Fast 91

The Fastest Man Alive

Fast 91

By BigTofu

Shifting in bed, I woke with the morning sun while keeping the yawn that threatened to escape to myself. It would have sucked to wake my sleeping companions as Sue was the little spoon to my big. The arm that laid over her sleeping form rubbed along her now visibly pregnant stomach. On my other side, Emma shifted as her own omni-tool vibrated on her wrist also bringing her to wakefulness. She sighed and I half leaned back onto her as a slim hand traced its way across my back and over to my chest.

A hand patted my cheek, "Hmm, morning…"

Taking her hand in my own, I kissed it and held it to my chest for a bit before we both felt that it was time to get up. Swapping out myself for a body pillow, I shifted along with Emma to get out of the bed and noticed Jean laying half across Natasha, face stuffed deep inside of her cleavage. I could only wonder how she hadn't suffocated yet but pushed those thoughts aside with a shake of the head as I was pulled towards the bathroom by my boxers. There was nothing to complain about as I followed behind her into the bathroom, breakfast could wait.

The morning shower with Emma turned into a morning activity with all of my women once the first joined, then the second and third, but I was alright with that. With a hand, I moved Ororo's hair to the side placing kisses along her collarbone and shoulders as I then worked the rest of the way around her body. Then as I kissed her lips after laying my claim all over her frame. I brought the suds and washcloth to clean the rest of her delicious form. My seed dripped from between her legs as she raised a leg for me to wash, then the other.

Still kneeling on the ground, I turned and did the same for Sue, this time I gave a still red asscheek a little nibble, her rosebud still flexing from my abuse. My fingers squeezing her flesh caused some of my spunk to leak from both holes as I gave her cheeks a good spread. Ohh yes, all of my women were not only properly cared for, but also well fucked and would walk around stuffed with my cream. Those with heightened senses would know exactly why my women smiled and also smelled of me.

Once we were all cleaned, we got out, dressed, and made our way down to breakfast.

Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, I found that my parents were here and already at it making breakfast for the kids. My mom was at the stove with a multi-tool in hand flipping a pancake with the hard-light hologram on the multi-tool set to a spatula. Little hover plates floated around my mom's cooking form as she plated eggs, bacon, ham, and other assorted breakfast foods for consumption. My dad looked up from his tablet to give me a nod of the head acknowledging that he noticed me. It was like I was hit in the head as this scene reminded me of our lives back in Queens before I got my power and started on this power-tripping adventure.

Honestly, if it wasn't for my kids sitting around the table, me being well over a hundred years old and living this crazy marvel life. I would have thought that nothing had changed with how normal everything was. Yet it had, and within a year, maybe two at most, I had upended everything to carve myself a place in the history books. Soon though, I would have my homeworld march in lockstep with my plans for the future. I would just need to use my patience and wait for them to betray me so I could drop the hammer. That's all I was waiting on, SHIELD to drop that nuke so I could have an excuse to force humanity into becoming part of my Empire.

Only a fool would just shrug away a nuke being launched against not only a civilian population but also the leader of a much stronger nation.

Anyway, world conquest could wait for later as I sat down to have breakfast with everyone.

While I sat and ate, I found that eating my own meal was not going to happen as Sophie took my leaning back to snatch a plate of floating bacon as the chance to sit in my lap and combined her plate with my own. Her sisters instantly felt insulted that they weren't the first to get the idea. I gave them a look to stop the squabbling that popped up between them with the way Emma was holding her head; the girls were loud.

Looking between them, I gave the free space on my leg a pat, "Use your words, telepathy at the dining table is rude."

The triplets shared a look, then all spoke at once, "Yes Daddy."

Rolling my eyes, I let Celeste and Phoebe take the rest of the space on my lap before going back to my food, or at least I tried to. Now, my plate was too far, I had a gaggle of kids between me and my sweet crunchy bacon along with someone asking a question.


Sue placed her cup of tea down, smiled at my plight, and then jabbed me with a hard question now that she was awake. "So did Viktor take the deal?"

The table slowly fell into silence to hear what I had to say, but I was too busy leaning forward and snatching the bacon from Sophie's hands to reply. Enjoying my treat, I finished chewing and swallowing before turning and giving Sue her answer.

Looking over, I made a motion toward her tea, "Viktor will, but he will be extremely reluctant to actually take the offer." I stated while taking a sip from her teacup. "I'm certain that he has already gone over our system defenses multiple time's and has created multiple contingencies for his occasional brush with my forces."

Ororo lowered her fork and sent me a look, "Are we going to move against him?"

I shook my head, "Not unless he gives us a reason to, right now I'm more worried about our citizens along with the eventual betrayal of my home nation."

This caused a conflicted look on the face of the adults sitting at the table, the kids all none the wiser on what I was talking about.

"Sue, you have known him the longest," Emma started with a belated hand motion. "What do you think he will do?"

I felt bad a little with the cringy face Sue made, then she sighed while placing a hand over her pregnant stomach, "Even though we helped him, Viktor is very stubborn and ego-driven. If what I know about him is true, then we already struck a blow to his ego by helping him rescue his mother from Mephesto. I don't think he will bend the knee." Sue then shook her head, "Good chance that even if he appreciated the offer, he saw it as an insult while also inflicting self-loathing.

Mystique pushed her own empty plate forward with a shake of the head, "I don't get why he should, the offer is far more than he should be allowed. A direct say in the Empire along with one of our garden worlds is something only our most loyal should have received and it was offered to him and you're saying it would bruise his ego and hurt his feelings."

Mystique then made a face and I could tell she wanted to spit.

"Ha!" Natasha chuckled, breaking the tension over the table and we all turned to try and figure out what she found so funny. "Doom is a bundle of neuroses, a superiority, and inferiority complex, the man is jealous because our Ben was about to accomplish everything he ever wanted in less than half the time along with kids to be heir to the Empire." Natasha then shook her head, "He isn't going to accept the offer and look at his failings day in and day out. No…" Nat shook her head. "Doom is going to bolt and leave a nasty surprise for us on his way out." She then pointed her fork at me. "Mark my words, I've dealt with men like him before. He's petty and will not like that you have what he couldn't with his vaunted intelligence."

"HUH," My dad hummed, "So you're saying because we saved his bacon he's just gonna bite the hand?"

Nat gave my father a nod of her head, "That's exactly what I'm saying and it doesn't help that Doom is Grade A momma's boy who we clearly don't see as equals. That's why he is being offered a conciliatory prize, a participation trophy if you will."

With a sigh, I leaned back into my chair, and ran a hand through my daughter's hair, "Well, I didn't want to come out and say it in so many words but yes." I shook my head with a chuckle, "Look, I'm not going to rock the boat and kick anything off right now. I would rather just keep improving the foundations before stepping onto the wider galactic stage, but I also refuse to leave a thorn in our backs for later issues."

Sue gave me her best "mother is disappointed in you" look. "I thought you didn't want to fight Viktor?"

I shrugged, "I don't but he's gonna have to capitulate or leave. There will be no in-between because what's coming is going to need all hands on deck."

Before Sue and I could get into it, my omni-tool rang, then Sage's face appeared above my wrist. "Blake, we have a situation evolving. The United Nations, with the backing of America, has moved two submarines into the territorial waters of Pandora on Earth. They are also calling for a meeting over the use of the orbital cannon. There are other nations also calling for sanctions, but the subs are our main issue at the moment, nuclear warheads have been located on board with our scanners."

As I listened to her report, I read over the files that she sent along and could only sigh. It was only a matter of time before some moron in power did something stupid. Now, I had to go and flex again for the world to see.

"I'm on my way, but have Faora order two drop ships to go over to the submarine's exact locations. Ohh and while you're at it, summon Shiklah, I want her to see what modern combat has turned into." I ordered, then wrapped my arms around the girls and got up. I might hate politics, but that doesn't mean I wasn't going to take the easy wins they gave me.

I haven't even taken the chance to deal with the vampire bullshit and this was now inside of my lap. With a sigh, I sat my girls back down and made for the master bedroom to get dressed, if I was about to lay down the smackdown. I might as well dress in my Sunday best before I whip it out and slap them in the face with it.

One Hour Later….

The doors opened with a swish and I stepped out of the elevators with an easy pace as I made my way into the Command Center. The sound of mass shifting noise reached my eyes as everyone snapped to attention, it didn't matter if they were in chairs or walking to a location doing their work.

"ATTENTION, EMPEROR ON STATION!" The Spartan Officer on duty called out the moment he spotted me when he turned because of the sound from the elevator.

"At ease," I spoke out along with a wave of my hand. "Back to work, and someone get me Faora and Sage."

Two Spartans snapped off a salute and then took off running towards another end of the Command center. While they did that, I got myself a tablet and logged in with my authentication codes so I could receive the updates in real-time. With a grimace, I couldn't stop the frown that came over my face as I noticed the projected trajectory of an aircraft carrier had changed. Well, it looks like someone was talking really stupid inside of President Ellis's ears right now. Ignoring the masses around me, I walked over to a floating desk platform that clearly had my name on it and sat down.

Activating my station, I gave the controls a little nudge bringing to life the computers connected to the network, the holograms waking to life. Setting the tablet on the desktop, I leaned forward in my seat, hands moving with a flurry of motions, to get as much data and information about the situation as I could. China had made its own moves and even Russia was kicking up a fuss, but I didn't really care about those. They like to talk a lot of game, but they had no balls. The real threat here was my own birth nation of America. America didn't just talk shit, they had the audacity to walk the walk and get upset when you bloodied their nose.

I know this because it was my own policy for dealing with the bullshit. The only thing that I didn't do was poke the bear just because I could. I would rather stay in my lane and flow until someone decides to interrupt my peace. Now, though, my peace was interrupted and it was time to do what I do; bloody their nose. There was a ping from my command terminal showing incoming calls and hitting the accept on those that brought up the hologram face of Faora.

"Your Majesty, we are in position and have kept a steady pace of 4 knots above both unsuspecting submarines.

My attention shifted, "Good, and how deep into our island borders are they?"

The hologram shifted to show an outline trace of a submarine twenty miles off the coast of my island's northern city. Then eight tubes highlighted in blue, "We also have solid confirmation of nukes on board." Faora completed, even if I already could tell.

Before I could answer, a hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked over and found Sage standing at my elbow. I made a motion toward the free chair at my side. "So, what's the situation with the United Nations"

Sage looked at me, raised a brow, then turned herself towards the terminal where she was sitting. "There is a current push by the Canadian Priminister, backed by the French, Russians, Chinese and the Americans along with an assortment of other nations."

While listening to what Sage had to say, I was also putting together a packet with medical data, video footage, and hotspots along with other various little things that would do exactly what I wanted. Hell, there was even a little band of Windigo ten miles off from a village in the nice snowy lands of Canada. I wonder if they would be able to rescue the village, fight off supernatural beasts close to hulk level or even acknowledge the need to save their people. I also doubt that they even had the balls to pull a missile strike inside of their own territory. Either way, I was in for a treat and so were the Windigos if the Canadians couldn't even protect their own civilians.

Ohh, and before I forget, we want to make sure that this is live for the world to see, so a full bypass on all channels with black inside the UN building. It's about time they join the real world and stick their feet into the fire, maybe get a toe or two burned off.

Why? Because fuck them: politicians.

Then with a sigh, I prepped some orders for a single Astarte to get his kit ready and prep for transport and heavy combat. It was only five Windigo's so he didn't need a full team. Orders were basic to save the civilians and look badass while doing it. Actually, I might as well send Bob, he needed some fresh air. Maybe also have him show off the terminator armor to the world, piss on the pride of the foolish nations thinking they could step up to me and mine.

While my orders were being carried out, I had the platform my desk was placed on rising into a hover, and then turned to face the wall. Behind me was the rest of the command center, I wanted them to see my Spartans as they did their work. The United Nations would burn with envy as they gazed upon my command center and all of its advanced technology. It was certain that no one would ever show off their command rooms but I had holograms and the world was going to be able to see the tech that they were missing.

The world will see just how far the kid from Queens has grown underneath his own power, drive, and will.

Giving Sage a hand motion, she brought up the extension for the United Nations and alerted the Ambassador that was down there talking on the behalf of my Empire. Sage being the ultimate secretary that she was, handled everything for me from start to finish and I never had to deal with some waiting message over the call since she bypassed it all.

That was all fine and there were a few surprised faces as my Ambassador placed a device on the desk that opened a hologram for me to speak from even as Sage linked it to the voice system of the United Nations. The Wakandan delegates gave us a nod along with Japan and Brazil. That was fine though as I didn't really need all of their help. What I did do though was send them a minor missive pm of things to expect since I was about to break the game and tip over the game board.

I returned a nod to a few faces and then acted as if I didn't notice a few looking behind me at my working troops. The speaker was saying something as I tapped away at my tablet, then I had to ignore the clearing of the throat.

"Mister Blake, is it true that you currently have weapons installed upon your orbital station?" The Speaker to the United Nations pressed but I ignored him as I typed away on my tablet. There was no point in paying him any attention, but I could already feel his frustration. "Mister Blake."

Sage cut right across him even as I ignored the man's voice, "The proper respectful term is Emperor Blake, as the speaker to the United Nations, you should know not to disrespect heads of state."

There was a series of hisses that the mic picked up as Sage ripped into the moron. After she let things settle, I placed my tablet to the side and looked at the hologram with a raised brow.

The Speaker had a look that he had clearly sucked on a lemon, "Emperor Blake, we ask of you today to explain the orbital weapon."

I made a hand motion that spoke, even as I tried to not be dismissive, "And what of it Mister Speaker, any nation worth their research and development division would make sure that their orbital station had defenses installed."

"Ahh, well Emperor Blake, no they would not because there is an international treaty pertaining to weapons being deployed into orbit."

Okay, now it was time to flip not only the script but also the entire fucking chessboard.

The speaker's eyes narrowed as he tried to psudo glare at me, "What is that?"

Before I could frown, I set my face into a neutral expression as I clasped my hands together and leaned forward toward the hologram. "I said your petty play at politics bore me and your demeanor is that of a pouting child. I have far more important things to deal with than petty little power games being played by the United Nations." Then I gave Sage a signal to show the class. "I'm here instead of getting ready for my meeting with the Galactic banking guild, which I might add has branches on over twelve thousand planets across the milky way galaxy with a unified monetary system." Then I made a head motion towards the American's seating. "The only reason I even showed up today was that I didn't want to embarrass my birth nation of America. Not only that, but I'm quite certain that you also got the reason why I would not be signing that foolish treaty since it would be restricting the interests of my Empire."

They were given time to actually say something even with the amount of data I had sent across for their reviews. I looked between them and no one said anything, so I pushed forward.

"And saying it's because of a treaty on Earth is bullshit since I had to wipe out a pirate party that thought our backwater little planet was a great place to hide from the Nova core," I stated with a shake of the head. "That little treaty was put in place when the space age started but politicians in power stopped the progress. But, I don't see the need to stop the progress of my Empire."

"Be that as it may Emperor Blake, the treaty clearly states," The speaker started in a bluster.

My reply was to swipe my hand across and cut him off. "My Empire along with myself has signed no such thing. So anything about that treaty means nothing for me and mine. So enlighten me speaker on why my Empire having orbital cannons is an issue when my Empire is dealing with the wider galactic public?"

"AHH and when did you plan to introduce the United Nations to the wider galactic public?" The speaker pressed as if he was able to catch me inside of anything.

Making sure it was visible for all to see, I rolled my eyes, "Only those allied with my Empire would be able to see the benefits. Other than that, I'm waiting for the rest of the world to deal with their shit. For example, no one asked me why I had to use the orbital cannons, just upset that I had them." I shrugged my shoulders for the world to see, not like the United Nations would know. "I fought Dracula for half a night along with his horde of supernatural cultists."

Then I was interrupted by an alarm bell going around the Command Center. The delegates on the other side of my call jumped, but I played it cool as I gave Sage a raised eyebrow.

"Canadian northern territory, pack of Wendigo ten miles off from a small city." A spartan called out, the holograms shifted. It was also accidentally added to my own call as I looked over the data so that the United Nation could watch. This also included the rest of the world as they watched a pack of fifteen bloodthirsty monsters race across the snowy outlands of Canada.

There was a lot more to that situation but they didn't have to know that. I could see spinning heads and confusion at what I just said. I gave Sage a signal and she sent a packet to everyone inside the United Nations. I might have been a little shit and had her send those really nasty Wendigo files to the top of the Canadian's pack, along with how they ate people.

One of the Canadian delegates screamed like a little bitch and when I looked over I saw one of the aids puking their guts out. The speaker for Canada stood up with a snarl and outrage on his face. "What is the meaning of this?"

Ohh yeah, flipping the board games all these fucks liked to play was fun. I had dropped it all in their laps, vampires, homeless vanishing, portals to other planes, all the shit that's going on with Earth. This would boost my immigration numbers a hundred-fold easily if not more. The ice world was dealing with itself plus domes, and I had more planets like the water world and the desert one. I could house billions more people within my empire. Hell, my own eugenics program wasn't even denting my population numbers even with hundreds of thousands of people being born weekly.

I had dropped the fireworks in the laps of the world and it was glorious. Even now, I could see a few of the aids answering personal phones and then going pale.

Ignoring the outburst of the Canadian delegate, I gave him a lazy look in return. "A supernatural situation that's about to same type of situation that made me have to use my orbital cannons."

The monsters were big, ugly, and nasty little beasties and they were also far worse than werewolves. With the wolves, it was a virus that spread through the body from a bite and needed the lunar moon as a catalyst to activate. These things though could change you with just a fucking scratch because the Wendigo was a cursed creature.

Ignoring them, I made a call. "Bob, we have a situation, sending files now. We have a teleport spike prepped, but I'll hold off on sending you unless the Canadians can't handle their own situation"

I got a reply along with Bob getting ready with a fire team of three other astartes.

"Emperor Blake, are you saying that you would violate the territory of a seated member of the United Nations?" The speaker asked, pouncing on my statement as if it would give him a win.

The look I gave him was flat, "The Canadians will have to defend their own people before this august body, but they can also ask for assistance since it's also clear that I have a team prepared to provide not only aid but also deal with the problem."

"And how do we know that you weren't the one who created the problem in the first place." The Speaker tacked on cutting off what I was about to say. Then he looked around the United Nations room. "Does no one find it oddly convenient that such a thing would happen during our meeting?"

The speaker turned a smug look my way, but he just didn't know how wrong he was in this situation. With a smirk, I turned toward the Canadian delegates. "You can either tell him or I can, but I'm sure your Prime Minister has a lot that he might want to say, or allow you to say."

This sent up a buzz around the room, but I didn't say anything even as the smugness was wiped off the Speaker's face. Before I could say more though, a jet of sorts was descending on the village and out jumped alpha flight. Of course bastard Canada in marvel will have already had those dick heads gathered into a team. I made sure to show it to the whole world as Alpha flight's omnijet touched down just outside of the small city and they rushed out and into action.

It was easy to spot the moment the United Nations realized that Canada had not only their own hero team but also one of them was dressed up as Captain Canada. It was hard not to miss the man in the red and white suit, the massive maple leaf right there on his chest. I raised a brow as I noticed Snowbird but said nothing so I didn't give the game away. The guy who was clearly their version of Captain America made his speech and then launched them into the attack. With the screen split in two, it was easy to see that some cops were going around to evacuate one section of the city. On the news feed I was sharing with the room, it was reported as an ecological disaster because the politicians wouldn't tell the truth.

Saying nothing, I sat back and watched the show, and boy what a show it was. Their version of the Hulk jumped right into the fight with a midget man on his back carrying a big gun. He fought with one Wendigo and the guy on his back popped off a shot or two. The rest of the team split off and took on their own battles, but it was clear that they were at a disadvantage for the world to see. It was the midget that died first though as he was snatched off Sasquatches back and treated like a chew toy, Puck. Yeah, now I remembered for the old comics, the dude had a compressed genetic super trait. This made him a rubber human but also forced him to be short.

Welp, there goes Captain Maple syrup next and that chick with elf ears in green spandex. With a sigh, I looked at the Canadians and I noticed the one in charge had a grim look and his phone was still by his ear.

"Would you like some assistance now?" I asked even as we watched a small force of Wendigo leave the fight and head directly towards the city. The man looked directly into my eyes and gulped, then shook his head. The fool, whoever was on the phone with him should have warned against career suicide. The world just watched as Canada made a logical decision to refuse my aid.

With a shrug, I settled into my seat and had one of my maids bring me some popcorn. I was going to enjoy the show.

Some gave me stunned and shocked looks, but this was just a show for them, not my fault the universe also wanted to fuck them over a barrel. Shame Russia couldn't shut down my broadcast and neither could America. None of the big three could stop the signal and the world was going to watch.

I winced as Snowbird was bitched slapped out of the air, then chuckled as Captain Canada got mauled by two of the monsters. Twenty minutes in and I was kinda surprised at how valiant they were fighting, but everyone watching could tell that it was a losing battle. Puck had pulled back and did the whole super bounce towards the city where the other Wendigos were having a grand ole feast. The little pop guns the cops carried couldn't do shit.

A scream drew my attention to the Canadians and I found some of them looking pale, shifting my attention toward what they were looking at. With a raised brow, I kept my face neutral as one of the monsters was rutting the chick in green. Snowbird was limping and being covered by Northstar.


Looking around the room, my gaze shifted onto the Canadian's and I could see the whites of his knuckles as he gripped the desk he stood over. "PLEASE! We will accept your aid, please just… please!"

Then he dropped into his chair, all the energy drained out of him. A few more delegates around the room vomited as another monster joined the first and gave whoever that was the proper spit-roast treatment.

"Send the fire team," I spoke, my voice clear as the command rang through the room.

Bob Augustus Cole

The Emperor's favorite trooper.

With a gyration of his hips, Bob wiggled in a nice little circle as he made sure the joins and actuators were working just fine. For anyone watching and not knowing what he was doing, it would look like he was humping air, but Bob had no care. The great man that the Emperor was had given the first set of Terminator armor to Bob to test out and he sure was going to put it through the paces.

Then with a hand slapping to his crotch, Bob pulled a moonwalk back, spun on his heels, and let it rip,

"Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son!"


"Damnit Bob, quit it, you sound like a dying cat," Sera called as she smacked the surface of his armor, the force she used pushed him a little and drew his attention to the little bolter bitch. Sera, the feisty little thing, wasn't looking too pleased, but she would be alright. It wasn't that often the Saroetas were let off the leash and her combat scores were highly rated. It was time that some of them got blooded, it was just his luck though to get the grumpy one.

"Come on Sera, you know I gotta test out the armor." Bob chirped back even as he spun on the spot and then popped and locked his body, the armor moving with fluid grace.

Sera growled at him, "The standby area to the teleportation bay is not the place for that, sir."

Someone rumbled at his shoulders, "Hmm she's got you there boss."

He turned and gave Jax a look, the big man in his own Astarte armor just shrugged, the massive bolt gun lightly carried in his hand.

With a huff, Bob turned his nose up at them, "Fine! Such a tough crowd, can't even enjoy a light mood before combat."

With a roll of his eyes, Bob leaned against a wall and tuned into the fighting that was going on. It was clear that the Captain Canada guy was the leader of the team and was packing a mighty punch, but the man was too soft. The monsters had durability so the best way to deal with them was by the soft tissues. That would mean going for the eyes, and the mouth along with the genitals and asshole as vital areas of attack.

It was clear that with how the team performed in combat they had seen a lot of practice, maybe not a lot of combat. Yet, it was clear from their movements they were well-practiced. Then again, that just might be their downfall. As they watched things progress, Bob noticed Sera shake her head.

Sera grunted, "Their powers are good, but their weapons are shit, you noticed they haven't drawn blood yet, Jaxx?"

Hmm, so he wasn't the only one to have noticed that, the team was scraped up and bloody, but there was clearly nothing done to the monsters. They watched the battle for a little longer, then Bob shook his head at the sorry state of this so-called hero team. Then again, they never said that they were a hero team, even if they were in spandex out in the snow. It was when a few of the monsters left the little battle and moved to attack the civilians that Bob felt he might disobey orders and go help instead of waiting for the order.

Medics ran into the standby area and Bob had to push himself off the wall and get ready because it was clear they were about to enter combat.

"Sera, the city is yours, Jaxx back her up with mid to long-range support." Bob placed his orders before walking over and standing by the portal station.

He stood there, medics and his fireteam standing at the ready but the command never came for a time. When it came, Bob was more than ready to blitz the monsters, the portal opened along with a beep from the intercoms.

"Send the fire team."

"You've got your orders," Bob commanded as he bolted through the portal, the cold air hitting his lungs before his helm fully enclosed his head.

The boosters on his legs worked with each of his strides sending Bob across the land, his speeds easily clocking over eighty miles per hour. Within the span of a few seconds, Bob went from the outskirts of the city to combat with the Wendigo monsters.

With a thought, electricity rolled over his hands as the power fist of his armor activated. With a lowered shoulder, he slammed right into the Wendigo that was using the chick's face. Then the monomolecular claws popped out of the gauntlets and he swiped it through the neck of the other Wendigo.

"OHH YEAHH! YOU JUST GOT RUN OVER BY THE COLE TRAIN! BABY!" Bob crowed over the now two dead Wendigo monsters. Then he was off again with a boosted jet boot launch. Leaving the lady where she landed because he didn't want any of that gunk on his brand-new armor.

Bob came down hard on a Wendigo, his power fist blowing its back out nearly ripping it in half, "COME GET SOME! Bob Augustus Cole is HERE NOW, BABY AIN'T NO PLACE TO RUN NOW!"

Another got an elbow drop paired with the explosive release of his powerfist put the things head next to their heart as he moved to the next and then the next. It was a straight blitz and before he knew it, Bob was facing down the very last of the Wendigo and this boy was a big one, at least fifteen feet tall, with broad shoulders with muscles the size of Bob's head.


The Wendigo took off running hard.

"BWAHAHAHA, did you see that," Bob crowed at Captain Maple. "Did you see that shit run away, hahaha!"

"God damnit Bob."

Author's Note:

Something is gonna give with the United Nations, but I wonder what? So let me know what you guys think about the chapter down below.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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