Chapter 40 : The Two's Resolve

A/N: Aht here! Been quiet over the week due to quarter close at work and that's over now. I've been working on this one chapter through the week, and it's extra long for you guys!

A 3 in 1 chapter. Enjoy!

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones and enjoy comments below!

Please note what's described in this chapter doesn't happen in the original story, except that it's true 19 people were transferred to the New World before Ainz did.

This is my personal spin on it. Enjoy!


"So let me get this straight. You're this 'Elosyian' Elf, and a royal elf at that?"

"Yes.", Elsa simply answered with a single nod.

"And you. That tail obviously is that of a Succubus but you say you hail from a race called the Gemmed Dragons? What the hell even is that?"

"I'm mixed as you guys would say. Like those half American half Japanese people you guys got. Though on the outside i mostly appear as a Succubus. If you'd like, I can show you my Gemmed Dragon transformation. Though if I did that, I would fear this ship might melt down.", Isabella answered Iris with a grin.

"Of course you'd have a transformation...", Iris responded to her with a retort.

Iris then shifted her gaze toward Sayuri, who nodded her head happily.

"You're like a walking myth, Sayuri. I never thought I'd thought I'd meat an actual fox person. Your tails look super fluffy."

"Thank you. I take great pride in these beauties."

After Sayuri said that, Iris smiled.

It didn't take long for this girls talk to start. Everyone had already wandered down below deck, where a huge fancy lounge and bar could be seen. The girls could be seen sitting around in comfy long chairs, chatting up a storm with Iris being the main focus in the group. She was firing question after question.

As for the guys, they were near the bar. Plenty of fancy assorted alcohol and wine could be seen lined up.

In fact it wasn't just Nao and Suzaku over here. Two other guys could be seen as well. Suzaku has been in a daze ever since he first came across figure standing behind the bar, currently rubbing a wine glass with a white cloth.

This man was currently wearing a white tuxedo and had pinkish red skin. His ears were large and pointed, and had small black hair. He also had a thin mustache that connected into a beard that had a reverse goatee, going upward instead of downward.

He no longer had an M on his forehead either. He was acting of his own free will to be here. Of course, this man was none other Dabura, previous Demon King of the Demon Realm from the DBZ Plane!

He had joined Nao's family and his journey as a result from severing his sister's fate, who was none other than Towa. This also allowed Towa to join and she even became a part of Nao's ever growing harem. Since the end of the DBZ Plane, Nao created a pocket dimension for Dabura to do as he pleases there, and he would show up occasionally in the White Palace to chat with everyone.

During that down time, besides keeping up with his sword training, Dabura took up bartending as a hobby. So much so that a bar now exists near the main dining area in the White Palace.

As for the fourth person, Teo was able to make at the last minute. He stood by Nao snd the two watched Suzaku stare at Dabura with curiosity in their eyes, as if they wanted something to happen.

It didn't take long before a drop of cold sweat form on Suzaku's forehead, slowly dripping down his cheek as he watched Dabura rotate his wine glass. After finishing cleaning it, he placed it down on the counter, before letting out a deep chuckle.

"Haha, what, have you never seen a Demon King serve drinks before?"

"Not exactly...I'm already having my reality being split apart right now and you just had to add a Demon King into this mess.", Suzaku replied with a stiff smile.

"That's former Demon King to you. Now I'm just a Demon living in Nao's home together with my sister."

"That's not the point! You're literally a walking fantasy! Besides, aren't Demon Kings evil?"

"Well, I did rule over Hell over a long period of time and was the leader of the Demon Realm. We often waged wars millennia ago across planets, but I don't do that anymore."

"...", Suzaku tried to reply, leaving his mouth open with a raised finger after hearing Dabura say that with a smirk. Yet he couldn't find any words coming out of his mouth.

It wasn't until he heard Nao let out a chuckle, that calmed Suzaku a bit.

"Heh, don't scare the man, Dabura. Pour him a drink already. Our cruise is just getting started."

"As you wish. We got a bit sidetracked with that. I forgot to ask, do you prefer red or white wine, Suzaku."

"I'll take red...", Suzaku said quietly. His nerves seemed to have calmed his nerves down a bit. It made sense after all, he was standing in front of a former Demon King after all. Where he came from stories of Demon Kings were only written in fantasy stories. Yet he still got weirded out each time he saw Dabura smile.

"Got it. I'll get you your fruit cocktail next, Nao.", Dabura acknowledged the two. After waiting a couple minutes, he finally chose a red wine from the large selection rack behind him. Dabura then poured some red wine into the wine glass be just cleaned.

It didn't take long before an ancient, rustic smell to waft around them. Suzaku raised his eyebrows while Dabura passed him the glass. His eyes lit up the moment he took a taste of it.

Meanwhile, Dabura soon got busy again. He passed a drink in a martini glass to Nao. After Nao took his and started to drink it, Nao asked Teo what he wanted. He almost spat his drink out after hearing Teo respond.

"What would you like, Teo?"

"Some beer for me please.", Teo calmly replied.

A moment passed in silence before Nao blinked at Teo.

"Beer, really? Didn't expect that from you, Teo."

"What can I say? I've been hanging out with Stocke and Rosche a lot. Those two know how to drink hard, haha. I do say it was hard at first to get my tastes to their level.", Teo said with a slight smile.

Dabura nodded and poured him a tall pitcher of beer. A similar ancient, rustic smell pervaded from the pitcher, and after, Teo's eyes also lit up. As for Dabura, he poured himself some red wine too, and received another weird look.

And just like that, time passed before their very eyes. Nao could see Iris giggling s lot as she continued to speak with the girls, it was as if she was fitting right in.

There were plenty of windows in the large lounge and bar room everyone was in, so they could admire outer space to their liking. The ship cruised around Earth's solar system before making their way to the Milky Way. And thanks to Vados and Nemesia's navigation, The Dunamis never got lost.

Iris continued to speak with the girls one by one, getting to know them better. She became giddy seeding everything she knew of fantasy was sitting right in front of her. Angels, Demons, Beastkin, Goddesses, and even fellow Humans like herself. From her knowledge she always would find these races class at odd ends with one another, so she found it amazing that the girls were here in harmony.

As the cruise went on, Iris soon landed her gaze on a long fiery red haired woman with slightly larger breasts than her own, wearing a red phoenix one piece dress as if she came right out of ancient China. This was Miya of course.

"It's like I'm still dreaming being here. You all work so well together. And you, Miya, was it? You're behind all of this happening?"

"Well, that's one way to put it. I merely act as a guide for Brother Nao. It was actually Nao's soul and his efforts in life that brought us all together."

"Nao's soul?"

"Yes, his soul was acknowledged by the figure who I see as my Father if you will. Unfortunately, even though you are here presently, I cannot divulge any more unless you officially become a part if our family."

After Miya said that, her eyes shifted to the long pointy eared elf that was sitting next to her, wearing a one piece frilly ocean blue dress. A deep sea pearl turquoise necklace could be seen around her neck. Her breasts were relatively larger than both Iris's and Miya's, thanks to them being fondled a lot by a certain someone.

It didn't take long before the atmosphere around the girls to get serious with Elsa nodding her head to acknowledge Miya's words. Similarly, a serious air also appeared around the four guys as both sides continued their conversations.

Several hours passed now since the start of their cruise, and it was now time to test Suzaku's and Iris's final resolve.

Elsa then spoke out after the girls saw her nodding her head.

"It's as Sister Miya said. We've got the rest of our plans laid out, and we won't be here much longer, just a few years at most. The question is, are you willing to join our family and become one of our sisters? I'm sure you must have realized it by now, we all like the same man one way or another."

Hearing Elsa ask that with a serious look, Iris gulped a bit. Inwardly she could tell she was nervous, but Iris made it this far. Spending this long with Nao got her to open her feelings up more as well. Sure she loved spending time with Suzaku as well, but it was Nao who she saw more of a man, while she saw Suzaku more like her little brother, Perorocino.

She didn't want to keep these swelling feelings bundled within her. Iris slowly nodded her head and a smile bloomed on her lips.

"So that really was the case...This is basically a harem, isn't it?", Iris asked softly.

"Yes, it is. I'm Nao's head wife and in charge of our harem, actually."

"That was you, Sister Elsa!? So your name in Yggdrasil really had a literal meaning to it."

Hearing Iris say that with a look of surprise her eyes, Elsa let out a giggle of her own.

"Fufufu, yes. All of our names are a play on words to this. Not only that, I, as well as a few others have already given birth to Nao's children. We want you foremost to understand the gravity of our relationships and our harmony."

After Elsa spoke that, Iris nodded her head once more. She then spoke out.

"It's that's even have your own children? I'm just speaking hypothetically here, but if I decide to back out from this by not chasing my feelings, what would happen?"

When Iris asked that, Elsa stopped looking at her, only to look at the rest of the girls. As if they were in sync, they all nodded together. Elsa then looked back at Iris and answered her with a firm voice.

"If that were to happen, we would first have Sister Vados wipe your memories of us. We would then kick you out of Rising Phoenix and make it as if you never joined us in the first place. It would be as if you had never met us."

"...", Iris replied back without a voice to be heard. Her eyes soon showed a resolute look after hearing Elsa.

"...I got it. I followed my heart once and got my voice actress career kicking and entered the college of my choice, despite what little choices we have left in the city. I won't stop now. I've resolved myself to join your Guild, and I'm willing to join your family too! Besides, I-I think I like Nao, like the rest of you guys...", Iris said with a stutter in her voice. Her cheeks then became a bright red.

Seeing this, another smile bloomed on Elsa's face. The atmosphere softened a bit. Elsa then stood up from her chair, and walked to Iris. Without saying anything, Elsa brought Iris into an embrace, bringing her head into her breasts, and rubbed her head a bit.

Iris was stunned by Elsa doing this, but a calm warmth spread through her body. 'So warm...Sister Elsa did say she was a Mother...I've missed this feeling...', Iris said to herself.

Unbeknownst to Iris, tears started to form in her eyes. They slowly dripped down her right cheek. Elsa saw this and raised her eyebrows. She wiped away Iris's tears with her fingers.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry for you guys to see me like this...It's just, I haven't had this feeling of a Mother's warmth for a while. You guys told me all about yourselves in these last few hours, and I've learned a lot. Let's change it up and talk about myself. I still haven't properly introduced myself to my new family yet!"

Hearing that, Elsa and the girls couldn't help but laugh. The only one who remained indifferent nowadays was Michael. She still hard a hard time expressing emotions outside her duty. Even Towa has changed since she joined the family, similarly to how Kale changed.

Towa is more open now and enjoys spending time with Nao and the girls. She still teases Chronoa quite often though. But enough with that, Elsa decided to answer Iris's words.

"Fufufu, while I do have the say on who joins our harem depending if Nao likes the girl, you ought to tell your story to him first, no? Though I am curious about your past, We Sisters and Nao only know your name and what we've been through. Same for Suzaku."

"Right. Would it be best for us to all gather together in this lounge?"

"That would be for the best It looks Nao and the guys are done too."

After Elsa said that, Iris looked toward Nao and his group, closer to the bar. The serious atmosphere they had a while ago was no longer there. Iris saw the four happily chatting away and drinking. She saw Suzaku was tense when they first arrived, but now it was as if he had fitted right in now.

Iris nodded once again. But before the girls went over, Iris decided to ask one more question.

"Sister Elsa, can I ask you one more thing before we head over?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"You girls mentioned that a few of you even had Nao's children...I hate to ask, but is h-he really active at night?", Iris asked with one more stutter. Her cheeks blushed red while asking this.

Hearing her ask this, a grin appeared on Elsa's lips. She leaned in, placing her hand on Iris's shoulder and brought her lips closer to Iris's ear, whispering back to her.

While that was happening Nao and the guys could see the tension on the girls' side was over. It appeared they were going to join them but they came to a halt. Nao saw Elsa whisper something into Iris's ear,. Iris would look at Nao every so often with a deep red on her cheeks as the two talked.

Seeing this, Suzaku walked up to him and calmly spoke out.

"You do realize Iris likes you, right?"

Hearing that, a smile bloomed on Nao's face.

"Yes, I do. That's why I had her get familiar with the girls. We kind of have a system in place if I want to bring someone new in."

"Is that so? Still, I can't believe you really have a harem. I myself am not really into that. I just haven't found my destined person yet."

"You'll definitely find that person one day, Suzaku."

"I will. It looks like they are ready for us to get together. You wanted to save the rest of my story till then, right?"

"Yup! I'm sure Elsa is thinking about Iris similarly."

"Understood. But unlike me, Iris is in a more precarious situation."

Hearing that, Nao nodded his head. After he said that a couple moments passed in silence before Elsa finished whispering into Iris's ear. Iris took a couple deep breaths to calm back down. After that, the girls' side joined up with the guys' side.

Nao was the first to speak out with everyone now gathered. The only ones who weren't here now was Vados, Lippti and Nemesia.

"I take it everything is set now?", Nao asked, shifting his eyes to Elsa.

"Yes. Iris here is now one of our Sisters. We are waiting to hear her story till we regrouped with you guys."

"Great! The same can be said for Suzaku. You two, I officially welcome you into our family. It might not be big now with a bit over twenty people right now, but it is ever expanding."

"That's it?", Suzaku replied with a retort, as if he was expecting something else.

"Thank you, Nao.", Iris said with a smile. She then left Elsa's and walked up to Nao. She didn't say anything, only to have her arms wrap around his back for a hug. This let Nao feel Iris's warmth fully, and it was very comforting to him. As for Iris, she felt very firm, and a sense of longing appeared in her eyes. She did not go in for a kiss though, she just closed her eyes, letting Nao's warmth spread through her body.

Seeing this, light applause cake from the others. Just like that, Suzaku, who goes by Tabula Smaragdina in Yggdrasil, the creator of the Albedo sisters, and Iris, who went by Bukubukuchagama in Yggdrasil and the creator of the Dark Elf Twins, officially joined Nao's family from here on and Iris entered the harem!

A good moment passed before Iris separated from Nao. Little did they know that time began to churn as both sides mingled with each other below deck. Suzaku and Iris took this time to give their life story, and it became a good time for everyone.

Suzaku had it simpler. His parents passed away while he was still a teenager so he toughed up early on and became an intellectual, often diving into various lore and myths of old. He was also a fan of horror stories and cute things that often contradicted themselves. He does run his own company as well, which was how Nao found put why he was so stable in Yggdrasil.

As for Iris, her story wasn't actually all that different from Suzaku's. She was a tomboy growing up and active in sports. She kickstarted her dream shortly after entering college, and amassed a fortune early on as a voice actress.

She often fought with her brother Perorocino over various things and always made she he didn't get in trouble, and that was for a good reason. Their parents' health started to fail not long after Iris started college due to how bad the toxins were in the air and of their age.

Iris offered them artificial lung transplants and even toxin immunities thanks to the wealth she amassed, but her parents were stubborn and wanted to pass away in peace while they still could. Of course Perorocino argued about this with Iris a lot and their fights almost happened daily, but in the end the two siblings accepted their parents' wishes, and now the brother-sister duo live together on their own playing Yggdrasil.

Iris often felt like she was living in her persona until she met Nao and his family, her staged name : Kazeumi Kumi. She always spoke in a high pitched voice and only turned deeper when she argues with her brother.

But after joining Nao's family, she noticed her voice was returning to a more normal pitch, and happily accepted this.

And that was how these two came about their lives! As mentioned earlier, Iris's situation was a bit more precarious. She still had one relative on Earth. Suzaku didn't have any left so him accepting Nao's family made it easier as a whole.

But therein lies the problem for Iris, her brother Perorocino. After the group chatted for a while below deck they eventually made their way above deck, admiring the sea of stars passing before their eyes.

Meanwhile, Nao had given a request to Vados after learning about Vados's observation of Planet Earth when she was sent to retrieve Suzaku and Iris. She stated the planet's life force was draining away, and at a fast pace.

And knowing Vados could observe future history through her staff, an ability that should rarely be used. But with the possibility of the destruction of this planet, Nao requested this of her. Vados too was curious to see how this planet would end up.

Turns out the situation was not good. Not good as in doomsday bad. When Vados passed through the years after 2132, it didn't take long to see Earth corrode away and implode on itself, creating a blast equivalent to that of a Supernova, and destroying the rest of the planets in the Solar System in the process.

And all this would happen in a short span of six years. That's right, all life would cease to exist in year 2138, the same year Yggdrasil would shut down its servers!

Seeing this happen before him, Nao frowned.

"This can't be such a coincidence...All those talks about a second version or anything like that of Yggdrasil in the later years is merely a cover up. This planet is really on it's last strings, huh?"

"That seems to be the case, Nao.", Vados replied as she shut off her staff. "How would you like us to proceed from here?", She asked.

"Hmm...Saving it is not possible at this point, is it?"

"Unlikely. Only a godly being knowledgeable in reversing corrosion would be of help here. Even Lord Zeno only knows how to destroy. A Supreme Kai may be able to use their life energy to try and restore it, but that would come at a great cost. This planet is barely living on by a thread."

"So even bringing one of our friends from the DBZ Plane would prove useless here...We can't just simply rewind time, can we?"


"No. While we could do it, given Human nature the result would ever be the sane. Unlike other races I've observed, Humans are one of the most volatile races affected by the Time Loop. You've heard of that theory before, yes?"

"Yes. No matter what you try to change in history, another action will always try to correct what was changed, eventually leading to the same end. And if that's the case here...We must only work with what we've got left in the present."

"Precisely. I'm sorry, Nao. On the bright side, we don't have many attachments to this place, besides our new Sister, Iris. We should probably inform this to her. I'm sure she'd be willing to accept the situation considering she is now in outer space with extraterrestrials beings, ohoho.", Vados said with a light chuckle.

"Got it. I'll break the news to her.", Nao acknowledged, nodding his head.

After their conversation ended, everyone saw Nao and Vados return to the group after talking privately for a good while near the ship's corner. A serious air appeared around him, stirring the girls a bit.

"Is something wrong, Nao? ", Elsa asked worriedly.

"Unfortunately, yes. Before we gathered here for this cruise, part of the reason why I sent Vados down was so she could inspect Planet Earth on site. And from her readings, I'm afraid Earth is on it's last breath. Likely due to all the corrosion humans caused to the planets destroying its nature in the process. Well, turns our their actions are affecting its core too."

"That...doesn't sound good. While planets coming to an end is more common where we came from, I'm sure this would be a shocker to Brother Suzaku's and Sister Iris here."

After Elsa said that, everyone turned their eyes toward the two. Once they heard these words, Iris became stunned while Suzaku remained calm. He soon let out a sigh, shrugging his shoulders.

"I always had a would eventually come to this. I mean, just look at how bad the conditions we live in are now. The rate we continue to corrode nature would come to bite us in the ass eventually, yet those higher up in the conglomerates only care about themselves. If I had to guess, they won't see this coming."

After Suzaku replied that, Iris also slowly nodded her head, and came up to Nao again and gave him a hug.

"I'm also sharing a similar sentiment to Brother Suzaku. We seem to keep running away from our problems and no one seems willing enough to correct them. Yggdrasil was created to be an escapade, a chance to enjoy life of what it was like without our poisonous society. I just didn't think it would be this bad...What did you do with Sister Vados?"

Hearing that, Nao rubbed Iris's hair and answered her calmly.

"We simply observed the rest of Earth's life. One of Vados's role is an observer, this is one of her abilities. I fear the planet doesn't have much time left."

"How...long, exactly?"

"Only six years left."

After Nao said that, Iris's eyes turned wide. Suzaku's also raised his eyebrows.

"Just six years and our planet is gone!? That's barely any time at all!"

"I know. And the main question lies with you, Iris. Suzaku has it easier, he can probably cut off his remaining attachments if he has any. But you, you still got your brother down there. Taking him with us is not an impossibility."

"...Really? I mean I know I often argue with my brother, but we actually get along together quite well. Plus he's my only family left besides you guys. If our Earth is doomed, it would pain me to no end if he would be unable to make it."

"So you want to take this chance while we still got it?"

"Absolutely! Though him finding out aliens exist and the world ending would make him sound like a lunatic, so it would probably be best have him meet you directly, Nao. Heck, even if it means saving my brother, take him by force if he resists."

"Hahaha! I got it. Thankfully we still got a few years left. But we must continue playing Yggdrasil despite what's happening in the real world.", Nao said letting out a laugh.

"Why? What's the point when the world is coming to an end?"

"I'm curious too. Yggdrasil is just a game, isn't it?"

Hearing Iris and Suzaku ask that with curiosity in their eyes, Nao smiled.

"Yggdrasil is much more than a game. Ever wonder why we've been amassing gold and items like crazy and hunting World Items? You see, Yggdrasil is a hub. Every so often it would send people to a different place. A new place not of here. It eventually received the name, the New World."

"A hub...for a place that isn't from here...", Suzaku repeated quietly.

"That...doesn't sound like the craziest idea out there with all that's been thrown at me recently. And you said Yggdrasil had sent people to this 'New World'?"

"Yup! 19 people to be exact. I won't go into the details much but we can see the next transfer is set due in six years as well. And this one will probably be the last, considering Earth won't be around after that. People who no longer have any attachments to the real world was a common factor of those transferees."

"I see, that definitely makes sense. And we will become the final group."

"Yes and no. We will be part of the last group. The reason we've been keeping tabs on Momonga and trying not to get on his bad side was because he also has a high chance of transferring with us."

"Momonga? That skeleton mage? We haven't come across him lately besides that one encounter in the Guild Hall. That guy is likely to transfer with us?", Iris asked with a hint of wonder.

"Exactly. And for some reason, it looks like he is wanting to battle me in the upcoming World Champion Tournament. Once we clear Hel's Castle we should get that tournament to trigger. I haven't seen anyone in Helheim reach Lv100 yet and this final dungeon should bring us there."

"Now that's what I'm excited for! I almost forgot you're my idol from doing those past PvP matches you've had, Nao. I'm already getting excited!"

"Two opposing classes would definitely be an interesting battle to witness. I'm assuming we would continue to amass our items in these remaining six years besides having you partake in this upcoming tournament?"

"That's the plan. But we will take you two to our home first. This cruise was set to get to know you two better, and I feel you'll fit right in, Suzaku, Iris. Also, I did say I would bring you two to my home, haha!", Nao said letting out another laugh.

"You did say that. With all that's happened I almost forgot!", Iris said with anticipation.

"Can't say I'm not curious of your home. I bet it's in outer space too, isn't it?"

"You catch on quickly. I will warn now, it's a bit big."

Hearing Nao say the word 'big', Iris became quiet all of a sudden after remembering her earlier talk with Elsa. Her cheeks turned red. She couldn't look at Nao and decided to burrow her head into Nao's chest. Nao saw this and could only shrug it off.

Suzaku also shrugged his shoulders. And with that the serious atmosphere vanished from the deck, and the discussion ended. Nao's family spent a few more hours in the sea of stars before deciding it was time to stop the cruise.

Nemesia acknowledged Nao and took a few moments to arrive back at the White Palace. Seeing a massive grandeur, beautiful White Palace appear out of nowhere, calmly sitting in outer space, shocked Suzaku and Iris greatly. It was time to show the two the White Palace!