Big Brother, the Second Wife is Here! (Part 2)

Zenia knew that he would give that kind of reaction, and she decided to say the thing about the second wife at the end.

"You don't need to react like that. I have everything under control."

Now that things had been set, the next thing that Zenia should do was inform the head cook that Leyna had returned. Zekiah told the couple that he had something to do first and would just go directly to Vaughn's palace when he finished his business. The couple agreed, and they went on their separate ways.

Zekiah did not waste a single minute and composed a message to be sent to Zander.

[Big Brother,

The second wife of the Crown Prince is already staying in the Palace of the Crown Prince. It was a Royal Decree that made it possible. Zenzen said that everything is under control.