A Rendezvous in the Night

The intruder smirked. He did not expect that Zenia would find out. He was planning to abduct her while she was sleeping and surprise her with beautiful golden scenery being unfolded before her eyes. Of course, he must still scold her for being reckless.

"It's me."

Zenia recognized the voice, and she lowered her weapon. She looked around to check if no one woke up. She let out a sigh and motioned the intruder to follow her outside.

"How did you know that it's me under this disguise?" Zenia did not wait for them to find a spot where they could talk before popping the question.

Vaughn raised a brow, "The shadow guards know, why can't I know it too?"

Zenia stopped in her tracks and leaned on a tree. "Good point. Why are you here?"

In the end, Vaughn decided to appear without his mask. "The Crown Prince was wondering why you still went to Lunaria when I specifically told you not to."

"Hmm, someone was planning to attack my mother and father and perhaps put the blame on the Crown Prince," Zenia stated as a matter-of-factly.

"How did you know?"

Zenia narrated all the things that happened and failed to notice that Vaughn was already emitting a dangerous, dark aura.

'How brave and audacious they are to lay a hand on my wife! These people must be tired of living. I let them roam freely for a while, and they have the nerve to do that?'

Zenia told everything to Vaughn and nothing was left unsaid, including the proposal of the little girl.

"Now you know why I need to be here. I can't let anything bad to happen to my mother and father."

"Are you sure that they will go through the North Gate to reach the capital? You took the route to the Principality of Ismund, maybe…"

"They will choose this path because it's the easiest to access. Besides, even if there's going to be an ambush, the assassins will already have a hard time dealing with my father alone." Zenia interrupted Vaughn quickly and gave him an explanation.

"If the Exalted Ovid Anisen can handle it, why do you still need to be here?"

Zenia glared at Vaughn. "Can't I worry about my mother and father?"

"Are you really that worried or you are simply too curious to visit Lunaria?" Vaughn was getting agitated when he thought of the time that her life was put in danger.

Vaughn knew that Zenia could be so stubborn, but he could do nothing about it. Should he imprison her? Tie her up? Drag her with him? He could think of something worse, but he also knew that it would only make Zenia resent him. He did not want that to happen.

Zenia looked at Vaughn and felt a bit guilty. It was true that she was worried about the safety of Ovid and Renaria, but she also knew that her father could take down the enemies without so much fuss. But no matter how she looked at it, her trip to Lunaria was worth it. She discovered something that she wouldn't have known if she stayed put.

"You are the future Crown Princess of Tissuria, you should not act so reckless and without care."

"Crown Princess? Von, what's the meaning of this?" It was Gustof who asked.

Zenia was startled when she heard Gustof's voice. Vaughn drew his sword and was about to attack Gustof.

"Don't!" Zenia ran in front of Gustof to protect him.

"If we don't silence him now, he will sell you out."

Zenia looked at Gustof who did not seem to follow what was going on.

"Boss… no, Brother Gustof…"

Gustof raised his palm to stop Zenia from talking.

"I have suspected that you are not someone ordinary, but I did not think that you are a woman and you are Zenia Anisen. I heard stories about you. You were quite famous for being a good-for-nothing, and I also heard that you are the brains behind Ishelon's military. Everyone chose to believe that you are stupid and ugly. I met Zander Anisen and even fought him. I thought that a man like that would never have a good-for-nothing as a sister." Gustof gave Zenia a faint, sad smile.

"You must be worried about your mother and father, I can understand that. I also have a family to protect. I am truly grateful for what you did to my family and rest assured that I will not let anything bad to happen to yours." Gustof snatched the token, which was hanging around Zenia's neck.

"I will tell them that you died while fighting Ovid Anisen, and I will consider this as my payment to you for saving my family. I will try my best not to hurt my comrades. If worse comes to worst, I promise to kill my men with my own hands just to provide your mother and father a safe passage. You should leave, now." Gustof turned around and started walking away when Zenia called after him.

"Brother Gustof," she called softly and threw the dagger in a scabbard to his direction.

Gustof caught it and was a bit puzzled.

"Thank you so much. If things turned bad, go to Ishelon and look for my Big Brother. Show him that dagger and tell him that I sent you there. I really like your family and would like to protect them with you."

Gustof felt warm inside. He knew that Zenia's words carried her utmost sincerity. To be honest, he really had no idea what would happen to him and his family once his master or the Ninth Prince had learned his betrayal. But, they could really not blame him because they were the ones who kept doubting his loyalty.

He had been with Zenia for only a few days, but he could tell that she was someone who could be trusted and would never back out on her words – just like him. He gave Zenia a faint smile and bowed before he headed back to the cottage.

"You sure give your trust so quickly." There was a hint of mocking in Vaughn's tone.

"You don't know anything so don't simply judge him like that. He is supposed to create beautiful things with his hand, but he was forced to kill instead."

"Still, why did you give him that dagger of yours? Wasn't that a gift from your brother?"

Zenia looked at Vaughn in disbelief.

"How did you know that my Big Brother gave that to me?"

Vaughn pretended to cough to clear his throat. "You mentioned it to me once."

Zenia scrunched her brows because she was pretty sure that she did not mention it to Vaughn.

"Anyway, Big Brother won't help him unless he presents something as proof. It's the best proof that I can think of."

"Now that your role here has ended, let's head to the capital." Vaughn suggested while grinning.

He only had one horse and there was no more time to look for another one. They could steal one of the horses there, but it could also alert the others. Zenia must ride with him.

"Am I going to ride together with you again?"

"Do you want to steal a horse from them?"

Zenia looked at Vaughn and decided that riding together would be the best thing to do.

"You have a point."

Vaughn fell silent and was contemplating whether he should tell Zenia about his identity or wait for a bit more. But, the more he prolonged the lie, the deeper he dug his own grave.

"Zenia, I want to tell you something, and I hope you will understand."

"What is it?"

"Actually we met before in Ishelon when we were children and at the time I was in disguise. I am actually the Crown…" Vaughn was cut off when Zenia lightly raised her voice.

"Oh my god, you're really Big Brother Vaughn!" She gasped and could not believe that she did not recognize him.

"Huh, what?"

Zenia was almost teary-eyed as she recalled the story that Zander had told her.

'That boy was so pitiful. His father let him become the Crown Prince's stand-in because they knew that there's an assassination attempt on the prince. His father did not accompany him to save his own life.'

'He's that pitiful, and I still played a prank on him? Big Brother, what have I done?'

'The damage is done and that boy will surely have a hard life since he did not die.'

"Big Brother Vaughn, had you been well? Actually, I was searching for you all over Maecaea that's why I always accompany father whenever he got invited by a certain kingdom. I don't know which kingdom you came from, and I can only search for you that way. I was confident that I will be able to recognize you right away when I see you. But, we've met earlier, and I did not recognize you at all." There was a hint of sadness in Zenia's tone.

Vaughn smiled and thought, 'This little devil is not as heartless as I thought.'

"Why are you looking for me?"

Zenia looked at Vaughn in the eye and suddenly bowed her head.

"Big Brother Vaughn, I'm so sorry for what I did when I was still a little girl. I vowed to look for you to ask for an apology for my misdeed." Zenia straightened up before she continued.

"With this, we are even. I no longer hold a grudge for lying to me back in the Principality of Ismund. Let us start with a clean slate." Zenia extended her hand with a smile.

Vaughn sighed as he shook hands with Zenia. His long-awaited confession was put on hold once more. He felt like crying, but he knew he shouldn't.

'She said to start with a clean slate, what will happen when you learn the whole truth? Can you still talk to me this way?'

"Shall we go now?"

"Yes, Big Brother Vaughn!"

Zenia was about to board Vaughn's steed when they heard the sound of a galloping horse heading their way.

"It's Brownie!" Zenia uttered excitedly.

"Who's Brownie?"

"Big Brother Vaughn, he's the horse that you bought for me in Solaria."

"How come he's here?"

"I don't know. Shall we go now?" Zenia jumped on her horse and waited for Vaughn to board his silver steed.

Deep inside, he was cursing at Brownie. He had a perfect opportunity to get close to his wife, and Brownie's arrival ruined everything. But at least his wife seemed to be more open to him when she learned that he was the boy that she had conned when she was still a very naughty and very mischievous little girl.

Somewhere in Luna Inn, a certain old man was grinning from ear to ear. He was the one who set the brown horse free to find Zenia. He knew that Zenia was planning something and may need a ride when she was done with her business.

The horses that were tamed in Solaria could track their owners without fail. Once they recognized their rider as their owner, they would remain loyal to that owner for eternity.

'My grandson should be thanking me for taking great pains in looking after his wife.'

The old man grinned once more while his grandson continued to sulk for the missed opportunity.