Bargaining Agreement (Part 2)

Vaughn and Zenia went to the bookstore first because they were dying to know what they should do next. Vaughn forgot that he was the wife at the moment and led Zenia inside the bookstore. Zenia, on the other hand, also forgot that she was supposed to be the husband. The people who saw them thought that Zenia was a henpecked husband and pitied her.

Zenia got into her character quickly when she saw the shopkeeper. She approached him like a true gentleman looking for a science book regarding human anatomy – that was just a start. She was still feeling shy to ask directly about the book they came for. She looked at Vaughn, but he deliberately looked away.

She sighed and knew that the daunting task was left to her to fulfill.   

"Good sir, aside from the anatomy books and science books, do you have anything else?"