
The warship creaked and moaned, lights began to flicker. The energy used for powering the essentials on board, were being redirected to the ion cannon. A containment breach was emininant as the ship could no longer power the reactor's variable confinement beams. Energy was arching out throughout the vessel's corridors.

There Nemoi was, walking along the center of the hangar. He was closing in on the Blackfox which as soon as it spotted him entering the room, stood up on all fours. As he marched towards it, the sentient creature built of machine, marched towards him with a grin of glee.

"Die Altean," Zarkon's voice echoed throughout the halls as he had remotely gained access to the ship's internal communications systems.

"Pitty..." He muttered to himself as he yawned, the Fox leaning down and opening its mouth. Like a clueless rabbit, Nemoi climbed in and entered the cockpit soon after.

The large pod containing the Gladiator Robeast clashed with the hull of the Galra Warship's Ion Cannon, ripping through the barrel as it fired. The ensuing explosion engulfed the entire vessel.

Allura who was heading down towards the planet surface, watched as her surroundings briefly darkened and a shockwave shook her shuttle. She grasped at the dashboard as she felt herself flung forward slightly.

She regained control of her shuttle in a quick fashionable manner and swung it to the side. She hovered there, her eyes wide open as she watched the Galra warship explode a multitude of times. This was followed by her eyes being glued on a single Galra pod about the size of Voltron if not bigger, rushing down to the planet surface.

"The Paladins need to get to their Lions!" She shouted with a very worrisome tone. She didn't know if Nemoi was alive, harmed or even badly singed. However, their survival was the only thing that mattered now.

Allura quickly dove down towards the Castle of Lions. The alarms could be seen and heard to be blaring. It was obvious that the Lions were already getting ready for launch. It was only a matter of time.

Pidge had been in the command center during this unsettling scene. She learning more Altean written language so that she would know more about the Castle and its technology.

When the Galra ship suddenly exploded after the proximity alarm went off, her eyes were locked on the screen which zoomed in on the warship which combusted. She could feel her face tensing up, her eyes glossening and her face was turning red. It was clear with the quivering of her lower lip, she thought the worst.

There had been no warning from Nemoi, no confirmation of an enemy. Just that single explosion followed by the alien craft bursting out of the flames.

It was clear the Galra had targeted him, but they didn't understand why. They had no knowledge about his call to the Emperor and his Witch. All he had done was make the Monarch angry, and his advisor and master of his druids confused. The universe was changing in little ways, but hardly breaking away from the things he remembered.

The Galra vessel crashed in the open, or more so landed with its tip in the ground. Voltron was on the scene within moments of its arrival. Sword and shield at the ready, they had no idea what they were dealing with.

Even when the weapon became obvious as the vessel disassembled itself to reveal the robeast inside. It was clear that Voltron was about to meet a very powerful foe that no one has seen before.

As the three hundred and thirty meter tall Voltron weapon stood on the plains, the three hundred and twenty meter tall monstrocity opened its eyes. However, just as it went to raise its weapon, a single creature standing Ninety meters in height cratered into the ground a half kilometer behind the monster.

The ground quaked beneath their feet due to the uncontrolled impact. Their view askew as dust and dirt blanketed the area. What was it? Who was it?

As the cloud dust and dirt cleared, there was a humanoid machine with a fox like head, holding the typical hero landing pose with a fist fixed into the ground.

As it raised its head, the sound of mechanical high pitched laughter filling the air, "Wahahahaaha~" It was the laugh of a fox. The Blackfox had transformed into a smaller human shape, similar to voltron and even doubled in size as it had originally only been forty five meters in length.

Compared to the Black Lion which was forty meters(According to GoLion), the Black Fox was five meters larger. When the Voltron transformed, it became three hundred and thirty meters, which meant all of the sizes of the other lions including the black were multiplied by two, and an additional ten meters was added.

The fight was paused for only a few seconds before the Gladiator who saw the opening, released its magnetic ball of energy out towards its primary target: Voltron.

Oddly enough the outer armor of the Black Fox in this humanoid form, held a resemblance to Japanese plated Samurai armor. On its left hip was a samurai sword with neon blue accents. As the larger machine was focused on Voltron, it began to draw its weapon.

This weapon was not curved like the modern traditional samurai blade, but straight edged, more akin to the more ancient designs. The Fox darted forward, aided by its own thrusters, it skimmed along the ground as it raised its weapon above its head. It aimed to take out the weapon arm, but just as it was about to do so, the creature whipped around and flicked its wrist.

The magnetic ball of energy smashed into the Fox's side and sent it barreling over the hills and smashing into the side of a nearby mountain.

"Nemoi! Can you hear me!?"

He who rested his head on the side of the cockpit's dash, groaned. Blood oozing from his forehead and the corner of his lip, which he had bit. "Pidge...?" He said in a daze, the fox beginning to stand up under his command.


He could hear her calling his name, yet it seemed she wasn't able to hear him respond. He looked over at the communications console to his right and paused. There were little lights flickering beneath the buttons, indicating trouble with the power flow.

Groaning to himself, Nemoi coughed slightly before wiping his mouth. He would begin to charge towards the Gladiator as Voltron was smacking it down after dodging its ball.

"For Order!" He shouted, pulled back the blade, jumped and threw it at the power pack which connected to the back of the robeast just moments before the ball hit him again. The fox spiraled through the air, crashing into Voltron's open arms and sending them both to the ground.

His blade however made its mark, in a way. As it had moved to intercept them both, the blade itself was guided, a set of thrusters on the end of its hilt. The weapon proceeded to slash the cord to the quintessence powering the weapon and the robeast.

The Robeast fell into a kneeling position as Voltron stood and brought the fox up to its feet.

"Nemoi, are you there!? Why aren't you answering?"

He could hear Pidge talking, yet he knew he couldn't respond. She sounded worried. And soon enough, he could hear Allura asking the same from the Castle. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He could see through the eyes of the fox.

"Strike it down..." He muttered under his breath.

The Paladins could hear the roaring of the lion's in their heads. As if they were talking to them. Following the suggestion of their lions, which in turn had heard the fox, who conveyed his message. The paladins would bring about the shoulder mounted cannon and take aim. It began to charge, but there wasn't much time.

The robeast was repairing itself.

Just before they were able to pull the trigger, the Robeast stood back up and recalled the magnetic ball of energy. The ball smashed Voltron from behind, sending them forward to the ground. They clumsily fired the shot into the dirt as their footing was lost, the grounds erupted, sending the smaller robot fox flying backward in a swirling back flip.

Crashing head first into the ground, the fox was knocked out of the battle. Its controls were no longer responding. All other output systems weren't correspondent.

In that moment, Nemoi was trapped in the cockpit. After releasing his seat buckle, he stood crouched on the backrest of the pilot chair. His eyes narrowed out the viewport windows as Voltron began to fight back against the Gladiator.

"It appears he remembers fighting him before... Wish it was just a bit earlier though," Nemoi spat in disappointment before turning around and climbing out of the chair. He'd land beside the door to exit into the main body of the robot, and pried the door open manually as it also didn't respond.

By the time he got outside of the fox, the battle was over and the Gladiator exploded. Voltron stood there victorious with sword in hand.

The straight edged samurai sword landing directly beside him, having been launched into the air by the explosion. If it had only been a few more yards over, he would have been obliterated by the impact.

Nemoi gulped slightly as he looked over at the massive sharp object, before narrowing his eyes on Voltron as it began to make its way over to him.

Licking the corner of his lip which was bleeding, he would wipe the blood from his forehead before it could get into his eyes more than it already was.

Voltron approached him as it continued to disassemble into the five separate lions. They crowded around the area in which the fox was.

"You beat us several times, how come you couldn't beat the Gladiator?" Keith said as he was practically making fun of him.

Nemoi simply gave him a look before shaking his head, picking at the tender area on his forehead. "You know... If I beat you several times, then doesn't that mean you were a lot weaker than the Gladiator Shiro fought in captivity?"

Pidge who was watching from behind the others ran over as she noticed the blood. She could tell he had been trying to wipe it away, or even hide it.

"Woah," Shiro picked up on what she was looking at as there was a sizable gash on his forehead, and the corner of his lip was busted. "Let's get you to the infirmary. We'll get the fox into the hangar to allow repairs to go unimpeded."

Nemoi nodded slightly as he grasped Pidge's hand which was moving his hair aside. His silver-white hair was being stained by a bright red crimson hue. "Alright," he said with a small smile across his lips, following Pidge back toward the Green Lion.