Preface Volume 1 Q&A (Must read before Vol 1)

Hi guys, Aht here. I've decided to create this Preface Q/A to answer any doubts readers may have if they have interest in starting Vol 1 before Vol 2.

Trust me, the beginning of Vol 1 is really rough, especially so since this is my first fanfic. I've been improving since then, and Vol 2 is the result of that so far. This is to help readers clear any doubts they have as well, for those who do not read my synopsis or chapter comments during their reading.

So to begin with here is the first question!

Q1.) Is this a harem?

Answer : Yes, it is! It is a sequential harem, meaning harem members won't immediately appear. The first few harem members start showing up during the Other World Tournament Arc, which is the second Arc after the childhood Arc on Planet Vegeta.

Q2.) Is there Incest?

Answer : No!

Out of the harem members, there are only two characters who use word play that may seem like its incest. One of them is MC's 'Sister', except she is his Sister only by physical appearance. Her true appearance is that of an artificial intelligence created by the person who created Rebirth, which is MC's system. This girl is Miya, MC's guiding system fairy. She receives a soul through the Creator and thus is able to reincarnate alongside him.

The other character is someone who appears later on, and creates a 'blood pact' with MC. As a result, this figure quickly becomes attached to him after becoming a fatherly figure to her, and calls him 'Papa'. While they are bound by this contract, they do not share blood.

Q3.) Why is MC so weak even though he has one of the highest battle powers in the beginning of the story?

I see many dislike this part of the story in the beginning, and the answer is simple. He is weak! MC used to be a 16 year old average human in his past life. No training, minimal exercising, and was a bit of a nerd. With that transferred into a newborn Saiyan body, besides that knowledge he had of the series, he had no idea how to train or utilize ki. This is what made the MC strive to become stronger. And being put in a life and death scenario helped kick in his Saiyan instincts.

Q4.) Does Miya stop copying MC's Battle Power?

Answer : Yes! I also see people don't like this part either. This was mainly introduced in the childhood Arc, because of the looming threat of the Tuffles. MC was born while the Tuffle war was still amidst with the Saiyans. After clearing them out, MC started his own path to power. Once he starts this path Miya finds out she can no longer copy his power, and she in turn starts her own path. Later on she resolves to become much stronger than what her strength became at the end of Vol 1.

Q5.) Why doesn't MC get shipped off to a random planet to exterminate it?

Answer is simple. MC gets born as an Elite class Saiyan. Elites are exempt from this. Only Low and Middle class Saiyans receive these missions when a baby is born, and get called as 'Infiltrator Babies'.

Q6.) Why is the battle power so inconsistent with MC?

Another part of the story I often see people complain about. Yes MC receives a high battle power at birth and after his growing pod growth, but as explained earlier he had no ways on how to use it. He was like a walking time bomb that never went off, because it didn't know how to. It wasn't until the Palace Guards showed him how to properly use his Ki which kicked off his first training montage.

Q7.) Does the battle power eventually get removed from the system? What about the stats and quests?

Answer is, Yes! Battle power in DBZ becomes insane later on with ridiculous numbers, and I realized I didn't want MC's strength to be portrayed by a number in the DBZ world. Once I came to that conclusion, I had Rebirth update itself to remove Battle Power altogether. This also went for the stats and the quest functions.

Q8.) MC receives a Shop from Rebirth as well, why doesn't he ever use it?

As mentioned above, I reached the conclusion while writing the childhood Arc that I did not want to have MC's system become a Gamer-like system. I had the Shop function disabled, and it later on became the Plane Shop to where he could buy the next worlds MC could travel to through there.

Q9.) Author, you mentioned that this is a harem fanfic. Are there lemon scenes?

Answer : Yes! There are plenty of lemon scenes for you guys to enjoy. As to where they are in the story, that is up to you to find out~

Q10.) Author, you have recently started Volume 2. Can we jump into Volume 2 without reading Volume 1?

Answer : Yes! You can hop into Volume 2. There are a few chapters in the beginning that has summarized things from Volume 1. What you will miss out though is MC's life in Volume One in the DBZ Plane, as well as the fifteen harem members that join him.

Q11.) How many harem members does Author plan to have in MC's harem?

Answer : I don't know! Fifteen girls joined MC's side in Volume 1. I now have no limit to the number. MC will soon have his own army hehe.

I can't thing of anything else at the moment, if you guys want any more questions answered that is Volume 1 related, please let me know in the comments!