
"I could read your thoughts earlier, but I cannot read anything from you right now. Maybe, this new power has its limits."

"You can now see your past, even though you lost your memory. You can see glimpses of the future. Now, you can even read minds… Lad, just what are you?"

"I really don't know, grandpa. I'm sure I'm from Herzegova if I will rely on the information that the Young Duke had told me. Now that I'm analyzing it, I think only one of my parents is the bonafide citizen of Herzegova. But, who between the two of them was from Herzegova?"

"Hmm, do you already know why your dream led us here in Venetia?"

"I still don't have a clue, grandpa. I wish I can dream about it some more, but I never did. Also, I kept seeing a golden flame in my dream ever since we arrived here in Venetia. Perhaps, there is a place here with a golden flame?"