Challenge You to a Duel (Part 2)

Vaughn's face darkened when he heard Zenia's wish. He agreed to have a duel to settle the dispute between them and hoped that they would be able to let bygones be bygones. He did not expect that Zenia would make such a wish.

"I will not agree to this wish of yours." Vaughn could no longer keep it in and roared in anger.

Zenia's displeasure went up a notch. "Don't shout in my own turf! You may be the Crown Prince in Tissuria, but you are nothing in my territory. What right do you have to oppose me?"

Ovid and Zander were displeased with Vaughn's behavior and wanted to throw him out in an instant. Renaria stopped them and pushed the father and son duo inside the main house. It was the first time in many days that Zenia and Vaughn talked to each other. Renaria knew that they had so much steam to let out, and it was best for them to discuss their problem first.