Partners in Crime (Part 2)

"I don't have any complaint with your proposal just make sure that Zenia Anisen will not show herself in front of Vaughn again. But, I'm curious how you come to know her?"

Odette flashed a playful smile that annoyed Roland.

"That is no longer your concern. My business is mine alone, and your business is yours. Don't ask me anything about things that do not concern you. Just concentrate on how to make Vaughn fall for you. Our cooperation is only up to that extent. I will help you get Vaughn, and I will take Zenia away. You all will no longer hear from us by then."

Odette was startled at Roland's reply. She thought that she finally managed to get close to her First Brother. She returned quickly to how she was when facing Roland.

"Y-Yes, First Brother. I did not mean to upset you. I will tell King Odhran not to do anything anymore, and I will just wait for your good news."