To Shadora

Vaughn and Zenia ate their breakfast and started packing after that.

"Do you think we need to visit Count Cordove and take a look at that man?"

"Let him do what he can do first. Azer is in our hands and until now he still does not want to speak. It's a good thing that Jorick's restraining spell is strong. Otherwise, I will make him sleep for a long time."

"Why are they so interested in the Principality of Ismund? Is there something there that you don't know?"

"I heard before that there were mines in that area, but nothing was found."

"Perhaps, you are searching the wrong locations. Give me the list that Count Cordove has given you."

Vaughn retrieved the list from the drawer and gave it to Zenia, who fetched the map that she got from General Dietrich.

"You have that with you?"

"Yeah, it's detailed and big. General Dietrich can have another copy for himself."