Deeper than It Seems (Part 2)

"Wow, I never thought that I will be able to meet you in person. I've been thinking of going to Tissuria, but I can't find the time. I'm glad you're here, Zenia Anisen," Doctor Lizbeth was beaming when she said those words.

Zenia was surprised that she knew her maiden name. 


Doctor Lizbeth was confused at Zenia's reply and repeated what she had said.

"I said I'm so glad to meet you at last."

"Not that, the last part of your sentence."

"Zenia Anisen?"

"How did you know my given name?"

Doctor Lizbeth got even more confused, "Isn't it this one on the contract?"

Zenia looked at the contract and gasped as if she made a terrible mistake. Doctor Lizbeth thought that Zenia made a huge blunder.

'Isn't she the real Zenia Anisen?'