Plan of Attack

General Dietrich felt like he accidentally learned something that he shouldn't have. He had no idea that the Junior Commander had that side in her. He splashed cold water on his face and patted his cheeks a couple of times to make sure that he was sober. He had been drinking two hours before the arrival of Zenia and Vaughn, but he was certain that he was not drunk. But after hearing the exchange between Zenia and Vaughn, he was not certain anymore.

Vaughn and Zenia talked about the things that must be done first while waiting for General Dietrich's return.

"We still need to confirm that the Left Minister's secret army has not arrived yet. We must do everything to stop them from landing on Tissuria's soil. We already won half the battle when we do that. The Left Minister will surely expect the arrival of his troop." Vaughn explained to Zenia.