As Amy's temperature rise up again she whispered shyly in inaudible voice
- I have a boyfriend in my DREAM
Sofia got confused for good 10 seconds before coming back to senses for nothing just to start laughing while slapping the air around her before opening up her mouth to say
- What ? a boyfriend in dreams !!!!
Her loud voice once again caught attention of the neighbors as some of them make a gesture of "what's happening" with their hands
Amy hit Sofia's shoulder before standing up and bowing to the classmates
- really sorry my friend is little bit tooo excited for the first day here
she bowed again before making herself comfortable at her place and shoot a death glare to Sofia
Sofia feels the heat in Amy's stare as she lowered her head and make a "sorry gesture while holding her ears but suddenly she regain her smile and said with a big chuckle
- but hey , didn't you said you never had a friend ?
Amy nodded with confusion
- but you just said that I'm your Friend ^•^
Amy was speechless as she saw Sofia all smily like a child
- well I think now I can't say that I don't have a friend
Amy shake her head before sighing heavily as if she is so disappointed
Sofia stare at her in confusion before she hear a playful laugh from Amy . little when she got to know that Amy was teasing her .
Sofia stand at her place instantly making Amy to stand as well before hugging her tight
- So friends ?
Amy nodded while hugging her back
After sitting to their place back Sofia asked again while poking Amy's shoulder
- Now that we are friends , stop joking around and tell me about your boyfriend
Amy sigh a little as she thought , it's only her sister Annie who knows about the guy in her dreams and it won't be good to share something as complicated like that with Sofia on their first day of friendship
Amy smiled while holding at Sofia's hand which was still poking her shoulder
- actually I don't have a boyfriend but I have someone I like
As soon Sofia heard Amy's words her lips automatically curved into a smirk before throwing her question bombs on Amy
- o my gawd , so it's all about crush huh !!
how's the guy ? Is he in same college with us ? how he looks ? since when you like him ? did he likes you too ? Sofia stops for a second before opening her mouth again
or is it a One sided Crush ? she chuckled
Amy was so Dazed as she recovered what Sofia just said
- is this how it feels being with a friend ? Amy asked staring straight to Sofia's face still in daze
Sofia's jaw dropped as she shake her head in disbelief
- did you even heard what I said ?
Amy nodded before giving Sofia a small hug
- yeah I heard everything but I was in a daze as I never had such conversation like this with anyone other than that guy
Amy thought of her boyfriend from her dreams who was the first person , who showed interest in her , who use to ask her about how was her day and all
A warm smile found its way to Amy's face as she turn back to Sofia
- i will tell you about him little by little as for your questions
I like him alot , he is not from our college , he is as beautiful as the nature itself and I don't know if "He Likes me , or not "
what I know Is -
"He need me_ "