Hesitations and Mixed Emotions

Zenia and the old man finally reached their destination. The entire inn was dead quiet. Everyone was already sleeping.

"What do you plan to do now?"

"I'm going to take a rest now, and meet the leader tomorrow. Hopefully, he will assign me to the place that I want to be."

"Where is that?"

"Grandpa, it's best if you don't know." Zenia gave him a wink before she climbed up the stairs and into her room.

'My beloved grandson, I can only do this much for you.'

He too trod the path to his own room to take a rest. From above the ceiling, a black figure landed at the bottom of the stairway. He looked up and saw that the hallway was dimly lit.

Zenia already felt that someone seemed to be monitoring her. She already felt the ominous presence as they returned from the burly leader's place. She did not tell anything to the old man for fear of causing unnecessary alarm.

The mysterious figure climbed up the stairs quietly. He saw Zenia stopped walking, unlocked the door of her room, and entered with ease. She did not seem to detect his presence. He decided to observe Zenia at a close range.

When Zenia walked to her room, she already knew that someone was tailing her. She knew for sure that it was not the old man. The figure was too careful in each step he took. But, the seemingly very faint squeaking sound that the floor made already reached Zenia's sensitive ears.

She waited patiently behind her locked door. She could guess that the mysterious figure was hesitating. Zenia was certain that the figure was up to no good. She took out her dagger from her scabbard and prepared herself for a fight.

The shadowy figure was about to open the door when the sound of a whistling wind startled him. The window at the end of the hallway was open, and the wind carried an eerie coldness that quickly enveloped his body. It seemed to be sending him a message that something sinister might happen.

He withdrew his hand and looked out the window. It was a full moon that night, but it was jarringly dark. The black clouds covered the moon, and time stood still. The dark clouds seemed to refuse to move and be on their way.

'It won't happen tonight but I'll make my move, soon.' The shadowy figure climbed out of the window and disappeared as quickly as he came.

Zenia breathed a sigh of relief when she no longer felt the presence at the other side of her door. She was clueless about the possible identity of the figure.

He did not possess a formidable skill in martial arts. Otherwise, she would not be able to detect his presence. Zenia readied herself for a fight because she knew that she would be able to defeat him. She could have run after him, but she did not want to create any form of disturbance.

Her original plan was to explore Lunaria, but it all changed when she heard Elida and the young man's plan. Her top priority was to join the band of assassins and protect Renaria and Ovid.

* * * * *

Vaughn must finish signing a pile of documents that he left when he suddenly took off to find Zenia last time. A playful smile appeared on his lips as he recalled the time he spent with his little devil. He stopped for a while and wondered what Zenia was doing at that minute.

It had been a day since they separated, but he was already missing her terribly. He wanted to finish the documents as quickly as possible so he could find her again and accompany her to the capital. He was thinking about where to bring her next time they meet.

His reverie was cut short when someone pushed open the door, causing some papers to scatter on the floor. Vaughn frowned when he saw the worried face of Redivo.

"We just received a report. The Crown Princess was no longer in Solaria. She was seen riding a brown horse heading to Lunaria." Redivo informed Vaughn as he tried to remain calm and composed.

Vaughn's displeasure could be seen on his face. His hand crumpled the paper that he was holding as he stood up from his chair.

"Dispatch the troop and go to Lunaria now!" Vaughn roared and the entire palace shook from the earsplitting sound.

"My lord, doing this will only alert the Ninth Prince's group. It may only put the Crown Princess in danger. Knowing her skills, I'm sure she's doing fine. She might be impulsive at times, but she's not stupid and reckless. She might only hate you if you interfere with her plan." Redivo tried his best to knock some sense to Vaughn.

He stressed out the word 'hate'. He was hoping it would bring back Vaughn's rationality. Sure enough, Vaughn glared at Redivo. He took a deep breath and walked to the window.

Vaughn felt so helpless as he tried to think of a good plan to bring Zenia immediately to the capital. Redivo sighed and continued.

"I already sent some shadow guards to protect the Crown Princess, just in case. You don't need to worry too much."

"I hope you're right. I will not hesitate to cut off your head when something bad happens to her."

Redivo felt a pain in his heart. He was with Vaughn almost all his life and served him with utmost loyalty, yet he did not falter when he uttered the threatening words. Then again, he knew that he was nothing but a mere servant after all.

"I know, my lord. You don't need to stain your hands with my filthy blood. I will gladly take my life myself."

The entire place was shrouded in silence. No one dared to move from their spot. Vaughn closed his eyes and prayed that Zenia would get to the capital safe and sound.

* * * * *

Zenia was feeling refreshed after she had taken a good rest during the night. She met the old man in the morning and chatted with him for a few minutes.

The old man took her to the dining area and served her breakfast.

"Are you going to see the leader today?"

"Uhuh," she answered while chewing a pastry.

"What time will you return?" The old man sounded like her real grandfather. He was worried that something might happen to the young lady.

"I don't know, it depends." Zenia licked her fingers before continuing. "Can I have more of this pastry, grandpa?" She gave the old man a sweet smile that melted his heart.

'I will tell my grandson to adopt me into his home when he married the lass.'

"I will give you two more plates." The old smiled back and headed to the kitchen.

The old man noticed some shadow guards surrounding the inn. Although they were able to conceal their aura, the old man was too familiar with it. He smiled and secretly looked at Zenia.

'Your husband's people are quite efficient.' The old man shook his head and went on his way.