Bittersweet reunion

"That's the plan, yes. I need to explain things to General Petra, and we'll need to properly rest from the battle. The Featherwind Sect and the Imperial Council have greatly exceeded our expectations. We need to maneuver carefully for our strategy to succeed."

"Your plan with the Imperial Princesses and Imperian Qiang, right? Are you sure they're worth the trouble?" Commander Christina narrowed her eyes with a dangerous undertone. "Trusting them might cost us."

"The alternatives are not much better. I believe this plan is worth gambling on."

"This isn't a game, Elizabeth. These are human lives you're gambling on."

The girl took a deep breath. "I know. I'll make sure it succeeds."

"As long as you understand… Are you sure you don't want to report that you're alive back to the kingdom? This is something that the capital should know about. We should report back to avoid pandemonium."

"I want to keep as few people as possible informed. If the Imperial Council or the Li Family catches on, it'll be disastrous. As the saying goes, to fool our enemies, we need to fool our friends."

"Elizabeth, haven't you thought about it? We're approaching the end of the year now, which means the inheritance race is ending too. Should you remain missing, then your candidacy will be forfeit. All your effort will have gone to waste."

Elizabeth played with the Holy Reingolian Medallion around her neck and smiled wryly. "Some things are not up to me to decide. You know that too, right? The fact that I'm here means…"

Her aunt sighed. Of course, she understood what that meant. "Since you want to remain as discreet as possible, there's a supply convoy leaving Liguang for the Yunyun Stronghold in a few days. We're supposed to be rotating soldiers out, and I can arrange for you to join them. However, meeting General Petra without exposing your identity will be difficult because you won't be able to pull the same trick that you did on me. I've written a letter that you can deliver to General Petra that explains the circumstances. It's a routine procedure, meaning it won't arouse any suspicion. I'll also send over a physician first thing in the morning along with some supplies, so you'll have to bear camping out here for another night."

"That won't be a problem. Thank you for everything, Auntie Christina!"

"I should head back now. I can't be away for too long."


Christina smiled and rubbed her head again. "You've grown up, Elizabeth. I remember you were getting scolded by Victoria for fighting with Edward. What was it again? He ate your favorite snack, so you put cow manure in his shoes?" She burst into gut-wrenching laughter.

"That was self-defence," Elizabeth blushed.

"There was also that time you shoved your work onto your little sister Aisa, so you could run and goof off. You were forced to stay in the barn for a whole week because of that. Your parents were furious!"

"You don't have to remind me," she pouted.

"What I'm trying to say is… you can take care of yourself now, but you're still too reckless. Don't make everyone worry about you. Promise me that you won't do anything as reckless as this again. Promise me that, Elizabeth."

"I promise, Auntie Christina."

Two days later, a convoy was assembling in the military camp. It would rotate soldiers stationed on the frontlines to rest in the rear, while the rearguard would take their place. It was effective in ensuring that everyone's alertness remained high. At the same time, the convoy would also transport essential supplies, wounded personnel, or routine reports. Logistics was one of the core challenges of every army after all. For example, Commander Christina's five thousand strong brigade in Liguang consumed more than ten cattle per day! There were other food supplies required, such as wheat and barley, for the horses and other beasts of burden. Weapons and armor, spare parts, medical supplies, and clothing added to that too, amounting to a staggering number of supplies per day. From this, it could be seen how important an effective supply convoy was. Elizabeth remembered a military theory that fighting was easy, whereas logistics was hard. As the kingdom extended their frontlines further into the empire, this problem would only continue to grow. It was one of the main hurdles in their war campaign!

Owing to the convoy's large size, it was easy to slip in unnoticed with the kingdom's uniforms and Commander Christina's help. Elizabeth and the others went to work as labourers and helped organize the convoy. Everyone was unaccustomed to manual labor, so they struggled at every step of the way. It was a novel experience for them to be yelled at! Only Elizabeth seemed to be fully immersed in her element like a fish in water. She jumped from post to post and thoroughly showcased her sixteen years of experience! Her enthusiastic work ethic surprised everyone that knew her identity. It was rare to see her so happy. Even if by some chance the empire caught wind that Elizabeth returned, no one would expect that this hardworking girl to be a princess!

Before long, the convoy leader walked into the Christina's tent and reported, "Commander, the supply convoy is ready to depart. Awaiting your command."

"Permission granted. Safe travels," she replied absentmindedly.

"As you command."

They walked away, leaving Commander Christina to be lost in her own thoughts. Of course, she would have loved to accompany Elizabeth to the Yunyun Stronghold too, but she could not. Moving her forces would be an open declaration that Elizabeth had returned. To maintain the guise that they were still searching, she had to stay in Liguang. Not to mention, she needed to keep up her depressed and volatile behavior to prevent anyone from catching on. Even going to the convoy and seeing Elizabeth off would be strange. She sighed. Both Elizabeth and her had their own responsibilities. Would there ever come a time where they could live carefreely? Commander Christina casted one final glance in the convoy's direction. Perhaps it was an impossible dream. She only hoped that Elizabeth would stay safe.

Elizabeth sat in one of the rear carriages and looked back at the receding Liguang, her thoughts the same as her aunt. It was a bittersweet reunion. Alas, she needed to do her job. Her eyes pointed forward… to the Yunyun Stronghold! Their journey back was uneventful, but remarkably cold. As they entered mid-December, winter had descended onto the world and shrouded the land in a white embrace. Elizabeth curled up in her shoddy cloak and shivered to herself, while the others on the carriage did the same. Her warm breath was the only way she could heat up her freezing fingers. A cold breeze swept snow inside and onto her face, causing her to sneeze. She was utterly miserable. Although being the heir apparent came with its own fair share of drawbacks, a nice comfy and warm carriage would be divine! Her only saving solace was that she could see the Yunyun Stronghold in the distance. They had finally arrived!

The convoy stopped and allowed everyone to disembark. Elizabeth hopped off and stretched her stiff joints, happy to see familiar sights again. She felt her shoulders drop from the tension leaving her body. These last few weeks have been truly stressful where the smallest mistake could cost her. She could not afford to relax at all. However, now that she returned here, all her worries vanished. The Yunyun Stronghold had already been transformed into the Alzar Kingdom's main base of operations in the Xingyuu Empire. Alzar soldiers could be seen marching up and down the streets, while glider squadrons occasionally patrolled overhead. It was incredibly secure and fortified now!

According to what Elizabeth knew, the stronghold should have a force exceeding one hundred thousand soldiers, while around fifty thousand were deployed to the frontlines in the Samfeng Province, and some tens of thousands were responsible for miscellaneous tasks like logistics, communication, intelligence gathering, and general security. Until their logistics networks over the Maelstrom Gulf and the Samfeng Province were completed, this was close to their fundamental limit. Nevertheless, this totaled to approximately two hundred thousand in the Xingyuu Empire! It was a massive mind-boggling number of troops! One had to admire the skill required to manage a small fraction of this alone. General William, General Petra, General Dennis, along with Prince Dannark and Lord Illion were worthy of praise!