Striking Up a Deal

"I understand. Judging from the way you look, although you are wearing our traditional clothing, I can tell that you are from another kingdom. The contraceptive that I will give you is the one that's currently popular among women in Shadora. But, the pills come with a high price. You only need to take one pill on the last day of your period in each month to keep you from being pregnant. If you fail to take it, there is a high possibility that you will get pregnant when you have intercourse with your husband whether you are supposed to be withion yoru safe zone."

"In other words, once I start taking the pill I should take it every single month or else I'll get pregnant immediately when we do it."

Zenia was thinking about Vaughn's behavior ever since they consummated their marriage. She could not refuse him time and again just because she still did not want to get pregnant yet. 

"Yes, that's how it is."

"How much do I need to pay for twelve pills?"