Big Brother You’re Too Much

Zenia excused herself and went to the guest room where Vaughn was resting. He was sleeping peacefully, but the weariness could be seen on his face. He was able to reach the Anisen Manor in two days. He must've traveled non-stop just to get there the soonest. She touched his face but still could not completely forgive him yet.

If she wouldn't teach him a lesson, he might repeat it in the future. Zenia tried to convince herself that she should inflict him some pain so he wouldn't forget what happened for as long as he could. She sighed and was glad that she had a loving family and not like those scheming bunch of leechers in the Royal Family. 

Vaughn was extremely tired and remained oblivious of his current surroundings. He was already tired when he arrived at the Anisen Manor and still knelt for so long. All he wanted to do was convince his wife to go home with him. He would do anything for her. He finally understood his great-grandfather.