Chapter 66 : Ritual Of Fidelity

A/N : Aht here. Here is the next chapter!

Was away from home desktop for four days to do any chapter edits so I focused on writing. Here is the next chapter for you guys, sorry if it felt late!

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below

My second fanfic : A Reincarnated Tale: Pokémon is now live as well with its first six chapters, feel free to try it out!


Nao saw Eydis walk off parting ways with Tights. Tights joined the girls side while Eydis made her way near them as well, but stayed a bit away, next to the closest pillar she could lean on. At this moment, Eve came rushing in, joining him with an excited look on her face. Brynhildr glared at Eve for being late, but she ignored Brynhildr and became unemotional again. Nao thought he would have to inquire about this later.

Moving along, Nao soon saw the 19 npcs evenly space themselves out, letting Nao get a good view. The 13 Valkyries, Hela, Albedo, Shaltear, Aura, and Mare, and Eve, another one of his own creation. Brynhildr took the helm with Albedo, Shaltear Aura, Mare and Hela behind her, and the rest of the Valkyries spread out around them on both sides.

As for the girls on Nao's left,, Elsa took the helm there as the acting "Queen" for being his head wife. It was then Miya, Sayuri, Isabella, Tights, Chelsea,, Aht, Eir, Fie, Chronoa, Towa, Caulifla, Kale, Vados, Michael, Lippti, Nemesia, and Bukubukuchagama. Eve also decided to show up at the last minute, joining the npcs. It appeared she was busy with something but she made it in time.

On Nao's right stood Dabura, Tabula Smaragdina and Peroroncino. Peroroncino was slowly getting used to how things are here, but one thing for sure was he took pride seeing his own creation alive and breathing before him. It all felt surreal, but he knew this was reality now.

Nao was now waiting for the npcs to show their loyalty, and afterward Nao would give them each a command, each one having to do with the New World down below.

After a moment passed in silence, Brynhildr pounded her spear on the ground, creating a large echo. The rest of the Valkyries proceeded to do the same, which created a chorus of loud bangs. After the noise died down, Brynhildr rook the lead and spoke out with a respectful yet firm tone.

"Now then, everyone to our Supreme Leader and the Supreme Beings who stayed with us until the end, let us offer our Ritual of Fidelity.", Brynhildr announced.

Starting from the right, the first Valkyrie spoke out, introducing her name to Nao.

"Otr, thirteenth seat of the Valkyries. I pledge myself to you, Lord Nao, and await your order.", Otr respectively said, kneeling down in her spot.

"Hilda, twelfth seat of the Valkyries. It is always a pleasure to be in your service, Lord Nao. I await your command.", Hilda said, announcing her as the 12th seat. She then knelt down onto one knee.

"Gungnir, eleventh seat of the Valkyries. I swear my fealty to you, Lord Nao. Please give this one your next order.", Gungnir said, kneeling down as she introduced herself as the 11th seat.

"Idunn, at your service and pledge my loyalty to you, Lord Nao, as the tenth seat of the Valkyries. I await your command."", Idunn said without much emotion, but she still introduced herself as the 10th seat, and knelt down.

The two digit seats finished pledging themselves, and the single digit seats began to speak, one by one, next. As they did, they each knelt down as well. This was done in order, until it reaches the third seat. The Seat 9 to 3 introduced themselves as Skuld, Mist, Fafnir, Sigrun, Freyja and Sif.

When Nao created the Valkyries, he asked Tabula for a list of suggested names, and he gave Nao a list based off of popular or well known characters from Norse Mythology. He accepted the names, as he too enjoyed these old stories, and even Yggdrasil was based off of it, so he picked names he recognized and gave them to the 13 Valkyries.

As for the final three, they still stood up. Unlike Seat 13 to 9, they seemed to have more character, unique beings. Seat 3 and Seat 2 also appeared to be twins, very much like Aura and Mare. Seeing it was their turn, the two knelt down simultaneously.

"Hiii! Always a pleasure to be at your service, Lord Nao! My loyalty is yours for now and ever more, as the third seat of the Valkyries. Vice-Commander, Dagr!", Dagr said with an upbeat tome, introducing herself as one of the two Vice-Commanders.

"Likewise, it is as my little sister said. I shall come rushing wherever you may need me and my spear. I pledge myself to you, Lord Nao, as the second seat and second Vice-Commander of the Valkyries, Nott.", Nott said, introducing herself as the second Vice-Commander.

The five inside the group were expecting the leader to finish off the Valkyries pledge, but as expected, Nao saw that Brynhildr did not go next after Dagr and Nott introduced themselves.

A weird silence spread out, before the Valkyries besides the first three seats looked at the six inside the group. They felt the stares and realized they were up next. Hela let out a playful laugh, as she spoke out.

"Fufu, I guess I'm next, aren't I? Hela, it is surely a pleasure to be under your service, Lord Nao, the one who I cannot preside above. As the one who resides over the souls of the dead, I cannot fathom how bright your soul must be. It's no less deserving of the man I love. My infinite swords and I are ready to slay anyone that dare block your path.", Hela smiled, saying that. She then knelt down, joining the others.

"T-That was really impressive but I won't falter either! My staff and I are ready to cast spells at enemies when you need me, Lord Nao. Mare, the dark elf. I also do like you, I think! I'm not really sure what this feeling is yet.", Mare said, grabbing the hem of her skirt before she knelt down, laying her staff to the side.

"As my little sister Mare said, my beasts are yours to command, or if you need my abilities, I will not hesitate to jump into battle! I pledge myself as a dark elf to you, Lord Nao. You are also the man who I hold dear, but this feeling is also new to me.", Aura said, kneeling down.

"Eve. A creation created by none other than you, Lord Nao. Thank you for giving me this chance to experience life in real time. Should you require my assistance, my being is ready for you to command.", Eve said, kneeling down.

"Shaltear Bloodfallen, a True Vampire. I bow before the man who I cannot rule above. He who has given me a trial that I will not fail to overcome. I will prove my love is worthy for you to accept, Lord Nao. My lance and I are forever yours.", Shaltear said, not hesitating at all. She then knelt down. She felt her insides squirm a bit, but she didn't falter nor let out a single moan.

Nao nodded, and could see Shaltear's resolute look in her eyes. If she could withstand this next year, he will bring her into his harem. So far she's turning out for the better!

It was now the second to last npc to go up, who was none other than Albedo!

"And I, Albedo, a Succubus, offer to you my body, mind, and soul, Lord Nao, as the one and only man who I will ever come to love. I thank you for gracing me with an opportunity to join your harem. My axe and I will cut off any heads you deem fit, I await your command.", Albedo said with a respectful tone. She then knelt down, joining the others.

It was only Brynhildr now who stood up. In the next moment, she struck the end of her trident against the ground three times, in succession. She then knelt down onto her knee, before speaking out.

"And I, Brynhildr, Commander of the Valkyries and Leader of this lowly bunch, offer you my everything, the man I love, Lord Nao. My trident and I will accomplish your desires without fail. Should you need me, don't hesitate to call upon my services. We all await your command."

Brynhildr said that, and all the npcs swore their oath of fidelity, only to serve Nao and his family and future members. No matter what Nao would request of them, they would act upon it, very much like how a ruler addressed his people. All of this was a new sensation to Nao still, but this was very common in the Overlord Plane. Going thus route, he knew how would have to fill this role, like how Ainz became a superior to the npcs his Guild created.

Nao saw everyone's resolution before him, and nodded, looking pleased. He too then spoke out in a commanding tone.

"I have heard you all. Now heed my call. I will give individual missions to some of you. But first off, Dagr and Nott, take the Valkyries and secure our perimeter. Even though we may be cloaked from sight, we still don't know what's fully out there. As for you, Brynhildr, you stay. I've got a special mission for you."

"Yes, My Lord!", Brynhildr acknowledged him, staying in place.

""Yes, My lord!"", the two acknowledged him. Dagr and Nott then rounded up the Valkyries, and left the room, spreading their wings out and began watching the White Palace.

Nao then proceeded to look at Hela.

"Hela, I will have you take Albedo along and investigate the Slane Theocracy. It may prove dangerous, and should they retaliate in any way, kill them all. We only need to keep one person alive, a Heterochromatic girl named Zesshi. Bring this girl to me, alive. But do be careful around her, she will likely want a fight."

"Fufu, with pleasure, My Lord. Come, Albedo. Let us be off.", Hela said, as Albedo nodded her head. Albedo then bowed her head. But Nao interrupted them as the two created a Gate.

"Oh, Hela, Albedo, one more thing. Unless your actions prevent you, you two are now to report to my bed, from here on, during our nights. And remember, once you enter that room, no clothes."

Hearing that, Albedo suddenly let out a loud yell of approval inside her head and revealed a smile, even though no one could see it because of her armor. Hela smiled and said nothing, only for them to vanish through the Gate.

Only Brynhildr, Shaltear, Aura and Mare remained now. He proceeded to look at Aura and Mare, before giving them a command.

"Aura, you are to investigate the Great Forest of Evasha and provide a current status of the Elf Country. Their king is known to be lecherous, so should any elf try to harm you, you are to kill. And if possible, try to kidnap the King and secure and evidence of his wrongdoings. If their strength proves challenging, I will lend you one of our World Items."

"As you command, My Lord!", Aura smiled, and got up. Nao then looked at Mare.

"As for you, Mare, yours will be a simpler mission, but you must be cautious. You are to monitor the Roble Holy Kingdom, from afar. You are not to Integrate yourself with them, as they have bad blood with demihumans. All you have is one job, secure Princess Calca Bessarez's location, and protect her at all costs. No matter who tries to harm her, kill without mercy. I myself will come down there eventually, but now is not the time yet."

'I-I understand Lord Nao. I will make sure to protect Calca to the best of my ability while not revealing myself!", Mare said, while becoming stunned. She wasn't expecting to become a hidden bodyguard for someone, but with her spells, who was actually the most powerful Magic Caster besides Ainz within Nazarick, Mare's strength wasn't to be underestimated.

Mare then got up and joined Aura, who opened a Gate for the two. Nao spoke out to them before they left.

"And Aura, Mare. Should your actions impede you, you two also are to report to my bed during our nights. I will have you two start cuddling with me, so no clothes."

Hearing that, a smile appeared on Aura's face and her cheeks turned a bit red. As for Mare, her ears turned deep red but didn't shy away and nodded.

The two then left through their Gate, leaving behind Eve, Shaltear and Brynhildr. Nao gave a good look at Shaltear before speaking to her.

"Shaltear, you are to delve into the depths of the Azerlisia Mountains and secure the home of the dwarves. After finding their location, establish peaceful ties with them. This will be considered your first mission of your one year trial period for me."

"I will accomplish this mission without fail, Lord Nao!"

"Good. And I know with what Elsa implicated on you, it is unhealthy to keep stress bottled inside. So I've decided, for every successful mission you do this one year, I will reward you and let you relieve yourself. You may consult with Elsa whenever that time comes."

"Yes.", Shaltear replied, bowing once more. She then left through the gate, leaving behind Eve and Brynhildr. Nao then looked at Eve.

"I'm not sure what got you so excited Eve, did you find something with Eydis's device?"

"With the help of Sister Towa and Vados, we were! I think we can modify Eydis's device to increase its distance far enough to reach the world that Kirito is in. It even contains its own virtual world, so with enough modification, we may be able to create a warp hole of sorts to link this virtual world to theirs."

Eydis became shocked hearing this. She didn't understand some of what Eve just said now, but she did hear that these people could possibly let her reach her world, even if its just through contacting!

"I see. It does look like you've shown some developments on this, and we'll have to put it to a test once the modifications are done. Is there anything you want as reward?"

Hearing that, Eve went silent, and pondered for a moment before speaking again.

"Doing anything you require of me is my purpose of this new life you granted me, Lord Nao. But if a reward is to be mentioned...May I join in that cuddling? I've not shared body heat with anyone before, but I think I'd like it if it was done with you."

"Are you sure? I did program your new body to be that of an adult's, but it would be a new world to explore for you."

"Yes.", Eve said, bowing.

"Very well, then during the nights should you be free, you are to report to my bed with no clothes."

"Thank you, Lord Nao!", Eve said with a rare smile. She then stood up, and wandered off, leaving the throne room to continue analyzing Eydis's device. That's right when Eydis brought it out, Nao had Tights give it to Eve and Towa for them to analyze it! And they've already made some progress too. If they could really connect two virtual worlds together, he would be able to meet with the SAO cast sooner than later!

After Eve left, it was just now Brynhildr, who waited for her command. Nao didn't hesitate, and proceeded.

"Now, Brynhildr. Your mission will be special. You are to make contact with the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and confront Momonga. He must learn that he was not the only one who transferred with him. Having us dive into this unknown world as allies will be better than having a powerful enemy right at our back door. Once you've integrated with Nazarick, you will monitor the status of Re-Estize Kingdom and Baharuth Empire.", Nao commanded Brynhildr.

"Yes, Lord Nao. I will make sure to get in contact with Momonga and watch over those two countries!", Brynhildr responded with confidence.

"Good. I myself will be taking Elsa, Sayuri and Eydis to become Adventurers down below and we will start in Re-Estize kingdom. If you happen to spot us, do not make contact while we are in the public eye. Any information you deem necessary to report, you can."

"I understand. Is there anything else you require of me?"

"Not at the moment, but like the others, should you find yourself not busy during our nights, strip your clothes and join us in my bed. You too are welcome."

"Thank you! I will never forget this chance to become loved by our Supreme Leader!"

"Mmm. You are dismissed."

Hearing Brynhildr say that, Nao concluded their current session, and dismissed Brynhildr. Brynhildr bowed once more and left through the Gate. It was now just Nao's family and Eydis. Nao turned toward Eydis who approached him with an excited look in her eyes.

"Hey, did you really mean what you just said back there? I get to go adventuring with you guys down below?"

"Sure did. Unless you'd rather want to do something else?"

"Oh, no! Not at all! Sure exploring this home you have is fun, but I have more fun slaying monsters and being in the company of others! Wait, there are monsters to slay here, right?"

Nao wanted to retort with a laugh after Eydis said that, but he kept it down and simply nodded his head.

"Yes. There are plenty of monsters for you to battle. There are even several Dragon tribes here."

"D-Dragons!?" Really!?", Eydis shouted out in excitement.

"Mmm. Now go rest up for the night, as we'll be heading down tomorrow. If you are late, we won't take you."

"I understand. I'll go head back to my room.", Eydis smiled at everyone, before retreating from the throne room.

Now, it was just Nao and his family left. Nao released a big sigh, suddenly feeling a mental wave strike against his mind, becoming tired all of a sudden. It was exhaustion, but that of the mind, not physical.

"Hah...", Nao said with a sigh. Everyone started to relax their posture seeing this. Elsa let out a giggle of her own before talking.

"Fufu, not so easy now is it? Only Sister Eir and I can be counted as proper Rulers before we passed on our roles. Well, Brother Dabura too considering he used to rule the Demon realm. You'll have to get used to this during our stay here. Especially once these natives find this place out, if they are even able to."

"You're right. This will be a new experience for me, to see if I'm fit to become a Ruler and eventually build my own Kingdom with you guys in it.", Nao said with a smile.

"Yep. But I still think we need to expand our family more before that happens. If we include you, we will now have twenty five people on our lovely bed during our nights."

"Twenty five...and you're still saying we should expand more?"

"Well, considering you have that divine energy of yours that seems to have endless stamina, I don't see why not. Besides if everything goes well, we'll be adding three more once we finish our travels here and in our next world, there are many cute girls over there, aren't there?"

"Heh, you're right about that. But I guess that does pose one question."

"Oh? What would that be?", Elsa mused at Nao's question.

"Can we even fit twenty five of us on that bed? Our current number spread out quite far on it already!"