Beginning of the end

Y/n and Jennie are sisters there parents passed away when they are at age 7 those both grew up in a orphanage when they are in school BTS and these two girls are friends even after BTS becoming famous they did not stop talking to these girls.....

Y/n and Jennie are working as editors when y/n is working she got a text from Taehyung text says

"Are you free to night? If u r free let's go to dinner together"

She replied she will come that night Tae told y/n that he is love with her and y/n accepted it

Lately.... Y/n left jen and started living with Tae.... It's a Saturday night Jennie and yoongi went to a movie together when movie is over both came out ( its actually a date) Jen told she want to go wash room when she is going a green short monster attacked Jennie. Jen almost died but yoongi came and burned it with his eye sight he took Jen to his home and healed her but she is unconscious that next day he went to Taehyungs and y/n s house.... He knocked the door y/n came out and greeted with A smile yoongi said

" Hi y/n Tae is at home?"

Then y/n said

"No oppa he went out with joon oppa"

Meanwhile Tae came home

Tae told

"hyung what brings you here? U came after many days u should have lunch and go"

Yoongi said

" y/n can u give us a moment?"

Y/n said

" yes oppa I'll make both of you lunch ok?"

Both of them nodded y/n went inside

Tae said

" hyung what happened?"

Yoongi said

"Goblins are coming Tae Jennie almost died yesterday night its time to say to y/n the truth"

Tae said

"hyung what are u saying if I say her she will leave me hyung"

Yoongi :

" if u will not say her u can't keep her safe u fool now go and tell her"

Tae :

" hyung I have no courage to say u say it instead of me"

Yoongi :

" ok"

Y/n called both of them. They went inside and started eating


" oppa how's the lunch!?"

Yoongi :

" it's really amazing even Jen can't make food like u"

Y/n :

" oppa did u say Jen!? Are u both are dating!..?"

Yoongi :

" something like that..... But yeah we are... But y/n we need to tell u a thing but 1st promise us u will not shout or panic or cry or run and keep it a secret"

Y/n :

" oppa u r really scaring me ok I promise now tell me"

Yoongi started to speak

" y/n we bangtan are not humans we are demons and now u r in danger goblins may kill u they already attacked Jennie last night she is...."

Tears started flowing from his eyes

Y/n is so shocked looked at Tae but Tae kept looking at his plate all the time


Tae look what oppa is saying is it all true!!!?

Suddenly a goblin appred and started eating y/n yoongi burned the goblin Tae went and kissed y/n's hand and hand got healed y/n is so shocked

Y/n : "oppa take me near my sister!!"

Y/n started to cry everyone got in a car went to house yoongi said y/n Jennie is in his room y/n rushed there yoongi told Taehyung that there Manger is a demon to but jungkook and jimin burned him with a plan..

When y/n entered the room she hugged Jennie and started to cry tears fell on Jennies face Tae dragged y/n to his room

Y/n :

Tae leave me Jen need me

Tae :

Y/n I'm sorry

He hugged her tight and started to cry

Y/n : why did u lied me Tae why didn't you tell me this!

She is still crying

Tae : I tought you will get scared and leave me

Y/n : you pabo! Why will I leave you!!! I love u more than u love me

Meanwhile jungkook came shouted

JK : ya!! Both of stop drama for a sec and come Jennie is awake

Y/n rushed when Jen saw her she rushed and hugged her Jen asked

" y/n please tell me what's going on"

She spoke these words while crying

Y/n: guys can u give us a moment?

BTS left the room.....

Y/n told Jen everything......

Jen : they lied to us but why?

Y/n : just to keep u and me safe

Jen : y/n do u remember our moms diary?! It use to glow in night

Y/n : yes!! Don't u think mom use to say demon stories and these things are matching and mom use to say answers for u r future problems will in this diary

Jen : y/n to night let's go to Busan and find our moms diary ok!?

Y/n : ok