Let’s Travel Together (Part 1)

When Zenia entered the establishment, she couldn't believe that there could be a shop with so many clothes. The dresses had exquisite designs, but their fabric was inferior to Ishelon's. 'The design is wasted on the fabric.'

When she was off duty, Zenia got to dress prettily too – she couldn't go against her mother. Renaria made it a point for Zenia to wear beautiful dresses at home or somewhere with Ovid, Zander, or Zekiah on unofficial business. Zenia should wear a dress when shopping with her mother or if they would go on a family vacation somewhere.

"Did you see the notice outside? Even though the drawing is not that great, you can still see how beautiful the man is."

"I heard that the Ninth Prince is looking for that man. It is to fulfill a woman's request."

Zenia sensed that something was about to happen if she continued to stay there. She found a long hooded cloak and paid for it. She went to the changing room and wore the cloak immediately. She walked to the direction of the door and left.

There were lots of different shops there, and she chose the men's shop next. When she turned to the corner, she saw the notice. It was a picture of her, although it seemed a bit distorted. Elida must've been the one who commissioned the painter.

'What a brazen woman! When will she stop pestering me?'

Since it was already like that, Zenia had no other choice but to buy all the things that she might need. She also bought a hooded cloak for Vaughn along with a fake mustache.

She went to another shop selling cosmetics and faux hair for women. She also bought some lingerie and women's clothing. When she saw that everything was there, she decided to return to the inn. She was expecting Vaughn to have finished his task.

The door of Zenia's room was unlocked when she reached it. Vaughn was sitting lazily on the window sill. He did not turn his head to look at Zenia. He kept staring at the commotion at the street below.

"Everything finished?"

"Yeah." He answered absent-mindedly.

Zenia placed the bags on the bed and spread the content of each of them. She sorted their clothing. She also grouped the accessories, props, and other things accordingly.

"Has Noir been transferred?" She asked while continue sorting.

"Everything is according to plan." Vaughn continued to monitor what was happening below.

He knew that Zenia was sorting something, but he did not bother looking. He was afraid that Damien's men would suddenly barge in.

"I saw the two men earlier when I was shopping, and a shadow guard was following them."

Vaughn looked at Zenia's direction. "Are you sure they are the target?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it." Zenia finished what she was doing. "Come check this out."

Vaughn walked to Zenia's bed and gaped at the assortment of clothes and accessories for men and women. He also noticed the faux hair, mustache, and some needles. There were things like sleeping bags, although they were slim and not bulky.

'Is she going to make me dress as a woman?'

"What are these? Why so many?" He tried to sound calm as beads of sweat trickle down his back.

Zenia sighed. "These are the things that we are going to wear and use when we get out of here. We need to leave tonight. Just tell the manager that we might stay for a couple of days more, and pay him up in advance."

"I can't wear a woman's clothes. I refuse!" Vaughn could no longer conceal his worry. There was a hint of anger in his tone.

He should show Zenia the real boss between them. He let Zenia boss him around these few days, but it didn't mean she could do that forever.

Zenia let out a peal of crisp and joyful laughter when she heard Vaughn's protest. She was already teary-eyed but she still couldn't stop laughing.

"It's no laughing matter, you better stop." Vaughn's every word had a certain weight in them. He sounded authoritative.

"Why would I make you wear a dress? Although, what you said is not a bad idea."

"You will be the one to wear the dress?" Vaughn's mood had a 180-degree turn when he learned that his wife would be the one to wear it.

Zenia was perplexed at Vaughn's reaction. 'What's wrong with this guy? He looked like he was going to flip the bed earlier. Now he looks like he is walking on clouds.'

"Yes, and the fake mustache is for you." Zenia showed him the mustache.

"What about the hair? Are you going to wear that too?"

Zenia picked up the hair. "No, I'm keeping it for later. We might use it."

"Why did you decide to go as a woman? You dress like a man when you came here."

"That crazy woman is still looking for me. There are a lot of posters that have my face on them. Although the drawing of the face is somewhat distorted, I can never be complacent."

Vaughn did not say anything anymore. It was true that it would be troublesome if that delusional woman caught up with them. Worse, Damien might be together with her.

"I will go out ahead of you so I can fetch my silver steed. I will wait for you at the back of the stable."

"Where do we go from here?"

Vaughn walked to the desk and looked for some papers and a pen. Zenia followed him. He sat on a chair and began to draw something. Zenia pulled out the other chair and sat across him.

Vaughn was concentrating on his drawing and Zenia was left with nothing better to do. She did not want to disturb him so she just watched. Her eyes landed on his face, particularly on his lashes.

'Why are this guy's lashes so long? It's more like a girl's.'

She further explored Vaughn's facial features. 'Oh, he has a well-proportioned pointed nose so much different from Big Brother Zander. But, he has bushy eyebrows and a prominent jawline, just like Big Brother.' She looked at her arms and compared.

'I can't believe the skin of this guy, it's fairer than mine. It's like he's not doing any training at all.'

She looked at Vaughn's hand, and her eyes followed every stroke that Vaughn had made. 'This guy has long, slender fingers. Come to think of it, this guy is good-looking but not as handsome as Zekiah.'

Zenia noticed something in Vaughn's fingers. 'He has six fingers. He's a polydactyly!'

'How many moles do you have?' Zenia counted Vaughn's moles that were visible in plain sight.

She counted three on his face. They were so tiny and barely visible. Luckily, she had an amazing vision. She could see everything clearly.

The sun had set when Vaughn finished his drawing. He motioned for Zenia to come closer.

"Look at this."

Zenia saw that it was the map of Tissuria. It was so detailed that there was practically no need for her to travel the whole of Tissuria. She could already imagine the mountains, hills, bodies of water, forest, town, and others just by looking at the legends alone. She had already visualized what Tissuria looked like as a whole. She looked at Vaughn and traces of admiration could be seen in her eyes.

'This guy is really so capable. I think I will ask the Crown Prince to give him to me and be my number one retainer. That way, he wouldn't be jealous of the guy called Redivo.'

"Wow, you really know your kingdom well. I can never draw as good as you." Zenia praised him to the skies that Vaughn's mood turned better and better.

"See here? This is the Principality of Ismund where we are right now. When we leave, about two miles from here, there's a two-pronged path. The one in the left will lead us to Lunaria and the one on the right will lead us to Solaria."

Zenia looked at the map and noticed that Lunaria was overshadowed by the mountains, and Solaria's location was on the mountain top.

"Is it always dark in Lunaria?"

"Yes, it's a shadowland and haven for mercenaries looking for high-paying jobs. Although, it's the easiest route that will lead us to the capital, it's also very dangerous. I don't think it's a wise choice."

"So, we need to take the path to Solaria? How long would it take to reach the capital when we choose Lunaria?"

"My silver steed is the fastest in Tissuria, we can reach the capital in two days when we take occasional rests."

"And Solaria?"

"It usually takes four to seven days. There's a need for us to stop and rest. Solaria is elevated, there's a part where we need to walk because it's so steep that it would be hard for my silver steed to carry anyone."

"Hmm, I really want to check Lunaria. But if you can't guarantee that we won't encounter any mishaps, then Solaria is our best option. I need to be in the capital in four weeks and four days to meet my brothers."

"What is your plan?" Vaughn became curious. He realized that Zenia did not clearly divulge their plan to him. The shadow guard only informed him that they would do as Vaughn suggested.

"My brother Zekiah will pose as me, while my Big Brother Zander and some of his men will be the escort. If nothing happens, we will be able to meet at the capital on schedule."

"Why did you come to Tissuria so early?"

Zenia looked at Vaughn in disbelief.

"It's to study topography, of course! Also, whoever the enemy is he won't be able to find the real me in Ishelon anymore even if he wants to stop the wedding. Zekiah and Big Brother already know what to do."

'You're not just going to study topography you plan to do some sight-seeing, aren't you?' Vaughn wanted to ask Zenia but held his thoughts in.

"Do you need such a long time to study the topography going to the capital?"

"I did not plan to travel non-stop, I also need to rest. I also need to see the things being offered in the places that I visit. Who knows, I might be able to put up a profitable business here. The shop where I bought the dress has gorgeous designs. If the fabric they used is one from Ishelon, it will be more beautiful."

"Aren't you getting married? Aren't you nervous?" Vaughn was becoming anxious. It looked like their marriage was nothing but a mission that she would like to complete.

"Of course I'm nervous! That's why I'm diverting my attention on something else and gain some benefits and advantages from it as well."

Vaughn flashed a warm smile. "You don't need to be so nervous. The Crown Prince is not a vicious person. I'm sure he will treat you right."

Zenia just looked at him and did not say anything. She couldn't say that her mother would arrive at an earlier time in Tissuria for the wedding. She would lecture her for sure about the married woman's role. In fact, it was one of the reasons why she left Ishelon earlier than planned.

"I will count on your words then."

Vaughn changed his clothes into something more ordinary-looking than what he was wearing at that moment. Zenia already had an idea about the kind of clothes that the common folks in Tissuria had to wear every day.

"Do I need to wear fake mustache too?"

"You will use it later. It might fall apart when the time comes that you really need to use it."

"Am I all set?"

"You're good to go."

"I will settle the payment for the rooms and fetch my silver steed. Wait for me at the back of the stable where they put our horses first."


After Vaughn had fetched his horse, he waited for Zenia's arrival. He was imagining how she would look in the dress that she bought. The dress was ordinary, but he knew that she would still look good in it.

It was already dark when the woman's silhouette came into view. Vaughn recognized the hem of the dress and knew that it was Zenia.

The moon was shining so brightly and when Vaughn saw Zenia's full countenance under the moonlight, he couldn't help but gasp.