the final fight

Then y/n fell unconscious Tae lifted her up and took her to the room everyone followed except yoongi and Jen.

Yoongi :

Jen let's go out ok?

Jen :


Yoongi :


Jen :


Yoongi and Jen explored the whole goblin kingdom but suddenly Jen fell unconscious

Yoongi :

Hey Jen! Wake up!

He took her to the goblin doctor

Gob doc :


Yoongi :

Why doctor?

Gob doc :


Yoongi :


Gob doc :


Yoongi and goblin doctor catched there hands and started to dance... Yoongi bowed and went with Jen to say others this news

( at y/n's room)

Y/n finally woke up

Tae immediately hugged her and y/n hugged him back

Tae : I'm glad nothing happened to you

Y/n didn't say anything but stared to cry

Tae : did your dad said u couldn't save Jen?

Y/n nodded and cried out loud meanwhile yoongi enterd the room and Jen followed him

Yoongi : guys!!!! Guess what happened!

RM : what?

Yoongi : you all are going to get a little neece or nefew! Jen is pregnant

Y/n tried to stop her tears but couldn't help herself.... Everyone is sad by hearing it but they pretend to be happy...

Jin : okok if people should accept u r baby legally means 1st u both should get married....

Yoongi and Jen looked at each other and blushed and nodded there heads... Later y/n said goblin king about marriage...

Gob king :

Y/n couldn't Jen get married here?

Y/n :

Yes.... But

Gob king :

Y/n please plan her wedding tomorrow here

Y/n nodded her head and left from there

( next morning)

Y/n : Jen you're looking so beautiful in wedding dress

Jen : thanks babe

( yoongi enters the room)

Y/n : oppa! You can't ruin my 2hrs effort like this now only!! Ruin her lipstick after wedding

She pushed him out and locked the room

At wedding :

Father :

Min yoongi do you accept Kim Jennie as your wife?

Yoongi : yes I do

Father :

Kim Jennie do you accept min yoongi as your husband?

Jen :

Yes I do

Father :

Now groom may his his bride

Yoongi and Jen will kiss each other passionately that night king arranged a ball to honor yoongi and Jen that night every one has good time meanwhile Tae starts hugging y/n y/n : ya! What are you doing!?

Tae stars giving her butterfly kisses but suddenly they turn into rough kisses leaving marks

(next morning)

Y/n woke up and saw Tae Tae sleeping beside her peacefully.. What happened last night hit her like wet bale of hay and she giggled she walked near the window and started thinking how to save she felt two strong arms hugging her from the back she know who is it

Y/n :

Tae leave me now... I have to take a bath

Tae giggled

Demon king came to know that Jen married yoongi he sended few demons to destroy goblin barriers and they did that he sended a message to goblin king that he is attacking goblin kingdom

Jen : I'm also coming to war

Yoongi : no u r not

Jen : ya!

Y/n : he is right u r not coming anywhere

Jen tried to go out but y/n casted some spells and created a barrier around Jen

Y/n : Jen I'm sorry I have to do this

Jen : no y/n I'm coming with you

With that everyone left

Jen is trying to break the barrier

( at war)

All the demons from coming from a portal like ants from a hole there is a deadly war going between demons and goblins... Blood is flowing like rivers everywhere it seemed to be red with blood y/n's heart is breaking by seeing that BTS is fighting against the demons goblin strength is decreasing... Demon king came towards y/n

Demon king : well well well what we have here

Y/n grabber her sword tightly

Demon king tried to hit her but she defended

Y/n : it's not so easy to kill me

Demon king : I won't kill u now 1st I'll kill your loved ones he pointed at Tae. he started to suffer from pain. y/n hitted him with sword meanwhile Jen used all of her strength and breaks the barrier and came to no man's land she saw demon king is about to kill her from back she entered in middle... At the Blink of an eye she is dead.. Her dead body is lying on ground

Y/n : nooooooo!!!!!

Y/n busted into tears...

Y/n :

I told you to stay away but why...

Yoongi saw that from distance

Yoongi : noooooooooooooooo!!!!

He shouted and started to kill demons like a machine... Suddenly goblin Sherman shouting only way to kill him is destroy the crystal wolf on goblin hill y/n started to run near it and demon kill followed her she finally reached near that wolf she grabbed her soward to hit... In a fraction of second that wolf broken into pieces

Demon king : no!!!!!!

With that he dissappeard

Y/n came back near jen's dead body.. Yoongi holded her in his hands

Yoongi :

Jen please come back

He started to cry in pain... Y/n fell down on her knees and started to cry

Y/n :

I'm sorry Jen I failed to rescue you....

Suddenly she remembered Jennie's words


Little jen:

Y/n... Listen u have the power of bringing back people to life in

Little y/n :

Stop it

They both giggled

( present)

Y/n :

You told I have power to bring back people to life.... I hope you're words are true

Y/n casted a life spell with that all goblins stood alive but Jen is still unconscious or dead... 5 minutes passed but no response... Y/n is about to fall on ground but Tae holded her..

Y/n :


She screamed her tears fallen on her face.... Jen slowly opened her eyes....

Jen :

Y/n..... Are.... U.... OK.....?

Yoongi :


Y/n saved Jen but she failed to save her baby... Later on y/n became queen for 3 worlds and started to rule them.. Yoongi and Jen got twins this time.... 3 years passed Crystal wolf is becoming normal again... Who knows what happens next!?