Chapter 30 : Celebration

A/N : Aht here!

A bit of a special chapter for this one, it is another Radiant Historia chapter. This will be the last of anything Radiant Historia for a while.

Almost like my pseudo-conclusion to it.

This chapter is also longer than usual!

But with this chapter out of the way, it is soon time to meet the legend himself. Ainz Oowl Gown!

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to drop those power stones, leave your comments below!


"Looks like you done your research, Nao. I indeed have finishes my business. Still, everything couldn't have been done without the help of these two.", Nemesia answered Nao as a smile crept on her lips.

"Those two...?", Nao said, letting his eyes wander. Nemesia also turned her shoulders to the side, letting Nao get a clearer look.

Two figures of the several that could be seen on the ship's deck started to walk out. After a couple moments of silence the two figures reached Nemesia's side. Not counting the several times Nao saw the two dangling above from one of Historia's staircases, now that they're on even footing with him, both of them appeared quite short compared to the size of normal humans. They didn't even reach five feet high.

One was a boy while the other was a girl. The boy was wearing an orange robe with black designs on it and had rounded pointy ears. The girl wore a violet robe with white designs on it. She also had pointy ears but they were more firm than round. Both had beige sandy-colored hair.

Who else could the two be but Teo and Lippti? The two guardians of Historia who encountered Nao multiple times throughout his life thus far. They may appear short on the outside, but besides the Angels, they're likely the most aged people here, easily living over 250 years old.

One would think that since their story finished and their continent was saved, Historia would crumble apart and Teo and Lippti would perish along with it as they were Historia's guardians. Turns out Historia is still alive and kicking, and as a result, it no longer deemed Teo and Lippti necessary to be its guardians anymore, and granted the two enough Mana to become immortal beings. They now no longer age.

Immortality may be a curse to some people, but Teo and Lippti accepted the result as Historia's blessing. And now it seems they came along with Nemesia. Nao saw the resolute looks in the two's eyes, and it seemed they have something to discuss. His lips curved into a smile seeing the two next to Nemesia.

"So you two are actually able to come here now. It's nice to see you again, Lippti, Teo."

"The same goes for us, Nao. It's wonderful to be here. It indeed has been a while."

"That's right. Seven years to be exact. Nemesia here has come a couple times already to check up on Aht but it's been a few years since her last visit. You've been engrossed in that virtual reality thing so you didn't see her."

"Is that what happened? Haha, I'm sorry for not paying more attention. I ought to have more down time like this.", Nao said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"You definitely get failing remarks for that, but I'll let it slide since we're able have this gathering today. Speaking of which, how are you feeling, Aht? Have you had any troubles since I last saw you?"

"Hehehe, nope! Our baby has been doing fine. I'll let you feel her later, Sister Nemesia!", Aht said as she started to rub her belly with a lovable smile.

"Wait, her? I thought we were going to keep the baby's gender a surprise this time.", Nao said raising eyebrows at Aht.

"Well we are, but I just feel that our baby is going to be a girl! A woman's intuition can be pretty scary you know."

"No need to say that twice. Every one of you can be scary at points."

"Right? Anyways, Sister Nemesia, I'm glad you can make it! As you can see, we're doing just fine."

"I'm glad to hear that. I know Teo, Lippti and I still have more to say in regards to a couple things, but we can save that for later. Why don't we bring in our guests? We have quite a few."

"Sure, you can bring them here. They aren't strangers to us anymore."

"Exactly! I really hope Sister Elm is able to make it."

"Were you really that exited to see me, Lady Aht? Still, I can't believe really ran off and got married...with whatever you're supposed to be. What the hell are you? You don't smell like a beastkin anymore.", A female voice suddenly said, reaching the group's ears. This figure then proceeded to look at Nao with a confused look in her eyes. Yet she was soon disrupted by another voice speaking out to her.

"Don't be like that, Elm. We gave Nao and Aht our blessings seven years ago, didn't we? Looks like our blessing did the trick too. Congratulations on the kid. Still, I'm having a hard time coming to a realization with what's happening right now. Are we really in the sea of stars? Boy, Mana sure is something else!", a rougher male voice sounded off next to the female voice.

"Hmph, such an ignorant human not knowing the ways of the world. Serves you right for being too absorbed in that damn war of yours, even dragging us beastkin into that mess. Ain't that right, Lieutenant General Raul? Wait, that's Prime Minister Raul now isn't it?"

That's right, the one speaking was none other than Elm, the leader of the Satyros Tribe that Aht belongs to! Aht sees her both as a dear friend and as a big sister, Aht cares for her deeply.

The one she started to argue with was a light brown relatively tall, middle aged man. His hair flew down the sides of his face. It was quite short, cutting off at his ears, and it curved, making it appear wavy.

He wore a light green long robe with an even longer white cape flowing down his back. Slick silver scale chainmail wrapped around his underside. He held a long tachi-style blade at his waist too, sheathed in a brown cover. This man was one of the leading figures alongside the protagonist in the Radiant Historia game. Lieutenant General Raul. Yet now he doesn't have that title anymore, he rose in the ranks and now watches over his city, Alistel, as its Prime Minister.

But its story officially ended seven years ago when Aht proposed to Nao at her homeland. Yet even with their story ended, its not like the characters disappear right? Much like how Nao is still linked to the DBZ Plane, he is still linked to Vainqueur too.

The one thing Nao still needs to figure out is how to bridge planes together. Right now he can only do so with his portals, and only those who have his portal rings can use them. But seeing Nemesia arrive here with her own ship no less, she definitely used Mana and found her own way to arrive. She might have had assistance with the Red Chronicle as well, considering she still has it in her hand.

Nao ought to discuss this matter with Nemesia later. Nao still needs to uphold his promise with Lord Zeno after all. He didn't give him one of his portal rings and doesn't plan to, so the only way would be to link the planes together. And seeing Nemesia arrive like that, she may be an expert in this field.

He could get assistance with Michael and maybe Miya as well, considering they're directly related to Rebirth. Once Nemesia does join the family, she will flip out after learning of Rebirth's existence. Little did Nao know from the group gathered here today that Nemesia wouldn't be the only one joining his family.

But he put this matter at the back of his mind. This group arrived to join the celebration for Aht's pregnancy. Nao has two days of free time now, so he might as well make the most of it. To keep the conversation going before Elm and Raul could argue even more, Nao decided speak to the two, officially welcoming them to his White Palace.

"Haha, you two haven't changed a bit in these seven years. They do say those who yell at each other a lot is a sign of good love they share."

Hearing Nao speak like that, Raul raised his eyebrows while Elm's cheeks turned slightly pink.

"You really think I-I would actually get together with this idiot human!?", Elm shouted out in disagreement, pointing her finger right at Raul.

"...I've no comment on that.", Raul replied back, remaining mysterious on the matter, yet he didn't deny her.

Yet Aht could see past Elm. A grin appeared on her lips. She then hopped up and down, striking the floor with her hooves. The difference now that each time she does this motion, her belly shakes up and down with it.

Elm frowned seeing this but Aht spoke out to her before Elm could respond.

"And here I thought you were going to grow into a lonely old woman, Sister Elm!"


'"W-why you! No matter how much time passes, you always have that carefree manner of yours. I'd hit you on the head if you weren't pregnant. Don't cause your body too much movement like that. Be careful next time."

"Hehehe, now there's the Sister Elm I know, always worrying about me. Don't you worry, I know how to keep my body in check like this. Stocke is here too right? What about Eruca? And the rest?", Aht asked after letting out a giggle.

This time it was Raul to respond.

"No need to worry about the others, Their Excellencies are on their way as we speak. Not too long after you guys left after that night seven years ago,, Stocke took up his true name and ascended Granorg's throne alongside Queen Eruca. He still allows his close friends to call him Stocke though. But to the general populace, he's addressed as King Ernst now." (A/N A bit of a spoiler here for those who haven't played this game yet, sorry)

"Hoh? So Stocke is their King now?", Nao said

"That's right. It's nice to see you again, Nao. You're looking fine too, Aht.", A firm voice suddenly spoke out.

"It truly is wonderful to see you guys again. Our lives have been quite hectic with all of those structural reforms taking place. Has it been seven years already, Aht?", a higher pitched voice said after the first voice.

"So you two were able to make it! Welcome to our palace!

Two more figures arrived beside them, both dressed in regal clothing. Stocke's was red and Eruca's was light green. Stocke had grown his hair out a bit, and it was golden blond. Both he and Eruca had ocean blue capes. Eruca wore white leggings and silver-blue long heel boots.

Not only that, a golden crested one handed sword could be seen around around his waist. A silver crested Mana Rifle was strapped around Eruca's back. That's right, both Stocke and Eruca were a force to be reckoned with, not to be underestimated!

Seeing characters one after another start to appear from one of Nao's favorite games he played in his first life brought a smile to his face. Stocke and Eruca warmly greeted the two and also gave their admiration to Nao's White Palace.

Stocke could easily tell Nao was living a lavish life within these walls. Nao could tell that too, so he decided to introduce his family to their guests. Most of them were quite shocked seeing that not all of his family were humans or beastkin, and the number was quite high.

The star of this celebration was Aht though, as all of this was planned fir her. They didn't know when exactly the baby would be delivered, nut they still had another eleven years.

And just like that everyone threw a giant party in the White Palace. The sun rose and fell before they realized it, going well into the second day. The two days of rest was well spent by everyone.

Nao let everyone leave though the portals which shocked them once more. Of course Nemesia stayed behind as the White Palace was now her home. Yet Nao didn't think Lippti and Teo would also stay behind after guiding everyone a safe passage back to Vainqueur.

'Perhaps this is what the three wanted to talk about when Nemesia arrived?', Nao thought to himself.

Seeing it was just the girls, Nao, Aht, Lippti, Teo, and Nemesia now, it seemed they wanted to have a discussion. Nao decided to dismiss the rest except for Elsa. The others acknowledged Nao, and kept to go about their business or headed to the bedroom to relax for the remainder of the second day.

Seeing the six alone now, they decided to remain in the dining area. The three from Vainqueur sat on one side of the table while Nao, Aht, and Elsa sat on the other side. All plates and leftover food had long been cleaned already, despite a couple hours ago was such a rowdy party.

Lippti and Teo remained silent but Nao still saw a resolute look in their eyes. Teo saw Nao's intense gaze but didn't back away, and a small smile curved upward on his lips.

"We won't beat around the bush, Nao. As fun as today was, we do have a topic to discuss about, though you've probably known that since we've arrived here."

"It did look like you two had something to talk about. Is it such a serious matter for you two to remain behind?", Nao questioned.

"Well, it may not look like a serious matter from your view. In fact, the ones that may be impacted the most is likely Teo and I.", Lippti responded to Nao.

"You two? Hmm...If I had to guess, did something happen to Historia?"

"Indeed. Stocke's journey came to a close during your celebration seven years ago, and Historia relinquished him of his duties bound to the White Chronicle. It used to belong to Eir too, so she may have felt similar as well.", Teo responded to Nao's question.

"Is that so? Eir didn't bring it up, so we'll have double check with her later. She did get quite drunk tonight, heh.", Nao said with a grin.

"You needn't worry, Nao. It was nothing harmful, according to Stocke. With Historia no longer deeming worthy a successor to the White Chronicle as our land was successfully restored of its desertification, it decided to destroy it. The Black Chronicle was destroyed by Stocke at the end of his journey. With the balance of light and darkness destroyed, Historia decided to rid of the White Chronicle.", Lippti continued to say.

"The light and darkness's balance destroyed...they are always on two sides of the same coin aren't they? One cannot exist without the other.", Nao said with a look of interest in his eyes.

"That's correct. Peace was restored to our world, it no longer has its looming darkness. And with those no longer in effect, that's where we come in.", Teo said with a resolute voice.

"Hmm, I think I see it now. Historia no longer has any issues its bound to, so it no longer...requires its guardians?", Nao took a shot, questioning Teo and Lippti.

A moment of silence soon spread out. Nemesia knew the two's story before coming here and remained quiet during their conversation, yet Elsa found this all surprising to hear. She's been staying quiet to absorb all this information in.

"Essentially, that was Historia's last task for us. It set us free. We thought we would just crumble away after finishing our task, becoming lost in the sands of time, but we never thought it would turn out this way."

"It is as my sister said, Nao. We are now free from Historia, our titles stripped. It looks like it gave us a bonus too, granting us an infinite lifespan. Perhaps it was a reward for accomplishing our duty as its guardians."

"You really received infinite lifespans? Well then again, this is Historia we're talking about. It's domain is Time itself."

"Indeed. Teo and I were at a loss once this happened. Living on forever doesn't truly count as immortality since we can still die from other means. Yet this isn't something too foreign to us, considering we've watched over Vainqueur since the age of the Old Empire."

"That's right. We're already over 250 years old now. Back then we were just a son and daughter belonging to a family of thaumatech engineers. But we were chosen to become Historia's guardians, and well, now we're here 250 years later.", Teo said with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"it must have been painful watching your family and friends grow and age while you sit back and watch from the shadows."

"Indeed. But Teo and I were forced to adapt to this new lifestyle. But now learning that it will continue to live on for forever now, we weren't really sure where to go. To continue watching over our world, or venture someplace else?"

"And that's where you come in, Nao. We remembered you're in quite a similar position to us now, aren't you?"

"That's indeed correct, you two. Our family here is all bonded with me in a special way, and I no longer age as a result. Divine Energy plays a role in this. And thanks to this special bond, they won't age unless something happens to me."

"Hearing that truly sounds marvelous. I don't think Teo and I have heard of this Divine Energy. Have you, brother?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Is it a similar type of energy to Mana?",,Teo asked with an interested look.

"Well, we can go into that in more detail. I think what's important is what are you two going to do from here on?"

"Ah yes, apologies for getting lost in the moment there. Teo and I have been thinking of what to do during these last seven years. We could only come to one conclusion."

"It's as my sister said, Nao, Well, to put it bluntly, are we able to join your family?"

"Join...our family?:, Nao said as his eyes turned wide. He was half expecting this outcome bit they had actually said it directly!

He then looked toward Elsa, who still had a look of shock written all over her face. It took Elsa a good moment to recover from her stupor. Once she did she realize there was silence and Nao looking right at her, it was as if he was expecting an answer.

Elsa then let out a sigh before she spoke out to them.

"Well, this is rather unexpected. To be honest our family has been growing larger and larger, but that happens if we travel to new places. Besides, we aren't strangers to Historia or your world. I can see the resolute looks in your eyes, so you get an okay from me. But i do want to mention one thing. You should know what type of family we are after you two met everyone else, right?"

"Yes. Nao is essentially living the life of an emperor, but is not bound by his duties. We like that very much, but I know with me being a male, it may make things awkward here. As such, my sister and I decided that I would leave her here, while I will return to Stocke's side and watch over them. Besides, i will be able to visit you guys whenever I wish to, correct?"

"That is true. But won't doing this cause you guys to be separated? Even if it doesn't take much to get here with the right means.", Nao asked with a hint of worry.

"This is something we reached a conclusion on, Nao. If you, Elsa or the others aren't against it, we would be happy to join your family. Starting one of my own isn't out of the question either. Despite being in Historia for over 250 years, my body is still pure."

Hearing Lippti say that, a light hint of red appeared on her cheeks. Lippti and Teo never showed any emotions during their time in Historia, so seeing this happen was refreshing. She appeared cute to him.

Nao nor Elsa turned the two down, so they decided to welcome the two with a warm smile.

"I could see why the two of you wanted to stay behind. Welcome to our family, Lippti, Teo. Teo, I'll give you a portal ring later so you can come and go as you please."

"Thank you very much, Nao. I'd like that.", Teo responded with a smile.

"Yes, Thank you!", Lippti also responded with a smile.

Nao also looked at Nemesia as well and spoke out to her with a smile.

"And I won't forget about you either, Nemesia. Welcome to our family."

"It'll be my pleasure to be by your side, Nao. I'll let you have a look at the Dunamis later too."

"Haha, sounds good.", Nao replied with a laugh.

The six shared heartwarming smiles with each other. Aht too found this wonderful, and welcomed Lippti and Teo warmly. Elsa too had a bright smile on her face.

And just like that, another chapter from Radiant Historia came to a close. Nao wouldn't know if he would see the characters living on Vainqueur again, but once he connects its plane like he plans to with the DBZ Plane, they could see each other again. His portals could do the trick, but he wanted his planes to truly share a connection with each other.

These two days of rest went by in the blink of an eye. Teo departed back to Stocke's side while the girls warmly welcomed Nemesia and Lippti into the group. Nao did ask the two if they were interested in the virtual reality everyone was currently playing, but they wanted to take it slow and just get used to life in the White Palace first.

After the two days ended, Yggdrasil went back online. Nao and the girls spent the night together, with Nemesia and Lippti joining in. Nao had no plans to touch them for a while, but he still enjoyed the sight of their naked bodies. The next girl Nao wanted to have sex with is Caulifla. As to when that would happen, he hadn't a clue.

But enough of that. With Yggdrasil back online, it was time to play! Helheim City awaited for Nao to explore. Not only that, it was soon Nao's fated time to meet a lonely skeleton!