I Am Here to Take You Home (Part 1)

"Is that what you supposed to say to your savior? You were about to be tossed out of the sea if I didn't put this shield up, and you don't even know about it," Jorick bickered a bit, but he was relieved that he made it on time.

"I could've been tossed?" Zenia looked at Vaughn who just shrugged his shoulders.

The couple and the rest of the people in the ship did not have the slightest idea that they were in grave danger just now. All the people in that ship did not know anything, except Captain Dumont. Jorick's timing was impeccable. 

"Yes, and you did not know about it. Well, none of you would know," Jorick commented smugly.

He felt proud of himself, especially when he came at the right time. If he was a bit late, Zenia may have been swallowed by the sea. He looked at Zenia, who was pouting at that moment.

"Yes, yes, it's all thanks to you that I am still in one piece."