Chapter 62 : Shaltear Bloodfallen

A/N : Aht here!

Among the four characters this chapter is an actual lemon scene, even though it has no direct sex in it. Still, hope you guys will enjoy it, it does it a bit kinky with Shaltear.

Albedo will get her own chapter next. Saving best for last~

And unlike the twins and Shaltear, I'm planning to have Albedo directly enter the harem after her chapter next.

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones and leave comments below!


"Don't "Hah?" Me, you heard what I said. Do I need to repeat myself?"

Shaltear immediately shook her head no before speaking.

"N-No My Lady, if anything I see this as a reward! I was just surprised, that's all!" Shaltear replied happily, letting out a small puff of hot hair.

Elsa inwardly face palmed right after Shaltear said that.

'Damn it, Brother Peroroncino, we told you to tone it down on her kinkiness and we even had Nao adjust her down a ways to suit his tastes, but guess some things just don't change, huh?', Elsa said, cursing inwardly.

Elsa decided to play along with Shaltear as a result of saying that.

"Fufu, is that so? Then if your body checks out, I may even give you a reward. That'll depend on you."

Hearing that, Shaltear became surprised again, and smiled.

"Yes, My Lady!"

"Then let us begin.", Elsa commanded, signaling her to start.

Shaltear nodded. Among the four, the dress she was wearing was the most exquisite one. It made her appear as if she came right out of the victorian era as a high class noble. Yet despite her appearance, she followed Elsa's command to the dot.

Shaltear started with her big ribbon that tied her hair together into a wavy ponytail. After undoing it, it fell onto the floor. This revealed her pale pink hair which was actually quite long despite her small stature. She went to her neck, which had a string tied up that secured her fancy headpiece, she undid that too and it fell down. Her hair now flew downward, well going past her waist.

Next up was some violet frills that covered her shoulders and extended over her breasts, and her main dress. She gently lifted that off, which exposed her shoulders. Her skin was extremely pale, almost like a porcelain doll.

At this time she moved her hands to her extremely large dress. A giant red ribbon connected it to the rest of her dress. With a single pull, that ribbon came undone, and a loud plop echoed around them. This revealed her pale slender legs and her top half remained.

On top of that her hip was now exposed, which meant her crotch as well. A pair of mature black panties covered it, but if one had a close look, a small wet spot could be seen inside it. Courtesy of Elsa's earlier action.

A glint of light streaked across Albedo's eyes taking note of this as she glanced at Shaltear's crotch. She suddenly received an urge to punch something, but she didn't reveal it.

As for Elsa, she too inwardly sighed again, but didn't say anything. Not seeing anyone take action, Shaltear proceeded with the top of her dress, moving her arms upward. In the next moment. After a thud, the last part of her dress fell to the ground.

She just had her black panties on now. Everything else was pale white-pinkish skin. As for her breasts, Elsa saw no pads on them, they were extremely flat like Aura's and Mare's, but she had just a bit of more growth than Aura's, about a B cup in size.

Elsa saw Shaltear move her clothes to the side, since they took up quite a bit of space compared to the others. After that, she returned in front of Elsa, and pulled her black panties down in one go. A lone string of love juice connected her panties to her crotch as she pulled them down, but once she reached far enough, it snapped, letting it splatter onto the ground.

Elsa and Albedo smelled a soothing scent as a result of that, while Aura and Mare became confused. Mare tilted her head before whispering to Aura.

"Say, Big Sis, do you know what that was just now? Shaltear didn't pee herself, did she?", Mare whispered.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. When I felt that shock that My Lady gave me earlier, it felt like I peed a bit myself. When I put my clothes back on, I went to go check what it was but the liquid I saw wasn't pee, so I'm not exactly sure myself. If I remember, My Lady did mention I could explore this on my own.", Aura said, answering Mare.

"I see...Didn't Big Sis say it felt nice?"

"Sure did! Whatever "That" is!", Aura said lightly chuckling. She then shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't know.

"Hmm...", Mare responded, shifting her gaze back to a now naked Shaltear. Seeing her body reminded of both hers and Aura's. Flat breasts and a closed slit with lightly puffed lips. Though unlike theirs, hers was glistening with a small amount of dew.

"Don't dwell on it, Mare. My Lady said so specifically to you, right?", Aura whispered to Mare once more.

"I guess you're right, Big Sis!", Mare replied with a smile, and decided to ignore the thought for now.

Yet Elsa's voice suddenly disrupted the four as she spoke out, interrupting Shaltear who was in the process of going onto her hands and knees after she placed her panties into her pile of clothes nearby.

"Oh, Shaltear, please hold for a moment before we move onward.", Elsa said.

"Yes, My Lady!", Shaltear said, returning to an upright position.

Elsa then turned toward the two dark elf twins.

"Aura, Mare, I'm sorry, but could you two please carry onward to the throne room, and stand by? I'm afraid what we'll be doing next is still a bit early for you two."

"See?", As if Aura was expecting Elsa to say that, she said that to Mare, who nodded silently in response. "As you wish, My Lady.", Aura responded with a salute.

She the looked at Shaltear and grinned seeing her naked.

"Hey, stupid Shaltear! It was nice seeing your underdeveloped body, haha! Don't do anything stupid now!", Aura yelled out.

"Let us go, Mare."

"Yes!", Mare answered, and followed Aura as she walked up the stairs leading to the throne room.

Shaltear wanted to retort Aura, but seeing Elsa switch her gaze back to her, Shaltear decided not to say anything.

'Oh?', Elsa mused to herself.

After the twins left the hallway they were in, they entered the throne room, out of sight. It was now just Albedo, a naked Shaltear, and Elsa.

"Now then. Before we move on, come here for a bit, Shaltear."

"Yes, My Lady!"

Acknowledging Elsa's command, Shaltear walked right up to Elsa. Elsa was able to get a good look at her pale body, and found no tampering. This was her true self, except for when Shaltear transforms into her true vampire state. But she has the ability to disguise herself as a human. Not all true vampires gain this ability, but she did.

Another true vampire who can disguise themselves as a human was actually Evileye, one of a couple of interests Nao was currently interested in forming a bond with, of the New World residents.

Elsa's eyes then wandered to Shaltear's breasts, and her eyes remained there for a while. She then reached her hand out, and cupped Shaltear's breast with her hand. It felt extremely smooth like pudding and she actually felt warm!

Elsa's raised her eyebrow feeling warmth coming off from a vampire like Shaltear who in response, let out a cute moan as she felt Elsa's warmth.

"Ahhh...My Lady...", Shaltear said, smiling blissfully, enjoying Elsa's touch. Elsa even heard Shaltear let out a cute yelp, but she just decided to ignore that.

At least to Elsa, what she felt were genuine breasts. No pads of any sort were covering them. Elsa smiled knowing that and spoke out while retracting her hand.

"These are your real breasts, aren't they, Shaltear?"

Hearing Elsa speak that about Shaltear's breasts, Shaltear felt something strike against her conscious, but she still nodded and answered honestly.

"Yes...They are unworthy to be witnessed by someone of My Lady's caliber. I am very conscious about them, even to the point I wanted to increase their size through padding.", Shaltear said as she blushed in disappointment. She even tried to cover her breasts with one of her arms.

Yet Elsa acted quickly and grabbed a hold of her arm, pulling it away.

"My Lady?", Shaltear asked, becoming confused.

"Your breasts are not unworthy, Shaltear. You letting them be in their true state without any form of tampering is one basis of our harem, we stay true to our hearts. It makes me glad to see your current appearance. Besides, you're very beautiful." Elsa said with a smile. 'Shaltear really is pretty. Yes she can be lewd more so than others, I'm not sure why Nao didn't like her too much during our time in Yggdrasil. He did tone down her craziness too.', Elsa said, thinking to herself.

"R-Really, My Lady?"

"Yes. To be honest, I was going to give you a good spanking, but seeing you stay true to yourself, I've decided against it. Your body checks out."

'Depending on what she looks like down there, she might be good to start being trained before Shaltear joins the harem later. I've got such an item ready, but for now let's see what it's like,', Elsa thought to herself again.

Shaltear inwardly cursed after hearing that Elsa decided not to give her a spanking.

"Eh? But what if I want you to spank me, My Lady? I still deserve to be punished for having such a thought cross my mind!", Shaltear said, pouting.

Hearing that, Elsa inwardly face palmed herself, but quickly shook shook her thought away.

"Never mind that. Before the next step, I must say you feel quite warm, Shaltear. I thought undead creatures like vampires don't feel warmth."

"Ahh, that. You see, I'm actually a True Vampire, courtesy of my creator, Lord Peroroncino. We are different from those low class trash. We are able to maintain and blend into human society just fine. We've none of those common weaknesses like sunlight, and we can perfectly exude our body heat as if we are still living. Though we are still weak to being blasted directly with holy elements and silver weapons can pierce our defense if potent enough.", Shaltear explained, giving a thorough explanation to Elsa.

"I see. I did know you were a True Vampire, bit didn't know what it generally encompassed. Thank you for enlightening me a bit, Shaltear."

"My pleasure, My Lady!", Shaltear said, giving a light bow.

"Now then, let me ask you this, now that the twins are gone. You felt pleasure from my hand just now, didn't you?"

Hearing Elsa ask that seriously, Shaltear smiled.

"Yes, My Lady. It felt divine. I thank you for giving me your blessing."

"No need for the flattery. Just answer it."

Seeing Elsa say that with a serious tone, Shaltear nodded.

"Yes. It is as you say, My Lady. This body of mine does know of pleasure. However, it has not received its first touch. I am personally saving it for Lord Nao as he sees fit, as he is the man who I both serve and love. Oh how I wait for the day he beds me.", Shaltear responded with a longing look in her eyes.

Seeing Shaltear feel this, Albedo also felt a similar feeling swell within her. Elsa was actually able to take note of this after her ears twitched, and turned toward Albedo.

"You feel the same way, don't you, Albedo?"

Albedo became surprised seeing Elsa turn her way to her and asked that, but she nodded.

"Yes. Both Shaltear and I feel the same way. I too long for the day I can serve Lord Nao and bed him, as he is the man I love too. I know I bicker with Shaltear a lot, but these feelings we hold are true. We servants treat each other as family just as My Lady and Lord Nao does to theirs."

After Albedo answered Elsa with an earnest look in her eyes, Elsa nodded in acknowledgment.

"Excellent answer. We all share these same feelings. This is why we're such a close knit family. Albedo, I will look at you next, and considering you're the eldest of the current group I'm checking at this moment, I may directly let you in. You still need to pass the check though."

Albedo nodded happily and responded, "Yes, My Lady!"

"Mmm. As for you, Shaltear. despite being able to feel pleasure, you're not quite there yet. Perhaps in a year or two and I will let you in."

"What makes you think I'm younger than Albedo?"

"Your data profile.", Elsa said, letting her simple answer strike against Shaltear's conscious once more.

"Urk...", Shaltear said, with a groan. She then shrugged her petite shoulders. "Fine, you win, My Lady."

"Fufu, fret not, Shaltear. I did say I would reward you, right? You're pretty much set. And while it be still be a bit early for you to join, I will personally train you until it is time."

Shaltear's eyes became wide in shock. Even Albedo didn't believe what she just heard either.

"T-Train!? Me? I am not worthy!"

"Maybe not now, but you will. Nao will accept you with a warm heart when it's time. I'll make sure of it.", Elsa said with a firm tone. 'No turning back now, Nao. Our nightly activities are going to become more fun once these four are in, fufu.', Elsa said, laughing inwardly.

"Get on your fours and point your butt my way. We'll be starting now while I check what it's like down there.", Elsa commanded Shaltear.

Seeing Elsa's seriousness Shaltear nodded right away. As she started to go down, Shaltear saw Elsa bring one of her hands to her mouth. Elsa then opened her mouth, allowing her finger to go inside it. Elsa lathered her finger up with her own saliva and with a pop, she brought it back out.

Shaltear inwardly became excited seeing this, but she turned her head away, and proceeded to get on her hands and knees. As she did, her crotch became a bit wet, slowly letting a string of love juice pour down on the ground, as if it was waiting in anticipation.

Albedo had full view of what Elsa was going to do next, and she no longer showed any disdain. In fact she watched keen interest in her eyes. It was very likely this could be done to her in the near future, even by Nao.

Elsa finished her preparation and also got down her knees, and was right next to Shaltear's butt. Placing her spare hand on her butt, Elsa felt her warmth again. Sure enough, Shaltear was quite warm, despite being an undead.

Elsa then traced her lathered finger over her butt slowly, enjoying the sensation of her smooth skin. Shaltear started to feel jolts strike up against the lower part of her spine, causing her to let out a low pitched groan.

"Ooooh...",,Shaltear said, groaning.

She then felt Elsa's finger trace against her anus before slowly moving down to her crotch. It was getting wetter and wetter as each moment passed. Elsa barely felt any resistance watching her first finger slide in real easily. Yet the moment she did, she felt Shaltear's walls clamp down hard.

"Hah....", Shaltear said, letting put a pleasurable moan thus time. Hot air started to puff from her mouth.

'Hmm, as expected she is pretty tight.', Elsa said to herself, letting her finger dance around a bit in Shaltear's insides. 'But it went in rather easily, she probably plays with herself quite often. Let's see if the 2nd and 3rd can go in.'

Deciding that, Elsa managed to squeeze in her second finger with ease, causing Shaltear to let out a cute moan. She didn't stop there, and slid her third finger in, after meeting some resistance.

This third finger caused Shaltear to let out a cute yelp, before she revealed a weird smile, letting out a sigh of hot air once more. She then felt Elsa's three fingers squirm inside her for a couple moments.

"Hah...My Lady...", Shaltear groaned.

Yet surprisingly, she suddenly felt Elsa retract her three fingers, letting more love juice splatter onto Elsa's hand. Elsa brought her hand to her mouth, before licking it up, enjoying Shaltear's taste.

But before Shaltear could react later, Elsa suddenly opened her own pocket dimension and brought out a shorter version of the same dildo Caulifla used on Kale during their first time with Nao.

Albedo's eyes glittered seeing the dildo come into existence, but she only saw it briefly before Elsa lathered it up with her spare hand. She then acted quickly, plunging it in one go inside Shaltear's crotch.

"Oooooh!?", Shaltear suddenly exclaimed, feeling a really large intrusion in her insides. It even caused her to lean her body forward, and collapsed on top of it. As a result of this sudden insertion, Shaltear actually came, and splattered plenty of love juice onto Elsa's face.

A satisfied look appeared in Shaltear's blood red eyes before her smile turned even weirder. It was almost as if she was going to faint on the spot.

Yet a sudden clicking sound interrupted her, snapping her back into reality.

"Huh?", Shaltear asked, still having her insides still feel full.

She then tried to recollect herself, and turned around to face Elsa, who she saw was still splattered with her own love juice.

After sitting upright, she looked down, only to see a dildo locked into her crotch by a device of sorts. It wasn't a full blown chastity belt, but still a device that locked it inside of her. And it needed a switch to open, which Elsa currently had in her hand.

Elsa didn't say anything yet as Shaltear continued to let out deep breaths, only watching Elsa wipe her face off with her hand. Elsa then brought her hand to her mouth, licking off the rest of Shaltear's juices.

For some reason Shaltear blushed as she saw that. As for Albedo, she became dazed ever since Shaltear came and squirted on Elsa. Her scent was striking against all of Albedo's pores right now.

Seeing this result, Elsa chuckled.

"Fufu, I hope you liked my reward, Shaltear. You're fully checked out now. And with this baby here, your training has officially begun.", Elsa said, looking down at Shaltear's crotch once more.

"T-Thank you very much, My Lady....Hah...It felt, divine....", Shaltear said, still trying to get used to this constant feeling.

"Glad you enjoyed it."

"Yes...But what is this thing in my crotch, exactly? I'm getting such a feeling of familiarity from it..."

"That's cause what's inside of you is Nao's dick."

Hearing Elsa say that, Shaltear's body straighten right up in shock. Even Albedo snapped out of her daze, curiosity looking downward to see the dildo inside Shaltear.

"Or more precisely, it's a replica of Nao's. But what you're currently feeling is his actual size."

"Our Lord's member, inside of me, right now. Hehehe...", Shaltear said, becoming giddy.

"Figured the best way for you to get used to his size is through direct means like this. Us sisters recently came to a consensus of developing this recently. We know Nao won't be here all the time so it can keep us some comfort while he's away. Or it can also be used in moments, like these.", Elsa responded with her serious attitude.

She then approached Shaltear and looked down at her crotch. Elsa raised her foot, and placed it on top of the device. She began to move her foot around, causing Shaltear to receive another jolt go up her spine, and let out a cute moan.


Elsa then drew her foot back and spoke out.

"So starting from now you will always have this inside you. Even if you receive an order from Nao, you will have this inside you. It will not be taken off under any circumstance, until I find it your training is complete. Understood?"

"Hah...yes, My Lady. This one understands."

"Good. Now go get dressed and get cleaned up. Nao will be giving each one of you a new mission after I'm done checking Albedo, so make yourself presentable until then."

"Y-Yes!", Shaltear said, as she struggled to get up.

As she did, more love juice dripped over the device and splattered onto the ground. She didn't say anything and went to go retrieve her clothes. Giving Elsa a bow, Shaltear opened up a dark portal, which was Yggdrasil's Gate spell. It worked similarly to Nao's, except it would close once people passed through it.

Yet before Shaltear vanished completely, Elsa smiled as she stared at her butt. With the switch in her hand, which appeared to have multiple levels on it, she flipped it up a notch.

Shaltear suddenly felt the large intrusion inside her start squirming slowly, causing her body to lean forward, and formed a pleasurable 'Oh' with her mouth. She ended up collapsing into the Gate, and the Gate vanished from sight.

It was now just Albedo and Elsa left.

'This is going to be fun. Shaltear is definitely the most lewd of these four, and I'll make it so she's acceptable for you, Nao.', Elsa mused to herself.

She then turned her switch off, and stored it away for now.

Elsa then turned toward Albedo, who despite remained calm as she looked at Elsa and the puddle next to her with interest, if one looked closely, a string of her own love juice ran down hidden inside her dress.

"Looks like you're up next, Albedo. If everything goes well I will have you directly enter our nightly activities with Nao from here on."