A Night Full of Trouble

Vaughn ordered Fred to bring them a bottle of the most expensive wine that the ship had plus two glasses. The night was beautiful and they were having a celebration. Sharing a good wine was just right for the occasion. 

When the wine arrived, Vaughn poured some of it into each glass. He gave one to Zenia. 

He raised his glass and said, "Here's to us."

Zenia raised her glass and drank the wine in one go.

"This is delicious! I never had such a delicious wine before. This must be expensive."

"Maybe. Do you want to bring this wine home? I will ask the Captain later if you want."

Zenia chuckled, "Is it okay to do that? I know that there are first-class ships that don't sell the things they serve onboard for consumption outside. This ship is probably one of them. If they refuse to sell, don't push it."

Vaughn leaned closer to her, "My dear wife, I promise to give you all the best and I intend to fulfill that promise."