Next Stop - Ishelon

Redivo went to see Vaughn and Zenia in the old king's courtyard to remind them of their departure to Ishelon. He was surprised when he saw how well-behaved his younger brother was. Ruvin was so focused on the task assigned to him that he did not notice his brother at all.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with Ruvin?"

"Can't you see that he's behaving so well?"

"That's exactly why! He had never behaved like this before. I no longer expect that I will ever see the day when he becomes well-behaved. Even the military training did nothing much to discipline him."

Redivo kept looking at his brother who was earnestly taking notes. Zenia was also observing Ruvin and making sure that he was taking notes. She would sometimes point out something to him and would get back to work immediately.

"I never imagined my Zenzen to be so strict when it comes to disciplining unruly soldiers. If I have known this, I should've let Ruvin meet her earlier."