Chapter 49 : Nao Vs Momonga! (II)

A/N : Aht here! Note up here today.

This wraps up the tournament and now only npc creation is left and bringing Peroroncino in before the New World. Don't worry, Nao will hunt the remaining World Items, leaving Ainz with 11 like in the original, Nao will prob end up with 189 of the 200.

But the New World is very close at hand. Besides having Nao meet Zesshi and toppling the elf king to bring her in, I've not much planned. What do you guys want to see?

Anything Holy Kingdom or Re-estize Kingdom related has a specific deadline, by current volume in the LN, the two essentially no longer exist on map. Spoiler alert.

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones!


While it was still a bit too early to say, Eve finally took her stance to join Nao's family. Her body would be created by Nao and Miya would work her magic together with him to give her a soul to transfuse into it! Only then would she truly become a human like how Miya is.

But that wouldn't happen till the body was ready, and Nao was planning to create the npcs in one fell swoop too. But right now that was the last thing on his mind. He was currently in an epic match against one of his favorite characters in Overlord, Momonga!

Two large streaks of lightning could be seen crackling and dancing in Nao's hands. Space distorted around Momonga's bony fingers. He did a slashing motion three times with his arms, sending off three Reality Slashes. Nao shot off his lightning together, striking against the three. Despite being a tier in difference, the two blue lightning bolts still hit the three Reality Slashes head on.

Space bent sideways the moment they struck each other. Two of the three Reality Slashes tore against the two lightning bolts. They cancelled each other out, creating thunderous booms in the sky. The third one was not so lucky and aimed straight at Nao. It stuck his silvery body. Space distorted around him, as if his body got sliced in half. Rainbow pixels leaked out horizontally from the gash.

His health dropped below 50% at that time. Momonga was no slouch either. The two now had health below 50%, and Nao closed the two's distance by quite a bit.

Momonga did cast both spells to monitor one's hp and mp while Nao only casted the spell to monitor mp. At the very beginning, Nao's mp pool was a spiraling pillar of energy, larger than Momonga's. It had shrunk considerably to where its only several feet above Nao's figure. Likewise, when Nao observed Momonga, his mp aura was shrunk considerably closer to his body. This meant both players didn't have much mp left.

Yet Nao could restore his all the way back up if he wanted to. But he didn't want to rely on that. If possible he wanted to take out Momonga before he was forced to use it.

With that in mind, Nao, who was closer within range now but still mid-air, flapped his wings. He raised his left hand, and tapped another icon, and a triple milky white mana circle appeared from his palm.

Momonga flew up a bit to meet him, and did the same. This time a triple red mana circle appeared from his palm. The two yelled out their next spell.

"Maximize Magic, Holy Judgement!"

"Maximize Magic, Vermillion Nova!"

The two yelled out casting two more tier ten spells like it was nothing. Many particles of light formed around Nao, very similar to Astral Smite. But each one was showered with a white-bluish glow, and were larger in size. Nao directed these needles at Momonga.

As for Momonga, a huge fiery red ball of flame burst out, destroying some of the projectiles along its path, before reaching Nao. Nao's body was engulfed by a large flame, and his health rapidly decreased. Momonga also took many of Nao's projectiles and his health further dropped, as if he was being judged. The more he took the faster his health dropped.

After each spell finished, rainbow pixels leaked out in several areas on both player's bodies. The cheers didn't stop either. The more Momonga fought, the more he appeared as Nao's equal. This brought excitement to both of the Guilds.

The two healed themselves back up over 70% hp, only to start another exchange of spells. This cycle would rinse and repeat over and over, and time dragged on, but neither side gave up.

Nao was getting dreary, and so was Momonga. Even with Nao's Bluefire that caused true damage, Momonga was able to persist.

The two even had a clash of Angels, Beasts and Undead summons, only for it to draw the crowd's attention with cheers. As their summons clashed on, Nao stared silently at Momonga. It wasn't until now did Momonga speak out to Nao.

"You have quite a variety of spells, Metatron, but it appears we have reached at an impasse."

"I agree. You've proven yourself worthy to be both a friend and a rival. Your controlling is well deserved."

"Haha! That is something I can agree on as well. But there can be only one winner. I may be a selfish person, but the competitive flame in me isn't dying down."

"Likewise. I've reached this far. We've both our own supporters cheering us on too. I think we've given a crowd a good show thus far. What do you think, Momonga?"

"Mmm. The disdain that was directed to us for being Hetermorphs was long since flushed away, though I don't think our match alone would completely get rid of that hatred. Nonetheless, we did give them a good show.", Momonga replied with a smile emote.

"Then why not go out with a bang?"

"Hmm? How do you propose we do that? Another string of chants, launching our most powerful spells?"

"That is good thinking, Momonga, but I want something else. Super class spells!"

"Impossible. They banned those in this tournament. That is why I was not focusing on them since the tournament began."

"Don't you hear the crowd cheering? They would love to see a clash of super tier spells. Am I right?", Nao spoke out.

After Nao said that, Momonga heard the loud cheers roaring from the crowd. He then looked at Ainz Oowl Gown, who he saw the full forty people cheering him on. He noticed the admins were watching too. It was at this time Nao raised his voice, which received everyone's attention. He immediately switched to his commentator's voice that developed over the years.

"Everyone! We are about to reach out climax! Therefore I would like to ask you all, how would you like to see a clash of two Super tier spells!?"

Making his voice loud enough to reach the crowd, it momentarily went quiet after they heard Nao ask that. But it didn't take long for the players to start chanting 'Super tier spell'.

Meanwhile, the inconspicuous admins looked on at the fellow players and the duo up in the air. The chanting did not stop, only growing louder over time. The admins didn't want to bother since they already set their rules, but they hadn't a clue that Nao could move players in such a way. It didn't take long for one of the admins to speak out.

"Inform Eve we are granting this one exception. Rules can be bended, and if the players want to see two Super tier spells clash, then so be it.", one of the admins spoke with an firm tone.

"Bur sir, this wouldn't look well for the other eight finals!", another admin spoke, rebuking him.

"Do you want to be tossed into that massive craze?"


"Exactly my point. Go inform Eve. Now!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

.After their quick exchange, the second admin did their magic and sent a private message to Eve through their system. On the other side of the arena, Eve, who was still in Miya's lap, suddenly let out a smile emote. She then flapped her wings a bit, breaking free from her embrace.

"Looks like the admins are granting the players an exception to the rules, Big Sis."

"So their voice can be heard then. Can you let Brother know we should have a private talk about you too?", Miya questioned Eve.

"Of course. I was already planning to ask Metatron about that after the match was over. Please excuse me for a moment."

Miya nodded at Eve's words. Before long, players saw a little violet dragon fly toward the center of the arena. Their chanting suddenly erupted into cheers as they saw Eve fly upward toward Nao and Momonga. Both of their health was back up to full now, and it looks like their wish would be granted.

This was the first time Nao saw Eve up close, and she did appear to be a cute little dragon. After a quick introduction, Eve informed the two they could use one Super tier spell each, granted by the admins of course. Eve also informed Nao to meet with her later for another conversation. He then saw Eve fly back down, heading back into the stands. Sure enough, Nao saw Eve fly right back into Miya's embrace, and what he was told of earlier, Eve may now have relations to his family.

But with that done, the atmosphere actually quieted down. Both summons have vanished from the destroyed grounds too, it was just Nao and Momonga now.

Nao couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Heh, looks like we were granted our favor. Let's end this once and for all, shall we?"

"Yes. Normally Super tier spells don't ko from full health, but they do have chances to. And adding all of our buffs, I say we stand a good chance to end this match."

"I think so too.", Nao simply replied with a smile emote.

To not disappoint the crowd, the two didn't say anymore. Both saw their Super tier spell panels light up, signaling they could be used. They then entered a stand off, still in the air. Evenly facing against each other, the crowd of players erupted into cheers once more after they saw two humongous blue mana circles encompass both Nao's and Momonga's body.

Both Nao and Momonga raised their hands. The blue mana circled around their bodies for several seconds, little blue wisps could be seen too. After ten or so seconds passed, both sides let out their chant.

"Super tier magic, Fallen Down!", Nao declared.

"Super tier magic, Fallen Down!", Momonga also declared. He was surprised too about Nao calling out the same spell Momonga used just now.

But the two spells couldn't be stopped any longer. As if it was descending from the heavens, two gigantic blueish white pillars descended onto their bodies. They engulfed everything in their path, causing destruction everywhere.

The players were stunned seeing these two gigantic pillars, but their light soon swept through the entirety of the arena, eventually going beyond it. The sands of destruction churned and uprooted the grounds. The light eventually became so blinding, that not a single player could see anything anymore.

After the destruction ended, only dry sand remained around the arena. The blinding light eventually dissipated too. Everyone then saw one body start crashing back down from the sky...