The Dreadful Day (Part 2)

The Left Minister watched, with contempt, as Azer's hands trembled while opening the chest. Azer's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the luxurious content of the chest. 

He had never seen so many gems and precious stones before. The Dark Magic Lord never gave him anything. The best reward that he ever got from his master was a small villa with a house big enough for a family of four. 

Azer picked three green gemstones and put them up against the light, one by one. He confirmed that they were genuine Emerald Gisastonites, which could buy him a decent estate with a house big enough for a family of eight in the Capital of Prazia.

Azer put the gemstone back in the chest and closed it. He looked at the Left Minister with admiration. He confirmed that the Left Minister was wealthier than his master.

"Thank you for the treat, Left Minister. Don't hesitate to summon me when you need help in the future. I am your man."