Final Verdict

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Zenzen, are you awake? Big Brother and I will go to Luna Inn. Would you like to tag along?" Zekiah knocked heavily on the door.

Vaughn was annoyed by the sudden interruption, but he was glad that they stopped before it got much hotter and only to be interrupted by an annoying brat in the end. Zenia covered her entire body with the blanket, and Vaughn chuckled slightly. He knew what to do next.

He picked up his clothes and threw them in the laundry bin. He went to his changing area and put on a fresh suit. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Zenzen is tired and still sleeping. I don't think she wants to go with you to Luna Inn, but I will gladly go with you."

Vaughn smiled at Zekiah, who felt like he saw a devil sneering at him.

"Oh, I didn't know that you're inside brother-in-law. I saw you earlier going to your study and thought that you are still there. I hope I did not disturb you."