Chapter 32 : Touch Me & Momonga!

"Nice, I got some points!" A scruffy voice suddenly exclaimed next to a sole skeleton lying face down in some dirt. Several figures could be seen around it, surrounded by dark trees all around. Hel's Wind covered the skies above making everything appear way more eerie.

"Just two more points and I'll be able to change my class!", the another rough, arrogant sounding voice said. That's right, as the Heteromorphic player discrimination peaked, many players started to find out by killing them, they were treated the same as monsters and even gave them bonus job and racial class points to use to further level up player's skills.

"Just finish this guy off, will ya?", a third voice exclaimed, containing hints of annoyance.

After that third voice spoke, it revealed five players standing over a sole sole skeleton dressed in a brown ragged leather robe.

Starting from the left was the smallest of the five players, it was obviously he was a Human. He also was a Rogue, wearing a hood that completely wielded his face. A steel-like dagger appeared in his right hand.

Next to him stood the tallest of the bunch, appearing to be a lionkin warrior, obviously a Demihuman. He had large brown hair fluffed out like a lion's mane and wore silver shoulder guards with brown gauntlets. He seemed he could do well with his fists.

In the middle stood essentially that of a Black Knight, wearing full plated armor that covered his whole body. His helmet had horns that curved like a devil's horns, and in his hands was a massive black greataxe. It was unclear if he was Human or Demihuman but from his stature and tone, he seemed to be Human.

To the left of him stood another tall full plated warrior of sorts wearing pale blue and purple armor. His face was also hidden sway by a helmet yet his helmet appeared more of that of a Samurai. He wielded a spear taller than him, and if one had to take a guess, he was likely Demihuman.

The last one of the group was the only female actually wore similar armor to that of Shaltear's, but it was pale red instead. It also revealed most of her body and appeared on the slim side. She had a one-handed sword resting on her shoulder as if the prey in front of her wasn't a challenge.

These five players weren't the only the only ones around, Nao, Isabella, Tabula and Bukubukuchagama were distant but close enough to observe the ongoing scene. Nao held the three back. Isabella saw Nao probably had a plan so she remained quiet. Tabula remained quiet and observant. Yet Bukubukuchagama was the only one to raise her voice while letting out a frown emote seeing a skeleton mage be bullied by them.

"A lone skeleton dressed in brown ragged robes. Definitely fits the description all right. He's one of the people we're supposed to keep an eye out for and I absolutely hate this mindless bullying! Aren't we going to go in and save him!? He's one of us you know!", Bukubukuchagama refuted with an angry voice.

During these three years that passed, Nao became great friends with both Bukubukuchagama and Tabula. It was soon time to set up his first offline meeting with Bukubukuchagama as well. He could easily realize where her current anger stemmed from, as during these past three years, the amount of players the four saved in Helheim were countless. Players from other realms would often go in hunts in parties of five, much like this one. Even if it was just killing one Heteromorphic player, they didn't care.

But as a result, Nao's name as the False Angel spread far and wide in Helheim. There wouldn't be a nook it cranny in Helheim who didn't know who he was now. Not only that, killing players like crazy gave him lots if loot drops he could store away in preparation in the New World. By doing that and clearing out the surrounding areas near Helheim City and the Darkwood Forest, their party reached Level 70!

But that would be a topic saved for another time. Nao could only respond calmly to her.

"I know what you're feeling right now, Bukubukuchagama. I'd like to head on in too but pay closer attention to our surroundings. It seems we aren't the only ones wanting to deliver some justice today.", Nao replied calmly. He then resumed looking at the ongoing scene, causing the lovable slime to bob up and down.

"We're not the only ones wanting to deliver justice today...huh?", Bukubukuchagama asked herself. She soon saw a figure coming in the opposite direction making a mad dash straight toward the lone skeleton.

Bukubukuchagama then became excited as this this figure literally appeared to be a knight in shining armor!

Meanwhile, the skeleton who didn't realize what or who was coming to come, let out a pained groan.

"Ugh...", a pained voice escaped from his lips. It was obviously that of a male's voice.

Nao then saw the skeleton mage look up toward the five PKers before him, only to have more slander thrown at him. One of the voices even clicked their tongue in annoyance.

"Tch, a fucking inhuman.", the first voice said.

"You're disgusting.", the second voice said, belonging to the one who wielded the black axe.

It was this moment that time seemed to have slowed down. Before the axe wielder could swoop down with, everyone saw a quick black shadow swoop around the five figures around the skeleton mage.

Even Bukubukuchagama stared ahead of her at the sudden new figure. She could tell it belonged to the same figure that was closing in on them from earlier, the white knight. Seeing the same figure she became more excited.

Yet just within that moment, her eyes would turn wide if she could. A singular slash mark that leaked rainbow particles of light appeared on each player. These marks soon became pixels and the green health bars floating up the players' heads depleted instantly.

The dark knight was the first to vanish from sight. The armored spear wielder was the second to vanish. The other three soon followed suit and their annoying voices could no longer be heard. They were killed in mere seconds. Well that's how fast players could be killed in Yggdrasil in the latter half of the game.

Another moment passed in silence as Nao's party still didn't join in. Regardless, Nao was inwardly happy that this figure came to the skeleton mage's rescue.

It essentially played the same, the very same when this skeleton mage reminiscenced this scene with the white knight shortly after his transfer to the New World!

That's right the bony skeleton dressed in brown ragged robes that was just rescued was the legend himself! Momonga, or who would he eventually become known as, Ainz Oowl Gown!

And the white knight was one of Momonga's first friends and first guild members of his future guild, Touch Me! Touch He was also the one who created Sebas Tian!

But the silence that spread after the five players were soon interrupted by Momonga. Momonga spoke out to the white knight before him.

"Why...would you save a player like me, that you don't even know?", Momonga asked the white knight before him.

He was then startled by two big red kanji that started popping out from the kanji, only for an extremely cheesy line to escape from the white knight's mouth. This kanji read as Justice.

"Saving someone who is in trouble is common sense! Justice has arrived!", branding his blade, the white knight replied to Momonga.

"I...see?", Momonga simply replied, questioning the white knight's arrival. Still, Momonga was grateful for saving him from death's grasp a moment ago, so he decided to thank him.

"Regardless, I thank you for coming to my rescue. I'm sure five players ganging up on one just for some extra points must have been unsightly.", Momonga continued to say.

"I'm just here to do my duty and deliver justice to those who need it. I'm sure those friends from over there are also thinking the same thing.", the white knight replied to Momonga. He then let his two kanji vanish from sight.

"Hmm? There's more?", Momonga started to question. As he was on the ground most of the time, he couldn't see his surroundings well. Touch Me decided to reach his hand out, letting Momonga grab it, and stood up again. Sure enough as Momonga's eyes started to wander, he spotted four figures.

One Angel, one Succubus, one Brain Eater, and one Amber Slime to be exact. He couldn't even do anything else besides standing up before one of the four figures spoke out to the two.

"Looks like we were spotted after all. We didn't have intentions on joining since we saw you rush in like that, mister knight. I do hope we aren't intruding.", the Angel spoke out. This of course was none other than Nao.

"Of course not! In fact I should thank you four. Even if I were to fall, this skeleton would have been saved by guys, right?"

"Heh, that is true!", Nao replied to Touch Me with a chuckle.

Yet it was actually Momonga who replied after Nao, letting out a frown emote.

"While it is nice to meet fellow Heteromorphs, I must ask you to stop calling me this skeleton. I do have a name you know.",

Hearing, Momonga say that, the white knight stated at him for a moment, before hoisting Momonga the rest of the way up. Momonga took this time to dust his robes while the white knight suddenly let out a laugh.

"Hahaha! Guess we haven't even introduced ourselves yet. I do apologize for that. You can call me Touch Me. Like these fellow players I'm also at Lv70."

"Touch Me, is it? Wow, you guys are already so far ahead of me...I'm only Lv50. But I've still made it this far as a Skeleton Mage. I go by Momonga. Now that I'm getting a better look at you guys, you wouldn't happen to be that Metatron, would you?"

After Momonga and Touch me introduced themselves to each other, they introduced themselves to Nao's party as well. Even Touch Me spaced out for a moment before looking at the Angel in front of him again. They heard Nao let out another laugh before he introduced himself as well.

"Hahaha! The one and only. You two can call Metatron. Though I guess most people call me the False Angel these days. Looks like you've heard of me at least."

"Heard of you? Who hasn't these days? Your popularity has taken firm ground here in Helheim. The few I know also look up to you, not only me."

"Thank you. Momonga, was it? Also Touch Me would you like to be added to our friends list? I fear we may come across each other's paths more often seeing you two here in Helheim. I mean, if it won't be a bother."

"It definitely won't! It would be an honor to become friends with such an influential Heteromorph like you.", Momonga replied with admiration.

"Momonga is right. Anyone who delivers justice is worthy of being friends.", Touch Me said, branding his sword again in a goofy fashion.

Nao could only sigh inwardly in his heart seeing Touch Me act like this. He may be goofy at times but when Touch Me gets serious, he can become quite calculative, much like how Momonga can reach later on. Those two did end up being quite the close friends.

But this was the real deal. Nao had finally met the star of Overlord after playing Yggdrasil for four years with his girls and friends, Momonga! Not only that Touch Me made his appearance too!

The members of Ainz Oowl Gown had started to gather within Nao's sight before he came to realize. Tabula Smaragdina was the first. Bukubukuchagama was the second. Nao came to learn that her brother, Perorocino is also playing, although he is currently in a different realm. That makes him the third.

Nao and his party encountered Momonga before Touch Me, so Momonga would count as the fourth, and Touch Me would be the fifth of the now known members of Ainz Oowl Gown.

Unlikely for Nao though that Guild was still a while away, considering he just saw Touch Me and Momonga just met for the first time. Nao and his party happened to stumble upon this scene by chance, but getting to know Momonga now was great.

Nine's Own Goal would need to form first, starting from here. 2 of its 9 members were now known. The other seven, being Nishikirenai, Wish III, Warrior Takemikazuchi, Ancient One, Flatfoot, Amanomahitotsu, and its last member which unfortunately was never revealed in the original story, had not been found yet.

Perhaps Nao may take up that spot? He did have interest in becoming part of Nine's own Goal, but not enough to where he would stay until Ainz Oowl Gown would form.

But regardless of that, Nao's legend in Yggdrasil was forming up nicely. He took this time to add Momonga and Touch me to his friends list. He also introduced his party members one by one as well. Everyone quickly became friends with each other.

Unfortunately the sand if time showed no mercy and time started to churn again. As fun as thus encounter was, Momonga and Touch me departed from the four. Nao offered the two to have them party together, and while the two were surprised by Nao's offer, the two declined.

Nao was also surprised by this, but after learning their reasons, mainly Momonga's, he could only comply with the two. Momonga was actually on the way back to his friends but was suddenly swarmed by those five players. Touch Me said he will safely deliver Momonga back to his friends.

The two soon departed from sight, but left on friendly terms. How could Nao not be excited from this? He was able to meet THE Ainz Oowl Gown!

Yet little did he know Nao's path will clash against Ainz more frequently....but for Nao, Nao and his party started to resume grinding their levels. His party reached the next threshold which was Lv70!

Nao's anticipation started to grow more and more as to what Yggdrasil's end game had to offer him! It also felt like he was on the cusp of finding out the location of his desired World Item, Ouroboros!


A/N : note down here this time.

Hope you guys enjoyed Nao meeting the legend himself, Ainz Oowl Gown!

To be honest I don't have much more to show between lvl70 to 100. Nao will create his guild and spend money like no tomorrow to amass as much as he can.

Besides Ouroboros I'm still thinking of what other World Items to give him.

Dungeons wise, I'm planning to show off Grenbera Swamps and Hel's Palace., nothing more.

The end of the Yggdrasil arc will feature the World Champion Tournament where I will have Nso fight against someone special.

For those patiently waiting for the New World, it won't be too much longer!

We are also approaching our first 100 stones and if we do that will be a bonus chapter! 200 stones will give another bonus chapter!

So drop those power stones!

And leave comments below if you guys ate enjoying the story!