Chapter 4 : Welcome To Hell On Earth!

A/N : Looks like the poll is coming to a close, and the majority of you actually want to see the story set at Year 2120 and to flesh out Yggdrasil!

I'm sorry to those who voted for the other one, I will try not to drag out the Yggdrasil arc.

As for this current chapter, it is the last interim chapter in the Void Space. Hope you guys enjoyed the down time, their interactions and light lemons.

Next chapter will take place in Overlord's Year 2120 Planet Earth. Destination : Neo Tokyo!

Anything you guys would like to see before the gang purchases their virtual reality consoles?

Enjoy the chap below, don't forget to use those power stones and leave a comment below!


"Overlord. Such a domineering name for this putrid place. Sounds like a place full of corruption. I like it, hoho.", Towa said beaming with a smile.

"That's an understatement. Until we get settled in there will be danger everywhere, even though the general populace won't lash out and attack. They're essentially slaves to the big conglomerates who hold true power. The notion of government only exists in fabled words there."

"...So we're essentially going in a anarchist society filled with toxic wastelands?", Elsa responded with a doubtful voice.

"Pretty much. As such, before we find our own place, only Chelsea, I, Miya and Mist will go, you guys can stay here. Our first goal will be to get situated into this society, and buy our own place. We can protect ourselves from the toxins with Divine Energy, right Vados?"

After Nao asked that, Vados gently nodded her head.

"Yes. Is it fine if I come with you? I fear going out looking like this isn't the best way, I'll be able to alter our appearances to match the plane we're heading to. They're only humans, yes?"

"Right. That'd probably be for the best, Vados. After we secure our new home then we can get into the nanotech stuff and go through its procedures. Only then will those virtual worlds become available to us. Any questions so far?"

"You're speaking as if there is more than one of these virtual worlds?", Elsa said, continuing to ask him.

"Yeah. There is one that is going to be our main focus, but we can get used to some others, just to see how it feels and such. I'm really looking forward taking them for a spin myself. Also besides a select few individuals, it's probably best not to interact with the rest of the populace."

"Are you really going to interact with them, Nao? What if they become our enemies?, Chelsea asked as a cold glint of light streaked across her eyes.

"...Who are these people, how many are there?", Elsa also asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure, Chelsea. There's a total of forty one of them. I'm not sure if we would cross paths with each other, but if we do, I'd like to at least establish a relationship. It doesn't have to be friends though."

"F-Forty one? That's hardly a few!"

"Stop worrying so much, Mother Elsa! Besides, we have us here. We'd be able to handle them no problem! I'm also looking forward to these virtual worlds!", Fie said, taking this time chime in.

Elsa's expression couldn't help but soften after hearing Fie speak, and gently nodded her head.

"You're right, Fie. We just need to remember we're going into an unknown world. You seem to have a good grasp of it already, Nao. So looks like we'll be relying on you.", Elsa said with a smile.

Nao nodded in confirmation before speaking out once more.

"So that's the general gist of things. I created my second avatar to be that of a young adult, ready to enter its hierarchy of work. I'll begin the Soul Transfer shortly, and I won't e able to go back into my previous avatar for a long time.", Nao continued to say with a serious tone.

"Rebirth will allow me to set the plane's year this time around as well. We will start six years prior to the virtual world we want to go into releases!"

"You're actually able to do that? This really is such an interesting, 'system', you called it? Why six years though? Even I'd trouble myself trying to spend more than a year in this waste, fufu.", Vados chimed in, placing her hand over her mouth like Whis does, letting out a laugh.

"Pretty simple actually. We need money, and lots of it. Build up a good base and either steal from one of the big conglomerates or make one ourselves. We'll be able to use cash in this virtual world, and can stock up on things before the transfer happens. I won't let you guys go the easy route and just create cash from nothing. I may make an exception for Fie here though to let her practice her Creation.", Nao said with a smile.

"Really!?", Fie responded happily. Fie even tried to rush out for a hug but Chronoa brought her back in, wrapping her arms around Fie. Fie pouted a bit but enjoyed Chronoa's hug in return.

"Yeah. But I think that's enough discussion for now. We ought to wake up a certain someone. Plus you guys don't want to keep smelling this right?"

After Nao said that, the girls fiercely nodded their heads. Thanks to the barrier the Grand Minister placed around the White Palace, it can even prevent putrid odors from the Void Space, if Nao willed it.

"Leave it to me, Darlin'! I'll make sure Kale is up before she knows it. Can we do some sparrin' before you transfer into that new body of yours?"

"Hmm, that is true. I won't be in my Saiyan body after this for a long time. Why don't we go all out in a battle royale? I'll unleash my Super Saiyan White. I'm curious to see some of your strengths now. Especially you, Vados. After witnessing Goku turning Ultra Instinct, I've been wanting to fight against it. You know how to use it, right?"

"Fufu, would you like to find out? Since we've left Father's jurisdiction, I've now free reign of what I can do. That means I can unleash my power if you truly want to experience it. I'm sure my brother Whis must have told you about what's I can do. Sure, let's take it for a little spin. I fear I may not a get a better chance than now if our next destination only consists of human mortals. Though those virtual worlds and the final destination sound intriguing as well.", Vados answered.

Hearing Vados answer Nao, he nodded. Towa and Chronoa also chimed in. Towa even looked at Chronoa with a grin.

"Hoho, so all of us are going to fight you? Then if we win, can I feel up Chronoa's thighs? Just seeing her like this really makes me want to~"

After Towa said that with a teasing tone, a deep red appeared on Chronoa's cheeks before she retorted.

"A-A-As if I'd let you do that! Hmph if you're going to be that way then I'll make you eat my special pudding!"

"...?", Towa responded, questioning her, only to her head in confusion. She became even more confused seeing the nearby girls start to shudder a bit, only to turn silent after. Vados and Caulifla also found this confusing since they've yet to experience that as well.

Elsa's face twitched a bit before she urged a couple girls and herself and pushed Towa and Chronoa from behind, urging them to head back toward the White Palace.

"A-Anyways, we'll set this battle royale up after Caulifla wakes Kale. Let's go on in, I'd rather not keep smelling this foul smell.", Elsa said as she urged the two.

Everyone complied with Elsa and Towa didn't question further. Her confusion lingered as the girls flew toward the White Palace. Nao didn't hesitate after looking at the dark violet planet in front of him for a final time, and followed suit. He joined up with the girls.

He figured he spent a few hours with discussing the layout pf the Overlord Plane to the girls. He was glad he did too, to set the girls with the correct mindset. Until the transfer happened, Overlord was a really shitty place to live in.

It had no government. Very expensive tuition fees for even the lowest elementary school education. Everything was essentially run by conglomerate monopolies. The rich lived lavishly while the lower and middle class were treated like slaves.

Crime was frequent. The police system only existed in name. Polluted air and dirtied water. Not a single ounce of greenery to enjoy. Get the idea?

Year 2120 Overlord was essentially a living hell. That's why Momonga, aka Suzuki Satoru, the main protagonist of the story, reacted severely when he saw the very clear sky and outer space the moment he arrived in the New World.

But that would soon come after Nao had his battle royale with the girls and initiated his Soul Transfer. But little did he know they came into a surprise after arriving in the reception room.

Nao was now ahead of the girls with Caulifla next to him. The moment they arrived in the throne room that connected to their bedroom, they started to hear muffled moaning.

Hearing this, Nao could only sigh, but he signaled everyone but Caulifla and him to stop moving. Everyone complied and decided to return to the reception room, leaving Nao and Caulifla alone.

The two quietly opened the door after walking through the corridor, only hear the muffled moaning intensify. What they saw next surprised them. They saw a naked Kale next to a fort of pillows, humping another pillow, between her legs, pleasuring herself. Nao raised his eyebrows at Kale's current position, as it was on the same spot he slept on the prior night. He could even hear Kale calling out his name, not Caulifla's!

"..Isn't that the pillow I slept with last night?", Nao couldn't help but retort in a low voice, only loud enough for Caulifla to hear.

Hearing him reply like that, Caulifla grinned.

"Hah! I told ya I'd make quick work of her. Still, she's already startin' the party without us. Why don't we continue this together before we start fightin'?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. We've got all the time in the world while we're in this space.", the two said to each other in a whisper.

Meanwhile, Kale continued to softly call out Nao's name as her moaning intensified by humping the pillow beneath her. The pillow itself was getting damp with her love juices. Yet that all came to an abrupt end before she could climax, only to get startled by Caulifla's voice yelling out to her.

"Oi, Kale! If ya wanted to go another round at this, you could at least waited till we got back!"

Hearing Caulifla's voice strike against her ears, Kale became stunned. Her body immediately stiffened. It took her a good moment to realize what she had been doing, only find herself naked over a pillow. Starting from her feet, her whole body soon became beet red.

She saw her own love juices down below as well, and became extremely embarrassed. She made a mad dash, heading into the middle of the fort of pillows, only to pop out her head. She then nervously replied back while stuttering.

"B-B-Big sis!? S-Since when did you get back!?"

Seeing Kale act like this, Caulifla's grin turned wider and let out a laugh.

"Haha! Enough to see ya doin' that. Any particular reason why you were callin' out Darlin's name instead of mine?"

"I-I was not!"

"But you totally were! Don't deny it. In fact why don't we continue this with the three of us together? You're tryin' to get used to Darlin's scent still, right?"

"...", Kale responded back with a blankly stare. Caulifla couldn't help but smile once again seeing Kale act like this, but she didn't deny her.

"So I take you want to?"

Kale didn't say anything, but didn't deny her once again.

Caulifla turned back around and saw Nao calmly staring at Kale. With that decided, Nao informed Miya through a mental message that the three were going to spend some lovey-dovey time together. Miya in turn informed the others, which caused them to go about their business and out the battle royale on hold.

With that, the passage if time continued while Nao spent his time loving both Caulifla and Kale, albeit being light in action He would wait to take their first times at a later date, but he was able to confirm the two were still virgins during this time they spent together.

The three then washed up again, rejoining the others. Kale seemed replenished by now and was informed of the battle to take place, bringing her excitement as well. And that it did!

Vados brought everyone insanely far away from the White Palace, so far that any damage caused wouldn't bring harm to the two planes. Boy was it a spectacular battle to withhold. Fifteen girls fought Nao to a standstill while he was in Super Saiyan White. Vados got pushed enough to reveal her Ultra Instinct.

That turned the tide of the war, bringing favor to the girls' side. Nao dropped dead in exhaustion, conceding his loss to the rest after being able to witness everyone's true powers. Massive quakes, starry explosions and sonic booms struck against the Void Space in the process.

Towa's mystical powers seemed stronger than ever. Chelsea revealed her powers of a demigod slayer, and was very formidable in her own right. Miya transformed and revealed her SSJ3 form for the first time.

Elsa used her water arts passed down through her family, revealing her raindrop domain. She excelled with her rapier skills as well, and seemed to be 'one' with her rapier.

Sayuri unleashed her Sunlit transformation, revealing a decked out tine tails and powers akin to that of a blazing sun. Isabella ventured further into her heat domain, letting her Gemmed Dragon form roam free.

Aht played more of a support role but she revealed her adept use of mana. She used her wooden flute as a medium to lay down elemental mana traps around now while buffing up and healing the rest of the girls. Chronoa and Fie also supported the rest, trying to constantly lock down Nao's movements as well. Chronoa could no longer use her time powers but still had her powers as a Supreme Kai.

Eir dominated up above with her speed, letting her white green tipped harpy wings flutter. Tights would try to distract Nao, going in for strikes when he would at least expect it. She showed off how well her ki control improved as of late.

Vados simply overpowered Nao with her Ultra Instinct with the help and support of the rest of the girls. Even Michael joined in, revealing her holy powers for the first time. It was as if her body was the embodiment of the light element.

With all this combined, Nao was able to persevere for a good while, but he still ended up collapsed in exhaustion. The girls' powers were no joke, and while Super Saiyan White was monstrous in itself, he still lost. Thankfully they did not crack the Void Space, entering between dimensions like he did with his fight against Broly.

With him conceding, the girls too collapsed in exhaustion, with Vados the only one who appeared to only have worked up a sweat. Her true power was insanely frightening to behold, drawing everyone's admiration. Especially Michael's, since she was a fellow Angel, despite having different appearances.

And just like that the battle royale came to an end. Everyone rested back up in the White Palace, enjoying their time all cuddling together. After Nao deemed it was ready to initiate the Soul Transfer, he decided.

It didn't take him long for his soul to leave his first avatar, going into his second. Once it did, his Saiyan body entered a form of stasis with eyes closed. Everyone decided to use one of the nearby rooms, placing the First Avatar down in it. Aptly named the Avatar Room, to store Nao's previous avatars.

It took a good while for Nao to get used to this new body, which was that of a human now. He no longer had a tail, nor was his hair super spiky. It seemed shorter but was still white. His body frame was still 6'3, but was a lot more slender and skin appearing more beautiful. He could easily pass as an idol if he wanted to. He found lost strength but his Divine Energy still held the same capacity.

He knew he was going to a society where work reigned supreme so he knew he had follow suit. The typical salaryman look of every Japanese.

Nao donned a dark blue dress suit with a striped white and black tie. Pitch black dress pants and black shoes. He even put some gel in his hair to make it slick. The girls couldn't help but whistle at him, causing his face to become deadpanned.

Chelsea also shared the same fate. Isabella handpicked out a pitch black suit for her. She founded it a bit annoying to fit into but once it was on, it revealed her curves. She retained her two black katanas at her waist. She completed her look by putting on black glasses, and had a black ribbon tying her mahogany brown hair into a long ponytail.

Miya changed back into her fairy form once more since she battled Nao as a Saiyan. As a result, she felt her energy almost completely drained now, but she still had enough to enter the Overlord Plane.

She initiated the process, turning their four bodies into souls once more. A bright golden sphere, a fiery red sphere, a blue sphere and a dark red sphere of light soon replaced Nao, Miya, Mist, and Chelsea back into their souls. Chelsea's color had indeed changed which caused Nao to worry but he knew perhaps this was Chelsea's true personality now.

But it was time to depart. The four said their goodbyes to the rest of the girls, and once they settled in, Nao confirm he would bring the rest out, and even the White Palace if they had enough space to place it.

Ignoring the growing toxic stench, the Miya and Mist guided the two's souls, officially entering the dark violet planet. They soon found themselves deep inside purple clouds filled with poison. Thankfully they had their barriers up protecting their souls. They made their way further inside it.

After traversing for a while, the clouds soon broke free and the four spotted massive amounts of lands in the opening below. They could only assume these to be the seven continents of Planet Earth.

They soon found Asia and headed straight toward a large string of islands further to the southeast in the shape of a crescent moon. Surrounding it was ocean water but it was completely contaminated, appearing purple and dirty brown all around.

Ignoring that, they headed right into the heart of the islands. Before long they started to see endless skyscrapers with an insane tower extending upward of hundreds of feet into the sky. Various metal domes could also be seen, unable to see what they contained on the inside. Concrete roads crisscrossed throughout the lands, connecting the multitude of cities. The four dove right into the largest city.

Their destination? Neo Tokyo! The hometown of the average salaryman, Suzuki Satoru, who is none other than the protagonist of Overlord!

And once the four got a good view of the city, it was literally Hell on Earth!