Fast 85

The Fastest Man Alive

Fast 85

By: BigToFu


With a palm over my face, I let out the long-suffering sigh of a man that just needed a break. With a shake of the head, I entered the room fully and ignored Selene and Felicia turning around and discussing the latest status of the Hell Fire Club. Another problem for another time, no way I was doing to let that cyborg asshole free or the leader of the Purifiers. Far too many billionaire villains in the same place; they will all die in due time though.

Yeah, there was just no way in hell I was going to drop the ball when it came to the HellFire and their little club of billionaire assholes, but for now, I'll leave it to my ladies to play with their food. Those thoughts aside, I stood in front of Blade and waited.

The stare down we shared was intense as we both radiated nothing but pure badass vibes. The vibes just ratcheted higher and higher, neither of us cracking. Those around standing and operating different computer stations shared a look, fearing that we would come to blows.

Instantly we both moved, arms going up with speed, fists closed, the tension around the room exploded and went exactly nowhere as our fists met in the middle.



Blade and I shared a fist bump. The room exploded from all the tension that had built up at this point. Trying not to look at the morons, I could only shake my head at some of their reactions. One of the computer techs fainted and another had sweat running down his forehead and was trying to mop it all up with a handkerchief. Moving to stand at the holo-table, I ignored my colorful workers and turned towards Frank.

"Give me a quick rundown, along with how you got roped into this vampire mess," I stated even as I waved a hand over the hologram.

Frank shrugged at me, "Not much to say, I finished the Carmine family and came back then was shoved into a room with him and the tech heads." Frank made a motion around him and I noticed that he was still in combat gear even if it was stripped down to just the under armor. "Now, what the fuck you mean vampire?"

I grimaced at that and waved a hand over the hologram changing the image of the building layout with just a mere thought, "Yeah, vampires are real and due to that, just know that this is voluntary it won't reflect negatively if you don't want to go."

"I'm in," Frank replied with a shrug.

"Alright," I replied and just kept it moving. With a sliding motion, I sent Frank the information on the few decent vampires that were known around New York City. That information was sent over along with a few unsavory sorts that were on my Empire's watch list. Then I turned to the other guy standing, well sitting, in a chair and drinking out of a flask.

Shit, how in the hell did I not notice Whistler, the old geezer was knocking on back, looking as old and grizzled as I remembered him from the movies. I looked from Whistler to Blade who only had the hints of a younger Westly Snipes in his features and could only marvel at the situation. The more things stay the same the more they change, but I couldn't just take in the moment right now. I was here to get things done and because my city was obviously in some type of danger, definitely of the vampire variety, or Blade wouldn't have come asking for help.

With a shake of the head, I turned toward Blade, "Alright, this is your show, so show us what you got." I then made a motion toward the table.

Blade was silent for a moment, then turned towards the old man, "Whistler…"

"Alright, alright," The old scraggly man groaned as he stood up from the chair he was on and came to the table, "Aye, you, the one I gave the thing to put it on the thingie here."

We all looked at the computer tech he was talking to even as the guy scrambled to perform his task, it was clear the tech wasn't ready at all. The holo-table came alive as pictures appeared along with a certain church located on Bisk Street. Looks a little run down of course, but the black light glyphs on the side denoted the vampire house that it belonged to. Next to the church was a skyscraper downtown with the image of the high cheek boned lady that owned it.

She was of course clearly a vampire as the info-packet stated along with a lot of her staff. It showed that she was the owner of the Church along with a group of vamps. This time a few names did very much stand out and I had to keep myself from gripping the table. Nyssa, Dracula, and the nosferatu looking mother fucker Damaskios.

Dracula was a possibility, but it was the others I wasn't expecting and wasn't happy about because that meant a fucking vampire super plague was somewhere out there in my fucking city. I was not a happy camper and already wanted to fucking stake a bitch for this shit.

Swiping my hand across the table, I brought up my own holo-screen and sent out a few commands to get a few things checked out. Even though I had a clue of what was happening, I would need to check and ask to be sure. My being alive in this damn universe made sure that things were changed, granted it would have been different before my being here, but still; there was no going back to the original storyline if at all.

"So big name vampires are in the city, what else is new?" I asked while making a motion towards the holo-screen and the images shown. The ugly nosferatu asshole was noted to have been alive three hundred years now and his last fifty were spent somewhere over in Russia. The only issue with all this was Dracula. Even if I could take him, Dracula wasn't one that I wanted to face. The man was a top tier king of vampires and any battles we had would definitely endanger my city.

"For one, we were let in on a little secret, some sort of super virus is out there wiping out a lot of the blood suckers," Whistler stated then shook his head, "The pretty one Nyssa gave Blade some information that just might interest you."

The old man waved his hand over the holo-table, and it was clear that he couldn't operate the device even as it moved with his hand motions. It took him a time or two before he was able to open the file he was after, with the help of the lab technician, who I was thinking about assigning him to this project as the old man's aid. Maybe if he wasn't playing Galaga when I came into the command room he would have been able to escape.

From what the information was showing, the vampires were offering a truce and yeah, I could see the lines of it following some of the movie. What I wasn't getting was why Dracula was mentioned along with the thin bitch from the Blade three movie.

"The vampire nation wants to have a meet and greet and well," Whistler stated before shrugging at me.

"It's a trap," Frank cut in with a scowl at the holo-images.

"I thought so." Blade said and by damn that was his first set of words since I showed up.

I looked at him then chuckled, "Soooo a nation's backing in case they try and have your body vanish or go up in a blaze of C4." I rubbed my chin in thought. "huh, I can dig it, but I want in." Yeah, I can already see that this shit was about to turn into a hot mess. "When's the meet and greet?"

Blade stared at me for a long moment, and I could already see Whistler rolling his eyes, "In one hour."

The room went silent and those that were listening turned to stare at Blade, even Frank stood there a little nonplussed by the situation.

Me, I just shrugged and gave my answer, "Alright, but I think we should maybe hit the armory and get dressed for the occasion."

The smile Blade gave to that answer told me all that I needed to know. The man didn't come for my damn backing, the man came for my fucking weapons. With a chuckle and a shake of the head I then made a motion towards the far wall then turned around and just walked. Whistler, the old coot, sat his ass back down and I made sure that the tech knew that the old man was his responsibility.

Walking into the room, I ignored Frank as the man made a beeline straight to the Gear style armor while I went towards the knives and other special cutlery. While they grabbed guns and other massive overkill type weapons, I went for the bow and other unique weapons that I have been working on mastering. I had about a hundred Silver edged throwing stars shrunk down, six quivers of smart arrows in my utility belt, a super bow and the real treat of everything, a chakram styled after Tron and their data disk. Xena the warrior princess would be damn proud of my chosen weapon because I was about to wall bounce and fuck some vampires up.

Turning around, I found Frank was rocking a fucking Lancer and I had to do a double take as the man pressed a button and a hologram flashed to life. Now, normally that wouldn't be a cause for any type of concern, sure, but some crazy fucking bastard decided that a hard light chainsaw was the way to go. The mannequin that Frank tested the hard light chainsaw against split in half at the torso, the edges clean and a cause for worry. Frank smiled at the weapon, and I felt a shiver but didn't feel sorry for any vamps we might come across. I made sure to not notice Blade stashing one of the lightsabers away in his boot holster.

With a shake of my head, I gave my bow a quick shake allowing it to collapse before stashing it away at the back of my hip. Then I placed the chakram in its position at my upper back, with a shake, my badass trench coat made itself known, then I doffed the sides.

Ohh yeah, I was looking real good.


Standing across from the tower, I leaned up against the wall as Blade confirmed our location and called the ride.

Frank grunted, "I still say we go in, ash them all, and deal with the computers after."

I looked at him and held my gaze for a moment before Frank grunted back with a shrug. Yeah, vampire base or not, I wasn't trying to start some crazy supernatural war of the realms. This planet was already crazy enough without all the vamps coming out and just feasting on people like the old testament and shit.

A sound came from the other end of the alleyway, Frank made a motion towards his side holster, Blade never even turned around to look. I on the other hand turned to find what was clearly a moron peaking into Blade's muscle car before walking past. The guy was in his early twenties, had a neck tattoo, and was clearly a drug dealer or mugger. The guy, barely a young adult himself, had a Glock in his waistband that he took out and started to brandish the weapon in our general direction.

The kid stopped just outside of arms reach, the gun was up, turned to the side and pointed directly at my chest. "Alright, gimme the keys to the car."

I looked at him, then I looked at the guy, the kid should have known something was up when my face split into a smile. "Ohh boy, is that a gun?"

"Yeah, it's a fucking gun, now run your wallets and the car keys." The wannabe thug commanded as the trigger of the Glock twitched.

Frank shared a look with Blade, but my smile was positively evil as I took one step towards the would-be mugger, "Ohh that means I can self defense you into the floor."

Now the mugger was clearly confused and knew that something was wrong. He of course tried to pull the trigger, but his gun just fell apart in his hands, superspeed for the win.

"What?" The mugger gasped as parts of his ruined Glock hit the pavement.

Blade snorted from his position at the end of the alley, "Blake…"

Frank was already moving towards the mugger, but I held a hand up to stop him.

"Come on Frank, how often have you met someone not knowing who you are? I asked with a motion towards the kid. "Hell, I bet the moment they see that skull they run away."

Frank grunts as he thinks about things for a second or two. "Okay, then I want to self-defense him into eating his teeth."

At that, the mugger turned a solid one eighty and took off running in the opposite direction.

Blade pauses and looks over, "You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea…"

The mugger didn't even realize what was happening as he ran around the car in a loop and ended up right back in front of us.

"Hello, guy here with a gun."

The three of us shared a look and a laugh and then Frank patted the poor guy on the shoulder. "Wait your turn."

I nodded along with what Frank said, "It won't take long before we self defense you into a hospital bed."

"Medical bills, so pricey." Blade interjected just over the guy's shoulder.

Vrroom! Vrroom!

I turned and watched as Frank revved the chainsaw on his lancer, the dude beside me flinched back away from Frank, his back smacking into the wall. It started with the sniffles, then before I knew it, mucus was dripping from the mugger's nose as raindrops fell from his eyes. We all stood there and watched as the guy broke down and cried his little heart out: but I have to admit, I really didn't feel sorry for the punk.

With a shake of the head and sweep of my hand, I vanished the guy along with the parts to his Glock. Tonight, was and definitely wasn't his lucky night. He was lucky in that I put him well outside the vampire's territory. It wasn't his lucky night because he ran into us, but at least he was able to get out of it with his life intact.

That would also need to be something I fixed, vampires having territory was not a very great prospect for me to think about, because every time I do. All I could remember were those nights when I had no powers and had that odd cold shiver run down my spine.

With that in mind, I brought up my omni-tool and sent a few commands. Bob would take care of the rest. With that taken care of, the three of us went back to the mouth of the alley, shared a look, then proceeded across the street: zero fucks given.

Blade took the lead, Frank was in the middle, his assault rifle cloaked on his back, and I brought up the rear, my badass trench coat flapping majestically.

The guard at the door saw us, panicked and went for his gun. He never made it. Blade gave the man one meaty slap across the face knocking him out cold. Another one got the spit knocked out of him and found the loving embrace of the floor as we walked past the front door and into the building's lobby.

Walking out into the middle of the lobby, we took up a tri stance, the place silent as a grave.


Blade didn't even flinch as his sword came out into a guard stance along with one of my bolters in his other hand. Frank had a shotgun with two silver stakes poking out of the bottom. I was the only one in a full melee option as I forgo my bow and pull out my blue glowing Tron chakrams. I gave it a little twist and pull, separating it into two and took up my own stance. My sixth sense buzzed alerting me to movement from above.


Taking a quarter step back, I flicked my wrist hard, the chakram snapping upwards in a reverse motion. The vampire wasn't ready as my chakram flew upwards, bounced off the ceiling, then wall before coming back down and through another vampire as if they were never there.

With those out of the way, Blade, Frank, and I were back-to-back, they took out the vampires at range while I took out those foolish enough to make it close.

Ducking low and twisting around, I kicked some punk rock looking vampire with a half shaved head and blue highlights into Franks waiting chainsaw. The man grunted at the assist with a nod, the hologram that was the chainsaw vanishing with a few motes of light.

Activating the charges without my chakrams, I then threw them out on auto pilot and pulled out my bow. Taking a shooter's stance, I pulled out a Bouncing Betty arrow and notched it. My aim, the top pillar and onto the third floor, might as well prep the field before morons figured out they could just shoot at us out of range.


Everyone froze at the sound and turned to look who was speaking, we all turned to find Nyssa standing, face angry with guards in pretty snazzy armor around her. Behind Nyssa was Danica Talos the vampire lord who owned this building along with her brother Asher. And none of them were looking happy at all.

Putting my arrow and bow away, I then held up a hand for my chakrams to return. The vampire that Frank was holding against a wall by the throat ashes slowly as the shotgun stake shot into the vampires guts released its silver payload.

"The Daywalker was invited as a guest into these halls," Nyssa spoke, her head held high,, voice commanding respect from all of those who heard.

"He is no ally of ours." One of the vampires hissed, that was cut short with the look Nyssa gave him.

"He is here on invitation and will proceed without being assaulted." Nyssa stated and it was clear that was the end of that.

Things were silent for a moment before the vampire that Frank had pinned to the wall finally finished ashing and he had to pull his shotgun back. There was a clink noise and everyone turned to look at him instead of the tense standoff between Nyssa and the moron.

With a shake of my head, I put both of the chakram halves together before putting them away. Blade did a half turn and found that Frank and I were ready before he, himself turned around and walked over to Nyssa. Frank and I followed, and Frank being Frank grunted at one of the vampires, the mad bastard.

Playing it cool myself, I just brought up the rear, that is until we came to a giant blood ring that reminded me of my Empires stargate. The gate was a massive twenty feet tall structure and it had swirls of blood pulled within the middle. The damn thing was straight out of a fucking horror game. With a shake of my head, I walked to the middle of the room, stood in front of the blood ring, put my hands up in a T for timeout and spoke my mind.

"Yeah," I stated with a clap of the hands, "I'm just going to say it, that's a trap."

Author Note's :

In the infamous voice of Admiral Ackbar - It's a trap!!! -

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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