New Cultivation Technique

"What did you come here for?" Said the little wolf from behind him.

"Another cultivation technique."

"Are you stupid? You can't have more than one cultivation technique." She looked at him, flabbergasted, as if he had just said something nonsensical.

But that was it. His true objective was here. He intended to find a new cultivation technique.

Although Chen Yan said that one couldn't have 2 cultivation techniques at once, she also said that the reason was that the 2 energies would clash in the essence passageways.

Upon hearing this, he thought of another option.

What if they simply don't meet? What if there was a completely different passageway in the same body, so there were two cycles. Then they would never meet, and it wouldn't be a problem.

At least that was the theory.

Upon observing his body, he found that he had a lot of strange passageways in his body. It was first discovered when he accidentally awakened the fire gland, where a cycle of some sort of fire fuel went throughout his body.

He thought he would cultivate something using these fire pathways. It was separate from the essence passageways with the tyrant qi, so he figured it would be fine.

Other organisms might not be able to cultivate more than one technique, but Hades was different.

He was an abyssal.

As an abyssal unaccustomed to this era, he had more organs, glands, and systems in his body for the sake of surviving in a desolate land. An example would be the fire gland and its fire veins.

But in this time, survival was not as difficult, and food other than other predators was abundant. They had lost most of their systems, which they no longer needed to become strong. It was replaced with the more flexible essence passageways, so that one could become or do whatever they wanted to be as long as they cultivated a suitable technique.

Originally, he shouldn't be able to cultivate, as he already had all those other systems. But he had changed in his dormancy.

Many of those systems He gained during his long life had become obsolete, such as those that stored conserved water and nutrients, like a camel, as well as another that relieved the heavy atmosphere of the abyss. There were others that processed tough and lean meat as well those that purified the bloody air of the abyss.

In short, all these systems were deemed unnecessary in the passing of time in his dormancy, and had shut down to adapt to the ever changing environment above ground. In its place, worldly essence permeated those empty pathways for millennia upon millennia until it became able to accept cultivation, like the creatures of current.

It was because many organs systems were replaced with essence passageways that he had far more than the average organism.

Though they could still be used for a dormant organ, such as the fire gland, that was grown in his body and awoken later by the lightning.

If he could combine the fire blood with some fire qi, he expected that it would make something stronger. By theory of course.

It's just a theory, an evolution theory.

And because of these theories he was here now. He was sure that the tyrant qi passageways didn't use up all the passages in his body, so he wanted to use them all up, starting with the fire veins.

Because he ignored her, the little wolf wandered off on her own.

There was not much danger, as all the guards were at the entrances they snuck past. It was convenient that there weren't any doors they had to cross though.

It was just as convenient that there were no cameras in the library, as it would breach the privacy of a cultivator's chosen techniques.

Hades went down to explore too.

He hadn't much of a clue on how to pick a technique, the Tyrant's 8 Paths kinda just showed up by accident. Right now, it was a first for him to see so many cultivation techniques.

Reading the aisles and sections, he got to 'beast cultivation methods' for humans to pick out a technique for a pet they wanted to raise. By choosing a technique before they could learn it on their own instinctively, they could increase their potential by offering a better one.

Here, he looked in the subcategory for fire techniques. He flipped through them.

-Fire Bird 9 Feathers-

-8 Tail Flame Body-

-Golden Flame 7 Fires-

There were all sorts of techniques. For each one, he would flip through it briefly, seeing if he felt something for it.

But there were just so many. The books stacked as high as the ceiling, even though it was just a subcategory. He scanned his eyes over the tall, tall shelf, and lost most of his motivation instantly.

Eventually he decided to pick the strongest looking one.

He pushed a button several times, initiating a scroll in the shelf. Since it was pressed so many times, it began to roll like a lottery.

Hades would constantly watch the shelves moving past, waiting to see something impressive, then he saw something.

It was a gold scroll, so it stood out. It had black and red patterns on it, making it look very intimidating.

He decided to take a look. If it was good enough, he'll take it.

He flew up to retrieve the scroll, and rolled it out on the ground.

-9 Lives Inferno Body-