What Happened Before the Arrest (Part 2)

Zenia changed into her uniform and went to meet Redivo in the study. She also called for Lewis and Doctor Hugo to attend to the wounded soldiers. 

When Zenia walked out of their bed-chamber, the guards in front of the study almost did not recognize her. She had an imposing aura of a formidable General around her. No, to be more precise, she had the aura of someone who had face countless battles and emerged as the victor.

"Crown Princess!" The two guards stood in attention.

"At ease. Is Redivo inside?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Hmm. Have someone fetch Jorick and Duke Gordon here."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zenia pushed open the door. Redivo and Ruvin were looking at what seemed to be a diagram. They did not even turn their heads, as if they were already expecting Zenia to come.

"You're here Zenzen, come and take a look at this," Ruvin spoke without looking at her.