swift movement of the white entity. At closer inspection, it was a blade, which the others didn't notice until it was too late.

"Shoot it!" The sounds of Galra blasters rang through the corridor for a few moments, then there was silence. The only thing that broke this silence was the fall of the sentries to the ground, with loud metallic thuds.

Nemoi had decapitated his enemies, using the element of surprise and little visibility to his advantage. He then continued towards the direction of the lift which would lead to the bridge, after taking the Galra ID's and reducing the corpses to ash by taking their Quintessence. If he were to kill the command crew, mainly Haxus and Sendak, he'd be able to protect the powersource of the castle as well as to eliminate a future threat.