Di Shenzhao

Afterwards, things became hectic as expected. The Alzar Kingdom's entire army of one hundred and ninety thousand marched south of the Quiton Gates, officially entering the Wu-Lin Province! In doing so, they forwent any defense of their captured territories in the Samfeng Province, which allowed the Li Family's army along the Tailong River to push in without resistance. Territory was quickly changing hands, but General Petra was unbothered because their final objective was to take the empire's capital, Yongtein. The Samfeng Province was only a steppingstone to that plan! As they charged into various towns and settlements, the people were obviously resistant to the kingdom's conquest. They took up arms and prepared to clash to the death! Thankfully though, the Imperial Princesses were able to appease their concerns as they guaranteed the peoples' safety. After all, no one wanted to die. Elizabeth kept her word and barred the army from doing anything untoward. In just two days, many towns fell until they reached their first major obstacle, the provincial capital of the Wu-Lin Province, Di Shenzhao.

Currently, this city housing more than a million people was in a state of total pandemonium. News of the Quiton Gates falling came swiftly like a peal of thunder, shaking everyone to their roots. They were completely dumbfounded, flabbergasted, and astonished the Alzar Kingdom could breach their final defensive line! People stormed the streets, grabbing whatever worldly possessions they had, and fled south towards Yongtein. Horses and carriages ran amok, neighing and stomping on random pedestrians. The cries and wails of children were drowned out by the constant shouting and cursing of adults. They snatched and stole whatever they could, decimating stores and stalls along the way. It was a total mess. The government practically disappeared the second the news arrived, leaving zero leadership and structure, and what remained of the city guard was overwhelmed. Yet, try as they might to flee, the kingdom was simply faster, having reached and invaded the city before long. It was a dark day for everyone.

A long procession of horses trotted through the desolate main road carrying the kingdom's banner with a viciously oppressive air. They were like grim reapers, waiting to reap the lives of anyone bold enough to challenge their claim! They were death incarnate! Naturally, the people hid inside their houses, blocked their windows and doors, and prayed for salvation. None of them had the courage to make a noise, much less resist. Families were huddled together, fearing the pain and torment to come. This left the once-bustling city quiet, so quiet that it was borderline scary. One could hear the wind whistling between the buildings it was that quiet. As Princess Xiuying and Ming marched at the front of the convoy, their faces were wreathed in sadness. They had come to Di Shenzhao many times in the past and admired its unique lively charm. It was a city rich in character and history! Now though, it was a hollow shell of its former glory.

"Let them go!" They turned to a second-floor window where a child shouted from. "Let our princesses go!" the boy valiantly shouted.

"We're not-" Xiuying tried explaining.

"Let them go!"

Xiuying showed a bitter expression, realizing how awkward her circumstances looked. Anyone would think they were captured by the Alzar Kingdom and forced against their wills when presented with this scene. There was nothing they could do about it. They were about to continue when the boy threw a metal pot out the window and struck one of the soldiers nearby! Bang! The noise reverberated beyond the streets as the soldier recoiled in pain! Immediately, the soldier and his friends unsheathed their swords. They wanted to teach this unruly child a lesson! Xiuying and Ming paled and panicked. Once a killing started, it might cascade into a full-blown bloodbath! They could not let that happen!

"Wait!" Ming shouted, moving her horse up to block the soldiers' murderous advance. "He's only a child. I forbid you from doing anything!"

"We don't have business with you. Get lost," the soldier spat.

"No! We're not moving!" Xiuying joined her sister.

"We have Her Highness Princess Elizabeth's guarantee, and we forbid any violence here!"

"They attacked us first, yet you protect them? I knew we couldn't trust you. I'll drag you down from your high horses now!"

He extended his hand forward when a shadow darted out and slapped him away. It was so fast that no one saw it happen. Before anyone knew it, Protector Chang was standing there with a frigid gaze, his aura surging forward. Despite being a Perception Realm Novice himself, he became Princess Ming's Protector through more than status. No, he earned that spot because he was strong! He entered Perception Realm at a young age, showing incredible potential. Groomed correctly and he had the chance to stand alongside legends like Cardinal Hui or Lady Mingyu! Like a tiger bearing his fangs, his powerful aura terrified the soldiers present as he thoroughly revealed his strength. A Perception Realm had truly broke past mortal limits!

"You won't harm Her Highnesses while I'm here. Try again and I won't hold back," he declared.

"You…" the soldier snarled. Crack! Protector Chang slammed his sword hilt deep into the man's chest and broke several bones. His slight killing intent had not gone unnoticed. The man buckled and hunched over, sprawling on the ground for breath.

"How… How dare you!" his friends shouted. With swords in hand, they charged at him. Protector Chang grimaced and prepared to unsheathe his sword. He had not expected things to unravel so quickly. As he thought, he was not fit to play the role of an aggressor. That should have been Protector Tai's role.

Whish! Suddenly, a cluster of arrows landed simultaneously between the two groups and formed a single straight line in the stone road, preventing the clash. The sheer precision, power, and timing required amazed everyone since it was not something any group of archers could do. It required absolutely perfect coordination and monstrous archery prowess to accomplish! The groups who could do that could be counted on two hands alone! Everyone looked up at the rooftops only to be dumbfounded. Instead of a group of archers like they expected, it was one man… Cardinal Hui Wai-Wing! The cardinal lowered his bow and jumped down while releasing an unimaginably powerful aura that swept through the streets, flooding it in a tremendous pressure that demanded respect and reverence! It was leagues ahead of Protector Chang's own aura! Although the Featherwind Sect and Sword King recently made their earthshattering appearances, Cardinal Hui remained one of the strongest warriors in the Xingyuu Empire, standing firmly at the pinnacle of Perception Realm Master. The Captain of the Imperial Sentinels, Captain of the Four Cardinals, and Protector of Emperor Lianghu Tzu had revealed himself!

Everyone hiding in their houses audibly gasped. Was this man going to make a move himself? They watched with starry eyes, only to swallow their hopes back, because no epic battle took place. Instead, the kingdom looked like they knew he was here all along. There was no surprise nor reaction from their side. The man, the hero everyone had placed their hopes on, simply reunited with the Imperial Princesses and Protector Chang. When he glanced at the opposing soldiers, he sent a humongous wave of pressure over, which obliterated any ideas of resistance. Compared to the tiger of Protector Chang, he was like a towering behemoth, a monster ready to extinguish their existence! He was invincible! No one dared to breath too loudly, much less move a muscle.

"What's the problem here?" Brigade Commander Christina trotted over with a frown. She was further back in the convoy, unaware of what happened, when the convoy stopped abruptly, and she felt Cardinal Hui's aura. This made her hurry over.

"Brigade Commander Christina, it's like this…" an officer reported while casting a sly gaze in Ming's direction. She had a bad feeling about this.

"…Is that really what happened?"

"Yes, it is. We were attacked by the residents and the Imperial Princesses stopped us from defending ourselves. They even attacked us in return. We demand justice!"

"That's twisting the facts!" Xiuying cried. "A child threw a pot! What kind of attack is that?"

"Brigade Commander, we have a guarantee from Princess Elizabeth that grants us authority over all matters related to the Xingyuu Empire. There were no injuries or deaths inflicted on either side, and we've resolved it as peacefully as possible. We apologize for our disruption," Ming added.

The woman took another glance, found it was as she said, and nodded. "Very well. Since matters have concluded here, I'll leave it at that. Continue the convoy!"

Her words stunned everyone, especially the townspeople, who thought she would unhesitatingly help her own people; however, she spoke in defense for the Imperial Princesses. This renewed their hope that things were not as they seemed, and that the Imperial Princesses might really be working alongside the Alzar Kingdom! With their safety potentially secured, a lot of their fear went away. Cardinal Hui and Protector Chang could sense the shift in atmosphere, which encouraged Xiuying and Ming to step forward.

Raising her voice, Ming announced, "People of Di Shenzhao, my name is Princess Ming Tzu, and I am accompanied by my sister, Princess Xiuying Tzu, my Protector, Lord Chang Jian, and Cardinal Hui Wai-Wing. We have allied with the Alzar Kingdom for one simple reason: to end the Second Great Kingdom War and bring peace to the Xingyuu Empire! I ask that everyone please cooperate with our occupation. We will not do anything that harms you or your families. Our only target is Yongtein and the Imperial Council!" Although no response came, she felt her message came across. Pulling on her reins, she resumed her spot at the front of the convoy. The provincial capital of the Wu-Lin Province, Di Shenzhao, had fallen!