A New Kind of Torture (Part 1)

Vaughn got up and was about to go to the changing area when Zenia called out to him.

"Wait! Don't tell me you're going to interrogate Azer now? At least ask Redivo first about the things that you need to know, like how he had treated the prisoner all this time."

Vaughn stopped and nodded his head, "You're right, I will ask Redivo first."

He still trod the path leading to the changing area. Zenia shook her head and got up to follow Vaughn.

"It's already late and Redivo must be tired already. You too are tired already. Come back to bed and let's sleep. Tomorrow, I will accompany you to the dungeon."

Zenia held Vaughn's hand and dragged him back to their bed. Vaughn was acting a bit off. Zenia realized that the pressure could've been too much for him to handle lately. After all, they had no idea what was going on in the mind of the Dark Magic Lord. 

Zenia tucked Vaughn to bed and kissed him.