A Meeting with the King of Tissuria

"Crown Princess!" Grandpa called Zenia when he saw her silhouette.

"Gra… Teacher, how did you know that it's me?"

"I will always know it's you. That's my talent." The old man playfully winked at her.

"You have one heck of a talent. I guess I wouldn't be able to hide from you."

"You're not wearing your face veil?"

"As you can see, I am dressed as a guard no one will know. It's you who noticed it first." 

"Why are you here?"

"I want to exercise, but the men are already training. I guess I'll just go someplace else."

"Don't go outside the palace walls. It's dangerous."

"I know grandpa. I will not try to sneak out or that grandson of yours might throw a fit." Zenia chuckled.

The old man looked at Zenia and became serious.

"How is your relationship with him? Have you adjusted to your new life?"