Heartwarming Meal at Grandpa’s Place

It already turned dark, and Vaughn had not seen Zenia since the last time he saw her - that was in the morning. He was beginning to get gloomy and irritated. He was already used to sharing a meal with her and seeing her every now and then.


"Yes, Your Highness."

"See what my wife is doing in the kitchen right now."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zenia told Harnen to guard Zekiah for the time being since there were lots of guards posted in the kitchen area. No one would dare infiltrate it. Zenia knew that Zekiah only knew a few martial arts.

Everyone was busy in the kitchen, and the head cook was able to prepare the dishes that Verone had told them to make. They have an hour left to deliver the meals. It was just the first day of the implementation of the new system, but Zenia was more than satisfied.