Let Go of My Husband!

Uncle Ross looked at Zenia to get her approval. She nodded her head.

"Sir, there are already four ships, like this one, that has been deployed. There are still three ships in Ishelon currently being built."

"All of them are as luxurious as this one?"

"That is correct, sir."

"Wow! Ishelon is really wealthy. Imagine owning so many ships like this one," Jorick exclaimed, and the admiration in his eyes was evident.

Zenia and Uncle Ross looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. It was best not to tell them that it was Ovid's money and not King Jarod's.

Uncle Ross looked around as if searching for someone.

"Where's Willard Loft? I thought he and his men are the ones to escort you when you get out of Prazia?"

"They are still busy cleaning up the trash. They should be here any minute now."
