Light at the end of the tunnel

Every laned on top of goblins bangtan lost there powers in goblin world because of goblins magic barrier. They saw y/n is tied with magical loops. Jen shouted

Jen :


Every one's attention turned towards 8 of them

Y/n :

Jen what are you doing here!?

Jen :

We came here for you pabo!!! What are you doing here!!?

Gob king :

Kill every one here except this girl let's show these demons what happens when demons enters goblin world without my permission!!!!

Jen :

Ya! You ugly looking thing! U think you can defeat me!? If u think so I'm sorry baby u can't defeat me!

Y/n :

Jen please don't fight... U have to believe me.

But hen didn't listen to her. Goblins used magical loops but failed Jennie used her power.


Jen please stop for me!!!!

Jennie stopped. Gob's took it as advantage and catched everyone in magical loops

Y/n :

Jen u have to belive me.. I'm doing this for u and for us



Y/n looked back at gob king and said.

Y/n :

You have to trust me Jen I'm doing this for u... I'm doing this for us..

Jen :

Fine.... If something goes wrong I promise this world will be no more.

Tae :

Y/n no u shouldn't!

Y/n :

Tae please stop u have to believe me and gob king u have to belive me to

Gob king :

I'll give you a chance to prove yourself but if anything goes wrong these demons will not live I'll start from him

He pointed at Tae... Then y/n told

Y/n :

OK but 1st free me and Jen

Gob king freed y/n and Jen from magical loops then y/n started to speak. Y/n told him about her mom's diary and incidents and he listened carefully


Now tell me is there is any way to contact my mom or dad I know goblins have special power.

Gob king :

There is a way to contact your dad but it's very dengerous

Jen is so surprised and asked y/n

Jen :

How did u know this much about goblins and goblin world!?

Y/n replied


It's written in mom's diary I'm sure that mom use to have some connection with goblin world

Y/n looked at gob king and asked

Y/n :

Gob king if u don't mind could u tell us how gob qeen died?

Gob king :

Demon king killed her!

He said with a furious tone



Gob king :

Deomon king used some goblins to kill humans 1st he promised to qeen that once humans are finished demons and goblins can rule the world but he know our qeen will never agree for that he used some charms and made her fall for him he made her to do bad things but when she asked him to marry her he killed her from then we are biggest rebels for demons

Jen :

Dad's book is completely different!

Y/n :

Jen I knew somthing was wrong we listened to only demons perspective but not goblins

Y/n herd Tae is shouting with pain

Y/n :

Please have mercy on then u r highness please leave them they even lost there powers

Gob king signeld to release them But keep them behind the bars

Y/n looked at gob king who is deep in his toughts and spoke

Y/n :

U r highness is there is any way to contact the dead!?

Jen :

Well.. Y/n... Dad spell book says that gob magic can take to souls world but...

Y/n :

What but!?

Jen :

There is a problem u may struck there forever

Gob king spoke

Gob king :

Yes Jen is right... There is cave in the gob forest where strong and dark souls survive but u can stay there only 10m but if they know u r not a soul u will die and there is a crystal called wishing hell if u wish near it u can talk to u r father

Jen spoke

Jen :

Jen I have a charm it is soul charm.... It helps

Y/n and had a big argument about who should go to cave

Jen :


Y/n :

That's a good girl

Jen and y/n hugged each other and started to cry suddenly therd a strange noise they looked in that direction and saw goblin king sobbing seeing there love

Y/n :

Before leaving can I talk to Tae?

Gob king said yes

Y/n walked hear Tae y/n looked in his eyes and sawed him crying as he said with crying

Tae :

Please don't go y/n

Y/n placed her hands on his cheeks wiping his tears and said

Y/n :

I have to...

Tae :

Why do u always leave me like this?


Sorry I'm really a big trouble for u..

The she pulled him close and kissed him on lips more tears stared flowing from both there eyes with that y/n left

Gob king :


Y/n :


With that a portal open then y/n jumped in it