Chapter 47 : Moving On Up

Nao had his first match in the World Champion 512 Tournament that ended up with his victory, moving on up to the top 256.

He faced off against Perorocino, and the match was quick and decisive. It seemed Perorocino wanted to avoid a battle of attrition, and in the end it ended in Nao's favor.

It only took one battle to change Peroroncino's of Nao as well, despite being one of the Supreme Beings. Nao also liked his personality that's been recently shaping. He now had interest in bringing Peroroncino in to his home earlier than later,.

Nao made quick conversation with Peroroncino before he vanished, asking if he had created any npcs yet. Peroroncino answered him honestly, and said he hadn't created any yet for Ainz Oowl Gown, but he had an idea in his mind to create one. He wasn't sure why Nao asked that about Peroroncino's own Guild nonetheless, but he did express his interest to invite Peroroncino to his home. His sister was living with Nao now, so he was interested. Peroroncino left the arena after saying he was looking forward to it.

Hearing that on his end when Peroroncino left, Nao became surprised too. He was definitely looking forward to bringing Peroroncino to his home now. He also discovered that Peroroncino has yet to create Shaltear! There are only four years left now, and since he had interest in creating an npc, it would probably happen within the year.

Nao had his private talk with Miya already about his worry about Shaltear joining his family, as well as the Albedo sisters. He did not have to worry about Dark Elf twins as their personalities suited Nao. It was mostly Shaltear and Albedo he was worrying about. Since Tabula was one of his brothers now, he has more freedom to adjust the settings of the Albedo sisters.

So the main question now was Shaltear, and since Peroroncino hadn't created her yet, he has more of a chance to bring him over altogether. Bukubukuchagama would just need to do a bit of 'persuading'. And once Peroroncino joins, he will have free reign to adjust Shaltear's settings to his liking.

So things were looking up! Nao was looking forward to the results of the World Champion Tournament, and what was to come in these last four years.

Moving along, the arena returned its destructive state back to normal. He received a system notification that the 256 would start shortly.

Sure enough he found his body glow blue, before he vanished. Though it was strange because he found himself appearing in the same arena again.

'Guess there's a system in place for this...', Nao said, thinking to himself. Thinking that, he saw a blue light form not too far away from him. What appeared was actually a slender figure. It was a female player!

This female player was wearing dragoon-like red armor, very similar to a Valkyrie in fact. A red breastplate covered her chest and red leggings over her legs. Her face was hidden away by a red helmet, with two flame-like extensions on its sides. She had teal hair flowing down her back. Besides the red cloth covering her hip, the rest of her body was exposed. A fine looking steel-silver one handed blade rested over her left shoulder.

Nao couldn't help but inwardly grin seeing this player. She was one of the five players who brought down Momonga when Touch Me and Nao's party first met him while Momonga was being attacked!

Yet he didn't even do anything before the female player saw her opponent was a Heteromorph, and suddenly let out a curse with a frown emote.

"Ugh, a shitty inhuman. Why do I have to be so unlucky?"

"You sure about that? We both won our first match."

"I'll be the one to defeat you and move on!"

"Those who say that tend to lose you know. No wonder why your previous party of 5 was slain so easily a while back."

"And how the fuck would you know that!?", The female player cursed out once more. A moment passed before something dawned on her, causing her to yell out in annoyance. "Wait. Don't tell me you were with that stupid skeleton back then!?"

"Bingo. I'll teach you a good fundamental of PvP matches."

"I don't want a shitty inhuman like you lecturing me! It's your own fault for choosing that race."

Hearing her say that, the female player saw Nao shrug his shoulders. She harrumphed at him, but didn't say anything else. She then took her own battle stance, while Nao wielded his staff.

A count down started, and the match started. The female player started to unleash one of her skills, letting a red aura clad her sword.

Yet she couldn't even act before she was disturbed by Nao's chanting.

"Greater full potential. Time stop!", Nao suddenly yelled out. A pale yellow aura surrounded him, letting his spells reach their full potential. Immediately after that, the atmosphere around the female changed color, to different shades of gray. The female player was surprised to find her character suddenly not able to respond. She found herself inflicted with Mute too, she she couldn't talk!

This played out very similarly to how Ainz faced off against a certain head warrior. Nao casually walked up to the female player, and spoke out to her. Even though time was stopped, she could probably still hear him.

"Time spells are so convenient, aren't they? I really ought to use time spells more, but I'm always hesitant no matter where I am, because of the rebound they can have. But one must take measures against them in any PvP match. It's surprising you even made it this far, hahaha!", Nao spoke out to her with a laugh.

"But you said you didn't want me to lecture you, so I'll keep my words there. Enjoy your trip back into the stands.", Nao said with a smile emote.

He then waved waved the Auric Soulfire Lamp in his off-hand a couple times. It glowed a blue light, and azure flames started to gather. They moved automatically and swiftly, getting absorbed into his staff on his main hand. This happened three times. Nao was going for the kill in one shot!

Seeing his spell charged and ready, Nao chanted as he tapped a panel on his console.

"Soulfire Strike!", Nao yelled out.

His staff reacted and sent a huge bean of azure flames at the female player. Starting from her head, her body soon became engulfed by these azure flames. It ripped apart a lot of her armor. Her green health bar rapidly dropped, and in just a couple of seconds, it reached 0. Her body leaked rainbow pixels everywhere, and vanished from sight.

Nao was alone, he killed her in one shot! He then saw his azure flames disperse, leaving behind lots of searing marks on the ground. Nao received a system notification saying he won, advancing onward to the top 128.

The arena returned to norm after repairing the ground. Nao vanished and reappeared with another player. This one was a knight glad in armor, hiding away most of his body. It appeared he was a male, a lone player too. He wasn't part of a Guild, and a Human player st that.

The top 128 match began. Nao decided to use Time Stop again to test the waters, but this knight had measures against it, and the spell rendered useless. Nao nodded inwardly at that, he found a good opponent.

Nao switched to spells that restricted the knight's movement, allowing him to keep his range for most of the match. The knight knew some ranged skills too, but they were easily dodged. The knight was even similar to a paladin, able to heal his damage inflicted.

Unfortunately Nao's spells proved greater than the knight's healing, and that because his downfall. The match last a few minutes compared to jus first two, and came out victorious. Nao moved onto the top 64!

His top 64 began, and he actually faced off against the 3rd ranking Guild in Yggdrasil, 2ch Alliance! This player was an elf archer, who mixed arrows and spells alike. He was a fun opponent for Nao but Nao was able to dodge and fight back, or disrupt the elf. The elf lost his last bit of health after a couple minutes. Nao secured his spot in the top 32!

It was from there on could spectators actually enter the 9 arenas and cheer the players on in person. Nao's Guild was no less, and they all managed to secure spots in this arena. Nao's top 32 match was against an elemental Heteromorphic player, casting a variety of spells. Nao flawlessly countered each one with the stronger element and chipped away against the Heteromorph. This match stretched longer than his previous ones, but Nao came out victorious.

Nao secured his spot in the top 16! This next match was a doozy. He actually faced off against one of the sub leaders of the World Searcher Guild! 2ch Alliance was the 3rd ranking Guild, and these guys were ranked 2nd! They enjoyed exploring the unknown and once this player saw Nao they were shocked and immediately recognized him as the False Angel.

This player specialized in the darkness element, so he hit Nao with a lot kf strong spells and skills. Yet Nao prevailed over him and won. He secured his top 8 match!

His top 8 and top 4 match were against two strong players from the #1 Guild, Trinity. One of the two players was actually one of Trinity's three leaders! Both matches hyped Nao up and were exciting to be a part of. He triumphed again after two long matches. After several matches, Nao had successfully earned his spot in the top 2!

His Guild was happy Nao made it this far. Only one match left and he would receive title of World Champion in Alfheim! Only nine players will receive this title, one in each realm. If he can win this next one, he will be able to enter the next tournament too, which would pit nine World Champions against each other!

Also fate seemed to be pulling its strings again. Since the arena repaired itself yet again, Nao soon saw himself standing off against a lone skeleton. This skeleton appeared to be the Overlord class, the highest rank of promoted skeletons. He wore a black and purple robe that covered most of his body, with a big red gem-like ball set in his chest cavity. His ribs were exposed and he had bone-like shoulder guards. Two giant red gems were embedded into this as well, one on each side. He wore a black and gold cap over his head, letting a cape drop down behind his back. A slick obsidian black staff could be seen in one of his hands.

Of course this player was a Heteromorphic player, and was the leader of Ainz Oowl Gown, Momonga!

Seeing the False Angel now in his presence, Momonga couldn't help but let out a smile emote as he began to speak to him.

"Looks like we truly are meeting in battle. I haven't seen you in a while, Metatron. Seeing you reach the top 2 in one of the nine realms, that proves you're no slouch."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, Momonga. It indeed has been a while. Both of us have come this far, but I'm looking to win. So no hard feelings okay?"

"Of course, but I wouldn't mind defeating the False Angel myself. You still prove undefeated to this day. So that would be an accomplishment in itself, haha!", Momonga replied to Nao with a laugh of his own.

The two didn't say anything more, and waited for the countdown of their match to start. Both Rising Phoenix and Ainz Oowl Gown were here in the crowd, cheering both sides on respectively. The top 2 match was about to begin!


A/N : Aht here! Here is the next chapter!

Sorry if this felt slow, last week if the month is always busy for me at work, but it's almost over!

Nao vs Momonga will start next!

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones and leave comments below!