Another Side of Zenia Anisen? (Part 1)

Verone's maids who were assigned to take care of her meals finally came.

"Did you find the spy in the kitchen?" 

"Your Highness, we did not find her. But, we have been informed that there's a maid named Leyna who asked for a leave. She should return today or tomorrow."

"Monitor her arrival and find ways for me to talk to her. It is possible that no one in this palace knew that she's a spy of the Ninth Prince."

"Yes, Your Highness," the maids answered in unison.

After having her meal, the oldest maid reminded her, "Your Highness, you really need to take your medication." 

"I won't take it! I don't trust that doctor at all. Who knows what that elixir will actually do to me?" 

"I don't think the royal doctor will do something bad to you, Your Highness."