"Will he come today ?"
Amy lift her body up as she start walking around the room
In past 2 years , he used to tell her that how hard his work is ....
- I have to practice singing , choreography and acting for almost 15 hours a day
the guy says while massaging his temple
Amy gave him a sympathetic smile while rubbing his palms
- why you choose to be a singer , if it's so tiring and stressful in such young age ?
Amy asked while giving him serious stare
- because it's the best way to express myself , to let others know how I feel , what I want and all
Amy stare at him in daze before shaking her head
- Woah you're so amazing and cool , I wish I also have such spirit like you . hehe but I'm so lazy and stupid to do so
That guy was just ready to say something but got blocked by Amy's sudden movement
she jumped from her place and put her hand on the guys shoulder
- I know it's so hard but now you aren't alone anymore , you have me . so you can tell me everything and cry before me whenever you're sad
The guy jump and stand before her and flick her foreheadhead with his right hand
- well off course I have you but I'm not a child anymore I'm so strong and charming and top of that I never cry before Anyone , Silly girl !!
Amy rubbed her forehead before recovering what he just said to her
- you dummy how dare you call me silly , I will kill you here right now
And they start running over the whole area sticking there tongue out to eachother while screaming
finally he stop running as Amy hold his hand while shaking and breathing hard
- wait a minute b-before I gain back m-my energy to k-kill you
Amy slatter while catching up her breath
- you can kill me later but for now promise me
- promise you to kill you ????
Amy asked all puzzled
- that's why you deserve to be called a silly girl
He hit his own forehead before returning back to his serious face
- you have to promise me that the day this amazing , charming guy.....
Amy shake her head in disbelief before giving him a *you sure* gesture
looking at her reaction he Chuckled showing his gummy smile before continuing his words
- so , if someday I cried before you ....
that will mean that something really wrong happened with me and I can't take it anymore and that day you have to save me , Okey ?
Amy just smiled continuously staring straight in his eyes
- hey answer me , will you come to save me ?
- off course I need to save my Amazing , charming dummy from spoiling his beautiful face from crying
they both laughed while holding eachothers hands tight
*end of flashback*
Last night he cried before her for the first time
- Is that mean that something wrong happened with him ? but he didn't tell me where is he ..... how can he just fade away like that
how will I search for him ?
I don't even know his name , from where he belong ?
- Does he really exist ? some another voice said
Amy shocked because of the sudden voice came from the doorside
After the long hectic day , Annie returned to home with a hand full of grocery bags .
She opened the door silently not to disturb Amy and enter the house
As soon Annie step inside the main hall she found Amy standing facing the wall with both of his hands on her cheeks as she continued her murmuring
- I don't know his name, from where he belong ?
Annie can't stop herself anymore , out of habit she walked over to Amy as she reached near to Amy's ear she spoke
- Does he really exist ?
Amy can't help but scream with shock cause of the sudden shock while shuting her eyes close
Watching this scene Annie burst out in laughter while punching Amy's arm hard
Amy make a small pout before screaming
" if human like you can exist in this world , then his existence is possible for sure "