Banquets Here, There, and Everywhere (Part 4)

The women turned their heads to the Defense Minister as if asking for some help. Count Bernard Cordove thought he should thank the ladies later for giving him an opportunity to talk alone with the Crown Princess. 

"Crown Princess, allow me to give you a short tour of this place." The Defense Minister finally spoke the words that the elderly women loved to hear – take Zenia away from them.

"It's okay Defense Minister, I wouldn't want my elders to think that I am abandoning them."

"It's alright, Crown Princess. You may go." The women spoke in chorus.

Zenia stood up, and the women heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well then, it's a pleasure meeting all of you. I will try my best to visit each one of you in the future."

"That won't be necessary!" The women blurted out at the same time.

"Goodbye, elders. I'm in your care now Defense Minister."