It’s A Date!

Zenia just couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful scenery.

"Do you want to live here if you are on your own?" Vaughn asked out of the blue.

"Huh?" Zenia turned to him with a puzzled look in her eyes.

"I said, do you want to live here in Solaria if you are on your own?"

Zenia turned to look at the beautiful scenery once more.

"If I finished everything and should live on my own…" She looked at Vaughn once more. "I want to live here." She smiled at him.

Vaughn felt that his heart skipped a beat upon seeing that warm, gentle smile. Never mind the face, he should just focus on that smile.

"Sir, we will be on our way. I hope your wife will have a smooth pregnancy and delivery."

"Thank so much for your kindness."

The man looked at Zenia's face, and he shook his head. He gave a signal, and the caravan went on their way. Vaughn saw that the Left Minister and his men went with them. Some of the people in the caravan headed to the town of Solaria. Vaughn wanted to follow the caravan, but he knew that Zenia would insist on staying.

'Who did the Left Minister meet, and where does he plan to go? Is he going to return to the capital?' Vaughn had so many questions in his mind.

Vaughn got up his horse and Zenia rode at the back. He was leaving some space for her in front hoping she would still occupy the same spot.

"Where to now?"

"We could survey this place first and see."

Vaughn saw Zenia's eyes flashed with enthusiasm. 'This little devil is really… something.'

"Can we go there first?" Zenia pointed to the place with a huge windmill.

"Where? The one with a huge windmill?"

"Yeah, the scenery there looks good. I also want to see just how big that windmill is."

Vaughn nodded and nudged the silver steed to follow the path leading to the place with a huge windmill. It was still early for lunch, and they were still not hungry yet.

Zenia enjoyed the ride. They were neither fast now slow. The wind brushing against her face was comfortably warm. The air was fresh and comforting. The sun was up, but the place was not scorching hot. There were trees everywhere, and the leaves and needles partially block the sun to tone down the heat.

She could smell a sweet scent, and it was so relaxing. Zenia thought that she could live there forever together with her mother, father, and two brothers. They would love it there.

Vaughn knew that Zenia was enjoying the ride and could imagine her smiling face. He smiled just thinking about it. He wished that they could just live like that every day. Spending some time like this made him feel that he wanted to leave everything behind and just be together with Zenia. But, he knew that the people of Tissuria were looking forward to his reign. He bit his lower lip and prayed that Zenia would be willing to be the Queen of Tissuria someday.

When they arrived at the place, Zenia quickly jumped off the horse and ran to the windmill. Vaughn shook his head and remembered how she was when she was still a little girl. Some habits were bound to stay forever.

* * * * *

After touring almost half of Solaria, they decided to go to town. It was already two hours past lunchtime, and Zenia's stomach kept grumbling. Vaughn tried his best to hold in his laughter.

"Why does my stomach keep grumbling? Can't your horse go any faster?" Zenia kept complaining. Vaughn knew that she might be feeling embarrassed already.

"This is the fastest horse in Tissuria, and it's already moving at top speed."

"This horse is already fast? I should've brought Thunderbolt along to let you see what it means to be fast."

Vaughn decided not to argue anymore. 'Her horse is faster than my silver steed? Just how fast is it?'

They finally reached the town proper of Solaria. Zenia was almost drooling when she saw so many restaurants and shops. Vaughn took her to the best restaurant in Solaria. The dishes were delicious, and they did not need to wait for a long time.

"This way sir, madam." The attendant who greeted them was polite and proper.

"Do you have an available private room?"

"Yes sir, let me take you there."

Zenia kept looking all over the place. She took mental note of the restaurant's layout design, staff, decorations, tables and chairs, and other important things. She also observed how the customers interact, how they dress, and who they were with.

Vaughn noticed that Zenia seemed to be taking some notes, although he had no idea why she was doing that. Vaughn's eyes landed on the women in the cozy corner of the restaurant. One of the women gave Vaughn a meaningful smile.

The two women in the corner were dining and talking. They already noticed Vaughn and Zenia when they entered the restaurant, and one of them took the initiative to smile at Vaughn. She was taken aback when Vaughn ignored her.

"Do you see those two? The woman is so ugly, but the man is quite good looking." The woman with a mole on her right upper lip sent provocative glances at Vaughn, hoping he would turn around.

Somehow, Vaughn felt that the woman was looking at him. He pretended that he did not notice anything. Vaughn held Zenia by her waist as he led her to the private room.

"Oh, look, she must be his wife." The woman wearing a fancy hat blurted out.

The woman with a mole did not like it at all. She was annoyed that Vaughn did not even glance at her, even though she already gave him a reason to approach her.

"Please be seated madam, sir. Here is the list of our menu." The attendant gave Vaughn the list and took out his pen and paper.

Vaughn leaned closer to Zenia and asked her what she wanted to eat. The woman with a mole could see everything from her spot, and the couple looked intimate. She was fuming mad. No man had dared ignore her before.

"What would you like to eat?" Vaughn asked Zenia affectionately.

"Hmm, this one looks good and also this." Zenia picked some more dishes before she let go of the menu.

The woman with a mole stood up and decided to walk to the direction of the private room that Vaughn and Zenia had occupied.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her companion stopped her.

"That outrageous man is too much. I already sent him a sign that I'm interested, but he chose to ignore me. Just look at that ugly woman. How can she be better than me?" The woman with a mole was so furious.

"Verone, don't make a scene here. This is not an establishment that will tolerate your behavior." The woman with a fancy hat reminded her companion.

Verone calmed down after hearing her friend's reminder. Her impulsive behavior put her in trouble time and again. She must behave properly for the sake of obtaining the Crown Prince's approval for marriage. Her uncle, the Left Minister, had specifically told her to cool off in Solaria first. The Left Minister believed that no man could resist his beautiful, alluring niece. She did not acquire the title the Most Beautiful Flower in Tissuria for nothing.

Six months prior, she got involved in a controversy with the Third Prince who was about to receive the highest scholastic honors in Tissuria. The Left Minister immediately sent her to Solaria the following day to let the issue die a miserable death. The Left Minister did not waste a single moment and took care of everything. On the day of the Third Prince's awarding ceremony, someone found him dead in his bedchamber. They said he had a nightmare, and died on his sleep.

She just received the instruction to return to the capital in eight days. She should obtain the Crown Prince's favor to be his second wife. Verone knew that she could never be the main wife, but she heard that Zenia Anisen was an ugly wench. She could easily win over the Crown Prince's favor with her gorgeous face and seductive body. No man could ever resist her, including the Crown Prince.

It was the first time that she experienced being rejected by a man. She felt utterly humiliated. She would let her uncle take care of that man once she returned to the capital. Her mood began to get better.

"You can let go now, Marique. I know my place." Verone gritted her teeth and looked at Vaughn once more before she returned to her seat.

After ordering, Vaughn and Zenia talked about the mysterious man who was in the caravan. Vaughn did not divulge the identity of the man, but he told Zenia that the man was an important official in Tissuria.

Zenia did not ask for anything more and was utterly humiliated by her grumbling stomach that was making funny noises. Vaughn could no longer hold in his laughter and burst out laughing. Zenia glared at him as if she was ready to cut him in two.

Verone heard Vaughn's melodious laughter, and jealousy could be seen in her eyes. 'You ugly wench, just wait and see.'