Damien and his men waited the whole day, and they did not see the Left Minister - not even his shadow. In anger, Damien spent his time drinking bottle after bottle of alcohol to drown his frustrations. When he got drunk, he went to the Left Minister's estate and caused a ruckus.
The people in the estate, especially the Left Minister's concubines, were terrified when the Ninth Prince began to smash things. He was so drunk that no one could stop him from destroying anything in his path. Olvido just watched him and sneered. It would be more favorable to Princess Odette if the Left Minister learned how the Ninth Prince trashed his place.
Odette already knew that there was a change in the Left Minister's arrival date, but she told Olvido not to let any of Damien's men take hold of the information. Olvido reported what happened in the Left Minister's estate, and Odette had a good laugh.